The escalation league kicked off and my first 15
point game was against a Cryx army, simple mission, just kill the warcaster.
Now this isn’t a battle report, just what I came away from the game with. While
I have never played a proper game of warmachine before I have read over the
rule and I thought I knew what I was doing, I was wrong.
I took the following list:
Feora, protector of the flame
Vanquisher heavy warjack
Repenter light warjack
5 Exemplar cinerators
And the Cryx player brought (I think)
Witch Coven of Garlghast & the Egrogore
The game kicked off with cryx going first and moving
forwards and I responded in kind. To stop the Seether getting a favourable
charge, I sacrificed a single cinerator to act as a speed bump against the
Seether. The seethe murdered the lone exemplar but he was then out in the open
and the rest of the examplars charged in and destroyed the seether in a single
round of combat. That was surprising and helped a lot.
The Mechnithralls charged into the repenter and
crippeled both of its arms. The Vanquisher charged in to help the repenter but I
changed my mind next turn and it walked out of combat but only took 3 damage
from the free stike. The vanquisher destroyed a Nightwretch in combat in a
single turn with a very lucky boosted roll.
I got a little over confident after the examplars set
2 of the mechanithralls on fire, I used Feoras feat and set 2 witched on fire.
I then used fire step and moved in a rather stupid manor so the witches where
no longer in her command range. So one of the witches fires went out and the
other took a fire damage.
Eventually I managed to kill everything bar a
nightwretch and the witches but I lost the game as the wretch killed my
warcaster in a daring last ditch attempt.
So my first game was a loss, but he only had 2 models
left and I had both the warjacks, and a single examplar.
Learning from loss
I found my first game really great, it was very close
and if I hadn’t made a few little mistakes I recon I might have won. I am very
slow at playing and I missed a few little rules which my opponent was gracious
enough to help me with.
As I have only ever played warhammer its hard not to
compare the games, e.g. the spray template is somewhat similar to the flame
template of 40k but the two act very differently. I just assumed that spray
attacks automatically hit, which of course they don’t in warmachine. I need to
be able to separate the two games from each other, which will come in time, but
right now I might get a little confused.
Keeping the warcaster alive! I need to make sure my
warcaster if safe at all times, with some sort of body guard or hidden out of
sight. If I was able to hide her a little better I might have lasted one more
turn and killed off the witches.
Also I learnt some cryx related things, next time I play
against Cryx I need to take out the Arc nodes as quickly as possible. It was
because of those I lost this game. The little buggers are hard to hit but go
down easily. The mechanithralls fold like paper so they weren’t to much to
worry about.
Anyway I really enjoyed the game and I can’t wait to
play the next game in the league. I will be facing Circle of Orboros. Going in
blind, that’s how I'm playing it.
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