So it’s that time of month again,
we have another white dwarf magazine out, December 2012. The big news which
everyone knows about is the release of the hobbit game (I say release, re-name
would be more accurate) and to be honest, not much else.
Last month’s review was quite
negative so I'm going to try and see the bright side of the magazine, so here
goes. The Big news, the hobbit, has been released. This was far from unexpected
but gives us a little preview of what’s to be expected in the film. The thing
that surprised me the most, was how mutated the goblins look compared to the
goblins of moria from the lord of the rings film. Not for me to judge, just an
observation. If you read the articles on different aspects of the hobbit, such
as the modelling and reasons for what they did, a few tit bits are given out
for us, such as the goblin kings throne also being a commode... nothing
exiting, just things you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. And it mentions a few
plot lines but if you have read the hobbit its nothing to excitingly different.
Anyway back on topic, what I thought was a starter set (called escape from
goblin town) was released but its limited edition so either it’s not a starter
set or they will release it again without radagast the brown in it. Only time
will tell on that one. The 3 trolls have been released as well as goblins,
orcs, wargs etc... Nothing particularly new, or exiting. But its all there. At
the back of the mag is explains a little on why they modelled certain things
the way they did and they brag about going on to the set a lot. Unfortunately
bar the battle report (that's next) not a lot of information speared across the
majority of the magazine.
A battle report of the ‘escape
goblin town’ set was the only battle report for this month (I say only, because
the hobbit dominated a lot of this magazine, so I would have hoped for a little
40k or fantasy battle report for the people that aren’t that interested in the
hobbit) which was short, but I feel it was the right length. I know I flew off
the handle last month saying that the battle report was so short it was stupid
etc... etc... but this month it feels the right length. The hobbit is a
skirmish game, only a few models on each side, so saying whatever single model
did would be stupid, and keeping it short was a good way of keeping the pace
and keeping you informed of the slight rule changes. IT was a good pace and
well done, however I do have one complaint... it was 3 pages long... while that's
a good thing for this report is doesn’t explain why last month’s report was
only 2!!! Please explain the logic to me. Included in the battle report as I mentioned
earlier, a few new rules where explained, which I felt was a nice touch, it wasn’t
heavy on the specifics but allowed you to understand what’s happening and also
inform you. It was a good move. Doesn’t make up for last month though. Moving
We get the apparently obligatory Colum
from both Jeremy Vetock and Jervis Johnson who talk about a past experience
with an older edition, when he likes to game and sweating, while the other talks
about peoples view of the ‘spirit’ of the game respectively. Now while they are
ok to read I feel they have run out of things to say, maybe make these sorts of
columns so up once every other month, or have different guys each month. It’s
just getting really old, really fast for me and I'm getting tired of it.
Another instalment of Blanchitsu
which also is getting tiring very quickly, no useful information is given, no
hint or tips on how he does what he does, he just stats what he does and shows
you pictures. That's no help to any one; it’s just a massive waste of 2 pages
(just saying you could give that to another battle report...). Maybe it’s just
me, maybe it isn’t, and it’s just starting to piss me off. And I don’t like his
conversions all that much.
So what do we get for the 40k
players out there? A little debate on what unit is better/more versatile Ork
Nobs or Space wolf Wolf Guard. We have two players talking about the strengths
and weaknesses about each squad and have 500 points to have a death star to
take out the other one. While interesting in theory they have 500 points, they
know what they are up against and the ork player takes full advantage of this
like any one would... however the space wolf player acts like a tool and says
he has taken the optimised unit and falls flat on his face, I can’t understand
his unit choice. I can’t fault the ork choice; I would have done that myself,
but the wolf guard? Why would you take a cyclone missile launcher on a model
with a combie melta? You don’t have to, you space wolves, give it to the guy
with thunder hammer and storm shield!! Don’t waste points, don’t make stupid
mistakes and drop a couple of combi weapons if it means you get to instant kill
with either a power fist or thunder hammer!! I just didn’t approve of the set
up. Apparently the orks steam rollered the space wolves, I'm not sure how, they
apparently did. Don’t be an idiot next time dude...
And any fantasy fun for us? A
show case of a massive, and quite nicely painted Ogre kingdom army. It was
impressive and shows off some old Halfling models and forge world monsters. It
was nice to look at but the guys didn’t have much useful to say. I mean... I’m meant
to be positive It was nice.
Anything I have missed? Oh yer, a
nice board again to look at, a space station one that you can find in the main
rule book (not to my taste, but such is life) and a bit of paining for the
hobbit and rust for ogres. A couple of nice conversions are show cased but
nothing to write home about.
This month’s mag was quite short I
felt, they were just pushing the hobbit (well what did you expect) but made no
effort to prevent people who play 40k/fantasy from feeling ignored. I'm not
happy with this but all I can do is bitch and moan about it. This is probably
the last review I do for white dwarf as the cost of it just can’t be
justified... unless Januarys magazine is rammed full of 40k fun... with a proper
battle report.
When I get the time I was going to do a post on this months WD, there were a few things that bugged me and you've mentioned a couple here.
ReplyDeleteWhile the Hobbit is always going to be the focus this month, a bit more for us non interested types would have been nice. Jervis and Jeremy seem to be rambling a bit now, and it does need freshening up. Why not have a roundtable discussion with a few people? I remember they did a feature on the 25th anniversary of 40k where a few of the original guys talked about its creation etc... and it was really interesting reading them feeding off each other. Why, in a hobby that is so socially responsive, is there little in the magazine? Ho hum.
The other thing was some of the photography... I applied for the job as photography in White Dwarf, had an interview but didn't get a call back. Good enough for me, but when I saw a few of the shots this month I felt disappointed. A couple of the pictures were slightly out of focus, and one of the battle report pictures you could make out some of the background. It would have taken seconds to edit this and make the focus on the table, but from my perspective as a photographer it bugged me. My blog doesn't contain much professional photography as this is my hobby and spending the time setting shots up would eat into painting and editing time... but this is a professional magazine! Blanchitsu however I do enjoy. I like his style and the way he converts things. They don't look mindblowingly out of reach from my perspective, I'm not a great converter either, but Blanche's work looks attainable which I like.
Good post man, I shall follow thee!
Thanks for the comment, and it feels good that I'm not the only one with a few of my views. I didn't even notice the pics but now you mention it I can see what you mean. I don't have the skills to comment but you do... so that's good enough for me.
DeleteWith blanch, If he did his thing every other month I would be happier. But still that's how life goes. Glad you enjoyed the review.