Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Evolving list: Breeding a bigger beast

Its time again to have a look at my current list and see what i can do to it improve it once more. But a little different this time round as i have been asked a few times to play a larger game to which i have suggested we play 1500 instead. It would be good to have a set list for larger games instead of just cobbling 500 points onto an existing list. So click and see what i can come up with... 

Looking back over the list i have been using it’s not done to badly so far. For the list click here. It has only had two games, to be honest i though i had used it more, the games:

Game 1: Blood angels - The relic

It was a victory but only just, after some bad placement on my half the dark eldar warriors did very little and i had to rely on the wraithguard to do the heavy lifting and grab the relic. The war walkers didn’t do great but i have confidence in them, provided co ordinate them right.

Game 2: Death guard – Purge the alien

This was another victory; quite a close one after a unit of rampaging spawn devastated my troops. Having a unit of warriors with dark lance should have been useful this game but again they did little, and then just died to spawn. The war walkers did better so they will be kept.

Anyway only to new list! I will be honest not much has changed but a few little things have

WraithStar version 2.3

Farseer – 100 (warlord)
Fortune, runes of warding

10 Wraithguard – 396
Warlock, spiritseer, conceal

10 Guardians – 95
Scatter laser

5 Warp spiders – 110

3 War walkers – 180
Scatter lasers

2 War walkers – 120
Scatter lasers

Wraithlord – 155
Bright lance, missile launcher

The Baron – 105

5 Warriors – 60

Venom – 70
2 x splinter cannon, chain snares (because i have spare points)

Ravager – 105
3 x dark lance

So what has changed?
·         Wraithlord: Well the obvious thing that’s changed is that i now have a wraithlord instead of the 10 dark eldar warriors. By doing this i am keeping the anti-tank ability plus i have an extra missile to shoot. Instead of sitting on an objective though he will be supporting the wraithguard, so my opponents have to chose between shooting him with high strength weapons or the wraithguard, hopefully they will do a little to both so they both survive. If not at least one will be unmolested and deal its full potential of damage.
·         Warp spiders: I have dropped the unit down to 5 and left the exarch at home, in the last game they were forgotten about, showing they are not vital to the army. I am not dropping them as they are a very good unit, but i needed the points to free up for the wraithlord.
·         Night shield: again dropped for points, but it shouldn’t be in range of 24 inch weapons, and the 6 inches wont affect 48 inch range. The only issue is things with 36 inches, but i will live with that, they have more important things to shoot at anyway.

That’s the new list, comments and criticisms?

On to the new stage, making the list 2000 points was a little more difficult than i expected. I knew that i wanted to add more shooting, but also add in a combat unit so i can make on multiple terminator units or other scary things like that at 2k. Granted the list could be utter rubbish as i don’t play 2k points very often. Anyway onto the list:

WraithStar 2k

Eldrad – 210 (warlord)

10 Wraithguard – 396
Spiritseer, conceal

10 guardians – 95
Scatter laser

5 Fire dragons – 80 (in falcon)

5 Warp spiders - 110

3 war walkers – 180

3 war walkers – 180

Falcon – 135
Missile launcher

The Baron – 105

10 Warriors – 100
Splinter cannon

5 Warriors – 60

Venom – 65
2 x cannon

5 Incubi – 110

Venom – 65
2 x cannon

Ravager – 105
3 x lance

This list has 62 strength 6 shots, 12 strength 8 shots some of which are lance, others melta, 45 poison 4+ shots, 10 wraithcannon shots and a bunch of strength 4. On paper (well screen) it looks like it could be a good number of shots; however i still lack any real ant-air. Theoretically first turn should be my most powerful, having eldrad with the wraithguard at the back, he can guide both of the war walker squads, for 48 twin linked strength 6 shots. Later on in the game he can then doom units for the poison shots to get a re-roll.

The incubi are my combat unit, being ap 2 they can be scary, especially if i doom the unit they go after. I was tempted to use a beastmaster unit instead, but i don’t have the models so that was quite the deciding factor.

Anyway that’s my list, what do you think? I would appreciate as much help with the 2k list that you can give.

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