A quick injection of Warhammer fantasy for you guys today, a bit of a
spare of a moment game against my friends high elves. 1500 points, battle line
game using a goblin only army. Now it’s been quite a while since we have both
played fantasy so if you spot any mistakes, and their will be mistakes, please
forgive us.
Well we only decided to play this game about a day before so not to
much time to prepare and get a good army in time. But I though it would be a
good excuse to use a goblin army. Now before I wrote my army list I decided to
look back over my old games and article to see what I felt I needed to do when
I was playing fantasy on a regular basis. And looking at it, it was mainly orc
based. So lets ignore most of that and go onto the goblins!!!
Goblin army 1500
Goblin Warboss – 121
Great weapon, armour of destiny
Night goblin great shaman – 155
Level 3, sceptre of stability (sneaky stabbin, gork’ll fix it, curse
of the bad moon)
Goblin bigboss – 109
Bsbm great weapon, armour of silvered steal
Night goblin bigboss – 36
Great weapon, light armour
Night goblin bigboss – 34
Great weapon
58 Night goblins – 264
Nets, spears, musician, standard, fanatic
42 Night goblins – 196
Spears, musicians, standard, 2 x fanatics
6 trolls – 210
Arachnarok spider – 290
Rock lobster – 85
And that was my army list. I aimed to hold the combat units in place
with the large blocks of goblins while the spider and trolls hopefully smash
the flanks of the enemy’s army. The rock lobber will just target what ever
units I can, hopefully getting a kill or 10. I'm a little worried that as I
only have two infantry blocks and a troll unit that I could be in trouble if
the enemy has a lot of units to out manoeuvre or flank charge me.
High elves 1501
Prince – 264
Great weapon, armour of celdar, vambraces of defence, talisman of
locc, stead
Noble – 164
Bsb, heavy armour, white sword, talisman of protection
25 spearmen – 240
Standard, musician
25 spearmen – 240
Standard, musician
15 swordmasters – 243
Standard, musician
5 dragon princes – 150
2 repeater bolt throwers – 200
And that’s the elf army, quite small and only a few threats, the
prince, the swordmasters and the dragon princes are going to be the issues
here. The spearmen can be an issue if I fail a fear test or two, but hopefully
I should be fine. With no mage I was very surprised and felt I wasted 15 points
I could have spent better, never mind.
The game was the first mission, battle line, in case you missed it
We rolled for set up and the high elves won and started to deploy
first. When that was completed we rolled to see who goes first and the high
elves won. So they go first...
High elf turn 1
The first turn was just a march fest, with the prince, dragon warriors
and both spearmen marching forward. The swordmasters move to the right to
protect the bolt throwers. With no magic, straight to the shooting phase. Both
bolt throwers target the spider, but only 1 hits and deals a single wound to
the beast.
Goblin turn 1
I pass all my animosity and stupidity tests (always a good start) so I
can fully control my army for this turn. Both goblin blocks move forward to
face the spearmen, the smaller block how ever having to move to the right to
get around the rocks in front of them. The trolls carry on escorting the
general on the flank and move forward. The spider moves to its left to face the
dragon princes.
Magic phase and its 3 power vs 2 dispel. I cast gork’ll fix it on the
dragon princes successfully, by passing the dispel attempt. Following this up
with sneaky stabbin the shaman rolls a 1 for his mushroom die, poisoning
himself. So the shaman is down to 2 wounds.
Shooting from the rock lobber targets a block of spearmen, but the
shot scatters 4 inches only clipping a single spearman, killing him under the
shards of rock. That wasn’t a great shot...
To finish the shooting the
goblins on the back of the spider shoot at the dragon princes, wounding 1, but
failed to penetrate the armour.
High elf turn 2
The first charge of the game comes from the prince charging the rock
lobber. I don’t see that going well. I expected the dragon princes to charge
the spider at this point, where I could eat them happily. But I was surprised;
the tricky elves run past the spider out of its charge range. The swordsmen hold their ground while the
spearmen march to the goblins still, but get too close triggering the fanatics.
Unfortunately both fanatics get thrown 6 inches and stay just outside the spearmen.
Shooting and both bolt throwers shoot at the trolls but only manage to
deal 1 wound, which gets regenerated, so no harm done.
Combat and as expected the prince murders the crew and holds. No more
rock lobber for me.
Goblins turn 2
I roll for animosity and my big
block of night goblins with general and bsb squabble. Not the worst thing in
the world but not great. Declaring charges and the goblins not currently
killing each other charge into the high elf spearmen right in front of them,
the elves hold their ground. The fanatics then move, one of them dyeing as it
spins into some rocks, the other goes though my goblins, killing two of them.
Not too bad. The trolls move forward but stay within 12 of the general, as I
will need his leadership for their stupidity. The spider, with nothing to see,
moves forward not allowing itself to be kited around all game by the dragon
princes. And finally the shaman, seeing an opportunity to kill some pesky
knights, moves to their flank.
Magic phase started well with winds ending up 8 vs 4, the shaman
attempts to case cures of the badmoon on the dragon princes, attempting to
remove them from the game. I roll well but get a 1 on my mushroom die, getting
a bad mushroom, failing the cast... brilliant. The other spells fail.
Combat phase saw the goblins fighting the spear elves, I lost 9 gobbos
to the pointy ears but managed to kill 6 as well. Unfortunately I lost combat
by 1, no worries, I'm steadfast I though, rolling a 10, again not a problem, I am
in range of my bsb... no. I was not, the rank removed by the elves effectively
left me out of range of the bsb, by less than half an inch. So my goblins run
for their lives. The goblins manage to escaper rolling 12, they have a chance
to regroup.
High elves turn 3
Both the Prince and the spear elves attempt to charge the fleeing
goblins. They both catch them and destroy the poor goblins. The sword masters
move back from the trolls, afraid of what they will do to them. The princes
keep moving around my back field to mess around with my army. The spear elves
that didn’t charge the feeling goblins move around the rocks to threaten the
goblins flank. They then activate the fanatic from the goblin unit, who lands
just out of range.
Both bolt throwers then target the trolls, hitting, 1 wounding, but
again getting regenerated. The trolls are doing quite well so far.
Goblin turn 3
Animosity again, the goblins pass and the trolls are fine. Measuring
how far the trolls are from the swordmasters they would need to get double 6 to
charge the elves. That’s not going to happen so they move back. The goblins
attempt a swift reform but fail, only managing to reform to face the spearmen
and the price, if the dragon prices charge them in the flank, they will have to
deal with it. The spider reforms to face the flank of the goblins so that if
they are charged by the dragons they spider can attack the dragon princes. The
shaman moves to threaten the dragon princes again. The fanatic moves one
killing 2 elves the other just swinging around.
Magic is 3 v 2. The shaman manages to get badmoon cast, the vortex
moves 16 inches right over the dragon princes, just missing the prince. Two
dragon princes die form the spell but hold.
Shooting from the spider targets the dragon princes, doing nothing,
its not surprising really.
High elf turn 4
Both bolt throwers decide to change to multiple shots, targeting the
trolls and this time manage to get a single wound past the regeneration save.
Combat and the night goblins use their nets on the larger spear elf
unit. The prince issues a challenge which is accepted by the bigboss, who is
destroyed by the superior swordsman. The whole round goes past; I lose about 11
goblins and in the end lose combat by 15. But thanks to being steadfast and
with the bsb re-roll I hold. That should be enough to keep the elves in place
for a turn or two.
Goblin turn 4
The trolls pass their stupidity test but hold their ground as they
cant really move out of the generals range. The spider charges into the flank
of the dragon princes. A fanatic dies rolling a double for his move.
Magic is 6 v 5, I manage to cast gork’ll fix it on the large spearmen
unit but it gets stopped. However sneaky stabbin gets cast on the spider, and
gets through, that’s a lot of re-rolls.
Combat, once again the prince issues a challenge, and reluctantly the
general accepts, I hoped that the 4+ ward will help him survive. The prince
deals 4 wounds to my general but I manage to save two of them. I lose about 6
goblins, the nets on the spear elves helps a lot. The spider attacks the dragon
princes and kills all 3 of them, that many re-rolls just makes the spider an
avalanche. The goblins kill a few elves. I manage to win by 4 some how, all the
hold apart from the small spear elf unit who runs.
High elf turn 5
The running spear men keep on running so they aren’t much of a worry, unfortunately
they aren’t off the board yet.
Shooting and the bolt throwers target the trolls again with multiple
shots, dealing 3 wounds, my regeneration saves are starting to fail me at this
Combat and rather expectedly my general gets murdered by the elf price
in the challenge. I'm not surprised, you shouldn’t be either. How ever, the
spear elves fail to kill any goblins (that you should be surprised at) thanks
to the nets. Seizing the opportunity my goblins kill 4 elves, meaning I win the
combat, but they both hold.
Goblins turn 5
With the general dead, the trolls take their stupidity test, not
expecting much to happen, even with a re-roll. They fail as expected and wonder
forward doing nothing. The spider moves around to get into range and arc of the
elf prince so next turn he can help out.
Magic phase gives me 9 die to 5, and I cast gork’ll fix it on the spearmen
again, this time with irresistible force, and the miscast takes a second wound
off my shaman, leaving him with 1.
Combat and once again the price issues a challenge, but I refuse this
time, I don’t want my pretty bsb dieing on me. So the prince kills 4 goblins
while I kill 4 elves (the spearmen again do nothing). I win the combat but the
prince flees from combat leaving the elf spearmen to take the brunt of the
goblin attack. Not too bad.
High elf turn 6
The prince manages to rally and moves out of charge range of the
spider. The sword masters still hold their ground (waste of points really, but
so where my trolls... so I can’t really talk).
The running spearmen still run but only 2 inches so they are still on
the table.
The bolt throwers target the trolls dealing a single wound (yay
Combat and it carries on going my way, the elves deal nothing, I kill
5 of them leaving their number horrifically small. This makes them run and I manage
to catch them killing them.
Goblin turn 6
I can’t do anything to change the outcome so I just pass it. No point
rolling dice when nothing will change.
We add up the victory points at
the end of the game and I managed to score 555 while my opponent scored 580. So
that’s a draw.
I cant help but feel I was very lucky to get a draw after all that. My
opponent got rather unlucky while I get very lucky. I need to start learning from
my mistakes.
The placement of the general is key here, I need
to know where he is and what is range is for his Ld bubble. If I hadn’t had let
the night goblin unit on my right stay out of range of him, I could have taken
out (or held up) the spear elves on the right and not had my general be triple teamed.
This would have allowed the trolls to be useful. But such is life.
The spider again was wasted I feel. If I had
just ignored the dragons and blitzed up the flank and gotten to the
swordmasters and bolt throwers it could have made its points back. But instead
it go stuck going round in circles. I need to be better with him.
I am not pleased with goblin magic, yes its
cheap but I need more than 1 caster to guarantee getting some good spells. I am
also tempted to pay the little extra for a goblin shaman. I know he doesn’t get
the mushroom die which really helps get past better mages but having rolled a 1
twice this game, it makes me wonder if paying for the reliability of knowing what
is going to happen (haha with magic, that’s a laugh).
And goblins are awesome... just though I would
let you know. They did very well this game and held up some much better opponents.
I need to play more fantasy.
I got lucky I
know, but shut up, let me have this one.
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