Friday, 21 December 2012

List Evolution III: The next level

So once again its time to look at my Eldar list and see what i can do to improve it. This list went 0-2 against Space marines and chaos space marines. Not a great record, but doesn't have anything that can be salvaged?

 First of all lets have a look at the current list that i was using:

Farseer – 140 (warlord) 
Runes of witness, Runes of warding, Spirit stones, guide, mind war (just to swap)

Karandras - 215

5 Pathfinders – 120

8 Dire avengers – 96

3 War walkers – 180
6 x scatter laser

6 Fire dragons – 96

Falcon – 135
Missile launcher

Fire prism - 115

Dark Eldar

Haemonculus – 55 
Venom blade

10 warriors – 115
blaster, syberite

5 wyches – 60
Haywire grenades

Venom – 65
2 x splinter cannon

Ravager – 105
3 x dark lance

What have i learnt so far with this list? After the two games the following issues cropped up both times.

Karandras - While he can kill marines by the score he has difficulty taking out terminators or monstrous creatures and surviving. Attacking at Initiative 1 really makes he a liability when he faces AP 2 weapons. Other wise he's great  most things bounce off him and hes fine. Again the way i used him, alone, he is also vulnerable to plasma guns etc.. So unless i buy him a scorpion body guard he has to be dropped. (hint: I'm not going to do that) 

Path finders - For the prince, they disappointed me. Back in 3rd edition i loved path finders, back when they had a ranger disruption table (god i loved that table) i used two units every game. But now i think i will have to reduce them down to rangers. As has been pointed out to me on forums and comments, they only have a few targets, Monsters, 2+ save infantry  and sniping special weapons. So if i keep a small squad i will see what happens. 

Wyches - While they are useful with the haywire grenades i might have to drop them in order to get more dark eldar warriors. I really liked the warriors so i will just get more and see what happens. 

So what do i think my list can benefit from? I defiantly have a lack of combat presence, that is very obvious. So what do i go for? 3 options are available to me, banshees, harlequins or incubi. I think AP 2 would be great for the army so Incubi will have to win it for me. 

With the additional points from the wyches i want to either add a second unit of dark eldar warriors, or boost my current one up to 20 strong. But which? As a lot of games are objective based i might have to go for the second squad so that i can stand a chance at grabbing more objectives. 

The final though, do i drop the tanks? they are dying quite quickly for me so do i keep them or drop them? I know i want to keep them in any list i use, so for now i will, but if they get destroyed quickly again i will have to drop them. So that's what i'm aiming for, what can i get for my 1500 points?

Eldar/Dark Eldar 1500

Farseer – 140 (warlord) 
Runes of witness, Runes of warding, Spirit stones, guide, mind war (just to swap)

5 Rangers - 95

9 Dire avengers – 108 

6 Fire dragons – 96

Falcon – 135
Missile launcher

Fire prism - 115

3 War walkers – 180
6 x scatter laser

Succubuss – 75 
Venom blade, Haywire grenades

10 warriors – 100
Splinter cannon

10 Warriors - 100
Splinter cannon

8 Incubi - 176

Raider - 70
Dark Lance, Night shield

Ravager – 115
3 x dark lance, night shield

So that's my list, how do you think it will do? It has a combat squad which can kill anything with str 4 AP 2 attacks. I have the succubuss to hang in my units to counter charge. The ravager, Prism, and falcon can take out any tanks with fire dragons as back up. Then i have plenty of anti-infantry shots with the warriors and walkers. That;s my plan any way.


  1. I would consider fortune on the Farseer for re-rollable saves and guide to re-roll to shoot.

    A Shuri-Serpent sure would be nice over a Falcon, roll up unload Dragons, enemy tank goes boom and then Shuri-Serpent unleashes dakka. Cheaper than the Falcon only 110 points.

    Fire Prisms come in pairs like anything else and you should have six War Walkers.

    Succubus is a pretty meh HQ. Consider Baron Sathonyx, he is very cool.

    Throw your Warriors into Raiders with splinter racks; dudes in 5+ armour on foot will be gunned down even if they are sitting at the back. Also will give armour saturation.

    Really, D.E aren't adding to your list. All you're doing is taking some evil elves with poison weaponry and that's it. You should use allies to plug gaps in your army.

    If you check I.D I played a guy called Dave Hunter a few months ago. He used D.E with Eldar allies. He used several Venoms and Ravagers and his Eldar allies plugged the gap with a big unit of Wraithguard along with Eldrad, Shadowcon and Baron. This was his hammer unit, expensive, but very evil.

    1. I just played a game with this list and i agree, the prism might have to get dropped unless i get a second one.

      How come you say the succubus is meh? i swapped her weapons for a venom blade, and she did really well considering her price. Easily made her points back as shes cheap.

      I'm defiantly going to get some radiers with racks if i keep the warriors. Something about my army just doesn't work, i cant quite put my finger on it but its just not right. Maybe i should go parent list dark eldar with eldar allies... i don't know.

  2. if yo udont mind being 1pt over do something like this:

    Farseer w/ Fortune, Runes- 100
    x10 Wraithguard, Conceal- 396
    x5 Pathfinders- 120
    x5 Pathfinders- 120
    Night Spinner- 115
    x3 Walkers, Scatter Lasers- 180

    The Baron- 105
    x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
    x5 Wyches, Haywires, Venom- 125
    Ravager, Nightshields-115

    I think this can solve your AT issues and puts out a good number of AI shots.

    1. Interesting list, but i dont own a night spinner. Whats the game plan for an army like this?
