The Hordes of the Evil sunz need to be contained, and it’s down to the
Warhost of spiritseer Antaris the warp forged to cull the beasts. This is a
1500 point game of the emperors will with vanguard strike deployment between
Codex Orks (no supplement) and Codex Eldar (no supplement).
The Armies
Eldar 1500: Combined arms detachment
Spiritseer – 70 (warlord) w/ dire avengers
[empower, embolden, conceal]
Warlock – 35 w/ guardians
[quicken, conceal]
10 Dire Avengers – 140
Wave Serpent – 135
Holo field, twin-linked scatter laser
10 Guardians – 110
Scatter laser
Wave Serpent – 135
Holo field, twin-linked scatter laser
10 Guardians – 110
Scatter laser
Wave Serpent – 135
Holo field, twin-linked scatter laser
5 Fire Dragons – 110 (in falcon)
Vyper – 60
2x shuriken cannon
Vyper – 60
2x shuriken cannon
Falcon – 135
Scatter laser
2 War walkers – 140
4x bright lance
This list is a slight variant on my tournament list, it drops all
units on foot (wraithknight, warp spiders) and goes for more vehicles, so it
feels more like a mechanised list. I wouldn’t say it’s very competitive as they
are key units getting dropped, but it’s a little more thematic.
Orks 1500: Ork horde detachment
Warboss (warlord: +1 strength) w/ boyz
Power klaw
Painboy w/ boyz
20 Boyz
Nob, power klaw, boss pole, 2x rokkit launcher
20 Boyz
Nob, power klaw, boss pole, 2x rokkit launcher
20 Gretchin
5 Meganobz
Kombi-skorcha, 3x kombi-rokkit
10 Bikes
Nob, power klaw
2 Skorchas
10 lootas
3 Kannons
3 Killer kans
Rokkit launchers
The Mission
Rolling up the mission we get Emperors will (2 objectives) with
vanguard strike deployment. The roll for deployment zone is won by the orks who
select the deployment zone with the large ruin in. We then place our
objectives, I place mine inside some ruins, and he places his inside his as
well. The roll for who deploys firs is won by the Eldar and I elect to set up
Deploying the eldar force was quite simple, I place the war walkers in
the middle in the ruins and to either side gets placed the wave serpents and
falcon. The wave serpent to the right of them contains guardians. The one to
the left contains dire avengers with spiritseer and the last is the guardians
with warlock. You can’t see it in the picture but the fire prism is in the
corner at the bottom of the pic.
Orks deploy by placing all of the infantry in the middle ready to race
towards me, the bikes, trukk and skorchas hide in the ruin. On the right on the
hill are the kannons and killer kans. Lootas are hiding in the ruin to the left
of his deployment zone.
Night fight: No
Steal the initiative: No
The Battle
Eldar turn 1
The Eldar vehicles move up to get in range of their targets, both wave
serpents on the left move to target the lootas while the right hand vehicles
move to target the killer kans. Both vypers move around to support the attack.
To get a better line of sight the fire prism moves up.
The first volley of the game comes from a wave serpent shooting at the
lootas, and manages to kill 4 with the serpent shield as the cover save it too
much for the scatter laser. The second serpent shoots as well killing 4 more,
reducing the squad down to 2. The vyper on the left takes a chance at the trukk
hoping to get a lucky shot on the trukk (an immobilised result would be great)
but fails to do anything. On the right the falcon shoots at the killer kans
with its scatter laser, wrecking one, it’s pulse laser than shoots and gets 2
pens which are saved by the cover save from the woods. The supporting wave
serpent adds its fire power to the kans and manages to wreck 1 and take a hull
point off the other. With no high priority targets (that I have a chance of
killing) the fire prism instead shoots at the horde of orks but it scatter off
and only kills 3. The kans take a test and end up shaking themselves.
Ork turn 1
With the engines roaring, the bikes and trukk move straight for the
eldar lines. The skorchas follow but 1 gets immobilised on the ruin. The horde
of boyz surges forwards and the remaining kan stumbles forwards though the
The two remaining lootas shoot at the vyper closest to them and manage
to get a penetrating hit, shaking it. The lone kan shoots at the falcon but
fails to hit. The bikes target the damaged vyper who elects to jink, but the
pilot isn’t skilled enough to dodge a wall of death and it gets wrecked. The
kannons target the wave serpent on the right and I decide not to jink, the
grots manage to get a single glancing hit but the 6+ holo field save stops the
tank taking any damage. Both the trukk and skorchas go flat out while the boyz
shoot a few stay rokkits which do nothing.
Eldar turn 2
With the meganobz trukk so close I move away from it as much as I can
and still shoot. The war walkers however move towards them.
It takes the combined fire from 2 wave serpents and a vyper to wreck
the trukk... it should have just taken 1 wave serpent. The mega nobz jump out
and fail their pinning test keeping them in place. The war walkers then take
the chance to kill some but only get 1 hit which fails to do anything thanks to
the cover save from the wreck. The falcon manages to wreck the final killer kan
removing the unit form the table. Again the prism fires at the boyz with its
large blast but it scatters again and only kills 1. In a rather stupid move I
make the final wave serpent target the kannons thinking maybe I can make them
run but the 3+ save stops them taking any damage.
Orks turn 2
Snap shots from the mega nobz miss the intended target of the war
walkers while both the bikes and skorcha goes flat out. The two pesky lootas
target the war walkers and manages to shake one, then the kannons explode the
other! Not a great turn.
Assault phase and the boyz on the right make a charge against the
falcon and the wave serpent, and thanks to ere we go get a good charge of 10
inches and make it in with all the boyz. Even though they needs 6’s to glance
the mob of boyz get enough and both tanks are wrecked in a single turn.
Eldar turn 3
With the hordes upon me I panic at this point and go for a rather odd
move. The wave serpent next to the nobz, unloads the guardians next to them,
while the other serpent moves into the ruins to drop off the dire avengers.
The first psychic phase of the game and the warlock manages to cast
quicken on the guardians, and the spiritseer casts horrify on the warboss’s
Shooting and the guardians run 7 inches then shoot at the meganobz,
but only manage to kill 1. Firing all it has, the vyper tries to take out the
skorcha but only shakes it. The guardian’s wave serpent shoots at the bikes and
kills 2 while the fire dragons and other unit of guardians shoot at the boyz
who killed the tanks but only kill 1 boy each. Long range shuriken fire from
the dire avengers kills 5 of the warboss’s unit and they fail their moral test,
but kill 4 orks in order to restore order. The fire prism attempts to kill the
boyz huddled together by the wrecked tanks but once again the shot scatters
wide and does no damage. Snap shots from the war walker does nothing.
Orks turn 3
Irritated by the guardians feeble attack the mega nobz go straight for
them. Not able to shoot this turn the skorcha goes for the firm prism ramming
it, somehow the ork vehicle is fine yet the prism takes a glancing hit! The bikes
move to see the dire avengers while the boyz surround the fire dragons and
Firing the kombi-skorcha the meganobz manage to wipe out 5 guardians
and the warlock in a single shot. The vast number of shots from the bikes
manages to kill off 6 of the dire avengers and the grots even manage to deal a
single wound to the spiritseer.
Assault phase and things start getting a little hectic. To prevent me
overwatching anything useful, the gretchin multi-charge both the dire avengers
and the guardians making it into combat and not taking any wounds from over
watch. The boyz then charge into the guardians and fire dragons while the bikes
go after the dire avengers. The spiritseer issued a challenge to which the
biker nob accepted. The seer dealt a single wound to him setting his unit on
fire but took a power klaw to the face getting killed. By the end of the combat
3 fire dragons, 1 guardian and 3 dire avengers are left and all of them run for
it and manage to escape. In the middle of the table the mega nobz charge the guardians
and the war walker, the walker manages to kill a nob with over watch but it’s
not enough, and all the eldar are killed.
End of the turn and 2 bikes die to soul blaze.
Eldar turn 4
In a desperate attempt to salvage something from this game the lone
wave serpent moves out towards the enemy deployment zone. The dire avengers and
fire dragons rally but the guardian carries on running. I move the fire prism back.
In a rather unexpected turn of events the vyper shoots at the meganobz
and kills 1, who then run. The wave serpent goes flat out and everyone else
fails to really do any damage, the fire prism missed... again.
Soul blaze does nothing.
Orks turn 4
The warboss and buddies go after the remaining wave serpent while the
bikes go hunting the fire prism. Wanting to finally burn some eldar, the
skorcha moves to target the dire avengers. The grots grab my objective while
the boyz encircle the fire dragons.
Slugga shots from the boyz kills a single fire dragon and the kannons
shoot at the vyper. The light skimmer again jinks out the way unharmed. A few
shots from the lootas target the wave serpent which doesn’t jink but the holo
field save again ignores the glance (6+ cover saves are handy). The skorcha
kills 2 of the dire avengers and the last guy runs for it.
Assault phase and the boyz charge the fire dragons who each kill an
ork with over watch, but they get pummelled into the ground by the mass of
orks. The other boyz charge the wave serpent and wreck it before the warboss
can even have a chance to attack (he won’t be happy about that). The bikes
charge the fire prism... as well the pattern is rather obvious, it gets
Soul blaze kills a biker.
Eldar turn 5
The dire avenger runs off the table but the guardian rallies with a
double 1! He shoots at the bikes but does nothing.
Soul blaze goes out.
Ork turn 5
They table me, killing the vyper with the bikes and the grots kill the
last guardian.
Ork Victory
Well that was rather unexpected, I thought I would be fine against
that ork list but I look too much time to stop the trukk and I just let the
boyz hit me at practically full strength. That was a disaster. Looking back now
what should I have done differently?
Deployment: Separating my tanks like that might
not have been the smartest move, I should have had them together to support
each other and make sure a threat is dead before moving on.
Attack the fast elements first: I should have
left the kans for a turn or two as they weren’t exactly an early threat. If I had
moved away and targeted the bikes that would have made a massive difference as
they had a massive toll of dead. Also when i should have cast horrify on the
bikes to try and force them to run not the warboss.
Tanks aren’t invincible: I didn’t think the
tanks would be wrecked by a charging mob, I should have but I thought they
would be ok if they got to close. I was wrong and I need to make sure I don’t
mess that up next time.
That game was just a disaster and I deserved to lose that, but it does
mean I am still yet to defeat the orks with the 6th edition eldar
codex yet. I better sort this out.
Hope you enjoyed reading.
The boyz on top assaulted 2 tanks at the same time? Their furious charge doesn't kick in, so only the nob with power klaw can do anything. I guess you would have one of your two tanks still up and running.
ReplyDeleteOthewise, nice batrep and quite an unexpected result i would say.
I feel like you should have focused it those lootas on the first turn instead of jumping to the kans. They hung around and did a lotfof damage. The lands aren't very dangerous, use the serpents to kill basic infantry and the walkers and prism and falcon to attack the mega nobs and their truck. I felt like you got hung up on stuff that's not very dangerous which let his tough stuff get in range and eat you.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a painting guide for the eldar
ReplyDeleteYour the first person to ask for a guide.
undercoat with army painter alien purple
wash with druichi violet
go over the plates with what was gw lich purple (cant remember its new name)
then hight light with warlock purple
Bleach bone, wash with ogryn flesh, bone again then skull white high light
midnight blue base
enchanted blue high light
Hope it helps.
Thank you!!! I love the clean pain scheme and the purple and bleached bone are beautiful together!