Friday, 17 January 2014

Tyranids 1500 list: Ignoring the rest of the internet!

I thought I would ignore the nay Sayers of the internet who say Tyranids suck, and have a go at creating my own tyranid list. And I’m happy with what I have made so far, I do want to try it out in the future, so I might borrow some tyranids from a friend of mine soon. The biggest thing that struck me about the new codex was that carnifex’s are cheap, very cheap, guess where this is going...

This list is for my normal points limit of 1500, it’s a first go with the new tyranids so it might not be as good as I hope, but we will see if I ever get to test it out.

Tyranid Prime – 145 (Warlord)
Sything talons, lash whip and bone sword

Tyranid Prime – 125
Sything talons, devourer

20 Termagants – 80
20 Termagants – 80

5 Genestealers – 70

Venomthrope – 45
Venomthrope – 45

5 Raveners – 175
Rending claws

5 Raveners – 175
Rending claws

2 Carnifexes – 280
Sything talons, Heavy venom cannon

2 Carnifexes – 280
Sything talons, Heavy venom cannon

Total: 1500

I know a few of you will be thinking, what the hell is this, a few of the choices are unorthodox, especially with the dual Primes. With their points going up I know people don’t like them at the moment but being able to hide them in a unit of 20 Termagants is priceless, and it makes it so much more survivable than having a tyrant going around on his own.

The raveners are in the swarm to force my opponents to make decisions, having 10 of them coming at you able to charge turn 2 is a horrible thing to face. Hopefully I will be able to get them out of synapse range turn 1 and in a peice of terrain, so when the shots fly at them, they can go to ground and survive. What’s even batter about going to ground is that the new instinctive behaviour rule says ‘all tyranids units outside of synapse range must take a leadership test unless they are: engaged in combat, falling back, HAVE GONE TO GROUND, or arrives from reserve this turn’ so they won’t have to take instinctive behaviour. Then turn 2 the primes walk forwards, get them into synapse range, become fearless and ignore going to ground, so they can move and charge that turn.

Genestealers, they are just there to outflank and grab an objective late game or attempt to go after a tiny unit which can’t shoot much. Yer they will die but we shall see.

Finally the Carnifex’s they should be able to take some punishment backed up by the venomthropes and having heavy venom cannons, they can put out a strength 9 blast, hopefully knocking out transports for the raveners to take out the troops inside. They will constantly be moving up the field then they can hopefully charge turn 3 or 4 and mop up everything that is left on the table.

That's the army, what do you guys think? Hopefully I will be able to test it out soon. 


  1. I like this first take, and 1500 points is a challenging size to build your list to, I have the following concerns:

    1. Flyers - By my count you have the Termagaunts & a Devourer that can shoot at flyers.
    2. Troops, you only have 3, and while two are Fearless I do wonder if its worth looking at additional troops.

    Also your Raveners look over priced, 5 of them with Rending claws come in at around 175 I think.

    I do like this, some good ideas I am almost certainly going to steal :-)

    1. Thanks for pointing the points out, i forgot to reduce it down, i originally had 6 per unit but had to drop one from each to make the point limit.

      Flyers might be an issue,but if i ignore them they might go away, you never know.

  2. While it's true that Tyranids that Go To Ground are immune to Instinctive Behavior tests, units that Go To Ground are still subject to morale tests and falling back if they fail that test. With only a 5+ armour save any attacks that ignore cover, like the prolific Eldar Wave Serpent Shield, will most likely tear right through them. With only 5 model squads merely losing 2 models sparks a morale test and with only LD 6 it's more likely than not that they will rout. To add insult to injury being classed as 'Beasts' means they will fall back 3d6, possibly more than they advanced in the previous turn. I don't think this tactic is going to work terribly well.

    Still, a very astute observation about units having gone to ground being immune to IB. This could be useful for large units out of Synapse range.

    1. I think you auto rally as soon as you become fearless so you would just rally on the edge of the synapse range right?

    2. Yes you would, allowing you to again move out of range if desired.

  3. Damn the torpedoes, man- full speed ahead!
    Y'know what hurts, other than Str6 to Str8 Ignore Cover Blasts, of course?
    That Raveners are so friggin' cool, but they only come in boxes of 3 for like 47 bucks list price from GW.
    And they still get erased by Missile Launcher Devs, they're still kinda overpriced (but since they're beasts it's kinda worth it), but at least they lost the re-rolls on their Scything Talons, I believe.
    Wait..none of those are good things...
    Still- coolest models out there...Like a Trygon's Lil' Brother.
    'Aw, so cute.Look, he's smili- OHMYGOD HE'S EATING MY FACE!'

    1. I still think they may be useful if used right. Provided you dont leave them to exposed. But thats just theory right now.

      the models are great though.
