Again the
Eldar take on the Elysians but this time in a 1875 point game of
Cloak and Dagger. I haven't got much experience in mealstrom missions
so we decided to play one so we could both learn from it.
arms detachment
– 70 (warlord: ) w/ dire avengers
Destructor, Protect
9 Dire
Avengers – 117
Serpent – 135
field, twin-linked scatter laser
Guardians – 110
Serpent – 135
field, twin-linked scatter laser
6 Fire
Dragons – 132
Serpent – 135
field, twin-linked scatter laser
Swooping hawks – 96
7 Warp
spiders – 103
hunter – 180
Prism – 140
Lynx –
We knew
we were going to be playing a mealstrom of war mission so with this
list I wanted fast elements and hard hitting units. So taking wave
serpents filled both roles. The hawks and warp spiders should allow
me to grab objectives, while the fire prism and fire dragons can take
care of tanks. If I come across a lord of war the lynx should be able
to knock it out as well as hopefully destroying what ever unit isn't
in cover that needs to die.
Of Elysia
Combined arms detachment
Command squad (warlord: -1 enemy reserves)
of the fleet, long range ground scanner
command squad
grenade launcher, 4x grenade launcher
Grenade launcher,
Grenade launcher
weapon team
missile launcher
observers, 2x sniper rifles
(proxied by stormraven)
Gun Battery
D-99 Allied detachment
command squad
4x plasma
5 D-99
executioner squad
7man, 6x
melta gun
sentinel squadron
This list
was a bit of a test for my opponent, so he has a lot of proxy models
to test out the list as buying more elysian models is very expensive.
He has a lot more units coming in from reserve, so this will be a
difficult game, and the best manoeuvres will win the game. Also a
rather interesting thing he has in this list is -2 to enemy reserve
rolls thanks to officer of the fleet and the scanner. In this game
his warlord trait increases this to -3 so I will really struggle to
get anything in from reserve.
As its
mealstrom of war and we aren't really used to it, we had to check
everything. So first we set up the 6 objectives, and just threw them
around everywhere. Then rolling for deployment we got dawn of war, so
its nice and simple. Next the actual mission is Cloak and Dagger, so
3 cards each and we don't know what the other has.
Next we
roll for who picks deployment zone and the Elysians win the roll, and
select their deployment zone. He then deploys his force. At the back
In the ruins he places his Elysian Command squad. In the ruins to
their right he places the heavy weapons team with missile launchers.
Then on his left he places the D-99 Veteran unit so he has another
unit on the table. Next to the veterans on the other side of the
building, he places the tauros (cut out of the pick i'm afraid). All
of the fliers are in reserve, the drop sential unit starts in reserve
ready to deep strike as does the infantry squad. His elysian veteran
unit is held back ready to infiltrate.
deployment is a little restricted as I know he can just deep strike
next to me and destroy my harder hitting units. So with this in mind,
I place the lynx in the middle of the table surrounded by wave
serpents then my left of them I place the warp spiders for some added
protection. The hawks go right at the back ready to jump turn 1. I
place the fire from away from the missile launchers, next to the
tauros (probably a mistake).
his veterans, he places them out of sight behind the woods.
Fight: No
Steal the
Initiative: No
turn 1
dropped from above, the forward sentry guns combat drop in front of
the tanks, and don't scatter because of the veterans beacon. The
Valkyrie drops next to the warp spiders, and again doesn't scatter
because of the beacon. Damn. The D-99 veterans move up towards the
wall in front of them (with an objective) for cover while the regular
veterans move into the woods.
First the
sentry guns shoot at the closest wave serpent, which jinks, all 3
shots hit, 1 fails to do anything and the other 2 are saved. The
Valkyrie shoots at the warp spiders but fails to kill any one, so the
veterans in the woods fire at them and kill 1. Three krack missiles
target the fire prism but it jinks, and it takes no damage. Stepping
up the Tauros shoots at the prim but again it avoid all damage. I got
out of that turn unscathed.
Claim objective 3, claim objective 3, Ascendency (1 point)
3 – Eldar: 0
turn 1
guardians wave serpent (that was in front of the lynx) moves to the
objective held by the sentry guns. Trying to take another objective
the fire dragons wave serpent moves to my left (right in the photo)
to take the objective in the ruin. As i'm after ascendancy the fire
prism moves closer to the table edge to claim the other objective.
Warp spiders jump forwards towards the middle objective while still
able to shoot at the flier. The lynx turns to face the command squad
while the swooping hawks jump into the sky.
Aiming to
get slay the warlord and first blood, the lynx fires its Pulsar at
the command squad in the ruin, both shots hit and they go to ground.
Unfortunately I don't roll many 6's and I only 3 guys die including
the scanner. Shooting into the sky, the warp spiders attempt to
damage the Valkyrie but they do no damage, to finish their move they
battle focus and run to claim the objective in front of them.
Combining fire, the wave serpents shoot at the sentry guns and manage
to kill off 2 and reduce the last one to 1 wound.
Objective 1, Ascendancy (2)
3 – Eldar: 3
turn 2
comes in from reserve this turn. Both of the vendettas come in
straight for the Lynx while the vulture aims for the warp spiders. As
a back up for the vendettas, the drop sentinels go for a risky deep
strike right next to the lynx, and locks on, damn it. The D-99
command squad aim for the fire dragon wave serpent but scatters back
behind the ruin. The first infantry squad comes in by the warp
spiders and scatters off into the river. The second aim next to the
warp spiders and scatters onto the spiders and mishap, going back
into reserve. The platoon command locks on next to the fire prism.
Their isn't much room to move anymore so the Valkyrie moves off the
table. Moving out of cover the Tauros gets into position to target
the rear of the guardians wave serpent.
The lone
sentry gun targets the wave serpent closest to it, so the wave
serpent jinks, which was a good call as it would have penetrated its
armour. Trying to destroy the lynx, the sentinels fire their
mulit-meltas at it, but two of them hit the titan holo field instead
and the other just takes a single hull point off it. In a desperate
attempt to finish it off the vendettas both target the lynx but most
shots hit the hologram and end up only taking a single hull point off
it. Vendetta shoots at the warp spiders and kill off 6 of them with
ease, leaving 1 left. The sniper rifles in the veteran unit in woods
kills off the last spider gaining first blood. Shots from the tauros
shoots at the rear of the guardians wave serpent but it manages to
jink out the way. Plasma shots from the D-99 command squad shoots at
the rear of the fire dragons wave serpent and it gets a single
penetrating hit. The platoon command tries to grenade the fire prism
but fails to do anything.
Claim objective 5, Claim objective 5, first blood
6 – Eldar: 3
turn 2
in behind enemy lines the swooping hawks drop their grenades on the
enemy warlord and kills every one but the warlord. The guardians get
out of their wave serpent and go after the platoon command before
they do anything. Moving away from the melta threat the lynx moves
back a little.
kill off the platoon command before they can grenade the rear of a
vehicle. Before the sentinels can do anything the lynx tries to kill
them off but both shots scatter off, with only 1 hit which gets a 1
to damage, doing nothing. The hawks shoot at the warlord and manage
to do 2 wounds to him but he still lives. Focusing the prism, the
fire prism targets at the Tauros and explodes the buggy. The D-99
command squad gets murdered by the wave serpents.
Behind enemy lines
6 – Eldar: 4
turn 3
back for another go, the infantry squad left in reserve deep strikes
onto objective 4. the roar of the Valkyrie engines can be heard as
it comes back onto the table straight for the guardians. Turning to
take on a new threat, the vulture hunts down the swooping hawks. The
infantry on the ground spreads out and goes after the wave serpents,
attempting to grenade the tanks. With little room to manouver, one
vendetta sticks to its attacking run on lynx while the other pulls
away and goes after the fire prism.
phase and the veterans charge out the woods into the fire dragons
wave serpent but only manages to to score a single glancing hit.
Objective 4, behind enemy lines (3)
10 – Eldar: 4
turn 3
The wave
serpent up front moves after the warlord, that guy has been a hassle
long enough and must die. The others move away from the veterans and
the dire avengers jump out with the spiritseer after the closest
infantry squad. Trying to avenge the lynx the fire dragons get out of
their transport and runs straight for the sentinels.
psykic phase of the game and the spiritseer casts protect on the dire
avengers with ease. Next he throws 3 dice at destructor and get 3
6's, casting it but getting a perils. In the warp flame 8 of the
infantry die and the spiritseer rolls a 1, and gets sucked into the
warp after failing his leadership test.
the enemy warlord is slain after getting gunned down by wave serpent.
Running then gunning, the fire dragons shoot at the drop sentinels
and manages to explode 2 of them and reduce the other to 1 hull
point. With the spiritseer getting sucked into the warp, the dire
avengers spirits are not dampened and finish off the infantry squad
while the other is killed off by the combined fire of the the wave
serpents. The guardians attempt to finish off the damaged sentinel
but their shuriken fail to hit their mark.
take no prisoners (3), kingslayer (2), slay the warlord [Elysians:
Slay the warlord]
11 – Eldar: 10
turn 4
One of
the vendettas leaves the battle field while the other hunts a wave
serpent. Going into hover mode the Valkyrie drops off the
executioners and they go for the fire prism. The lone sentinel goes
after the closest wave serpent to him. Again the infantry get closer
to the wave serpents to use grenades on them. Vulture moves around.
Again the
D-99 veterans shoot at the guardians killing 1 more. Using their
ridiculous number of melta guns on the fire prism (it jinks) they
manage to shake it and destroys its shuriken catapults. Again the
punishing fire power of the vulture kills off another unit, this time
its the fire dragons. The heavy weapons team shoots at the closest
wave serpent, it jinks, but still takes a glancing hit. All three
lascannons from the vendetta target the wave serpent but it manages
to jink out the way.
phase and the infantry squad charge the fire dragons wave serpent and
wreck it.
king slayer (1)
12 – Eldar: 10
turn 4
the crimson hunter come in from reserve and goes towards the vulture.
The dire avengers move to attack the infantry that just wrecked the
wave serpent.
all of its weapons at the vulture, which jinks, all the crimson
hunter manages to do it blow off a lascannon. The dire avengers kill
a few of the infantry and luckily the sergeant is closest to them,
killing him. They then and run towards the objective in the ruin next
to them. The jinked wave serpent shoots at the vulture as well but
fails to do anything to it. As I can't do much with the fire prism
it snap shoots at the vendetta but it misses.
12 – Eldar: 11
turn 5
The last
of the guardians get killed while the lone sentry wrecks a wave
serpent. It takes all of the fliers to target the crimson hunter to
wreck it, but it still dies.
phase and the executioners charge into the fire prism, wrecking it
with krack grenades.
blood and guts
13 – Eldar: 11
turn 5
With only
a few dire avengers left they kill the D-99 command in the ruins with
them, while my last wave serpent grabs objective 4.
objective 1, objective 4
13 – Eldar: 13
We roll
to see if the game continues... it ends. So the Elysians get line
breaker to win the game.
14 – Eldar: 13
That was
a very close game, and well done to the Imperium for a close game.
That was
a very close game, which came down to bloody line breaker. A very
good and close game. I enjoyed trying a mealstrom mission for once
instead of an eternal war one, and it really does change the whole
game. This one I found enjoyable as we both kept getting similar
cards which I am sure balances out the game, but it could have gone
very differently if some of the cards had been different. It was
unfortunate losing the spiritseer as soon as he got out of his
transport to perils, but that's just how it goes sometimes, I can't
really complain, I can be bitter, but not complain. Anyway what did I
learn from this game?
- Objectives or kills: I found that I had a few choices in the game where it came down to do I kill an enemy unit, or do I go after an objective? A few times I may have made the wrong choice. It makes me think that mobility is a very important fact in this game type, so you can almost do both in a single turn. I need to figure out when I can afford the risk of not killing something now so I can gain a dew victory points, and vice versa.
- D weapons: They aren't the been all and kill all weapon they used to be, and I need to get used to it. I prefer it the way they are now, but I kind of forgot that cover can really bugger you up. I should have just targeted the lascannons turn 1 with the lynx and killed them off, leaving the wave serpents to take out command, or at least another unit instead. Keep that in mind next time, don't go gung ho thinking D can kill all.
- Fliers: While they are hard to target, they weren't as broken as some would make out. I think I did the right thing not focusing on them heavily this game, and taking out the infantry as they can't really take objectives. However they did force me to jink constantly.
that was a great game, and I look forward to trying out more
mealstrom missions in the future. I hope you guys enjoyed reading
this as much as I did playing it. And sorry for the poor quality
Wow, that was a lot closer than I thought it would be. Looked like a fun game.