Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Skulkers Surprise: Slowing down

Over the last few years I have been trying to post as regularly as possible, generally this has been twice a week, every tuesday and friday morning. Sometimes if I have a review or an question I will go out of my way to make sure I get it out asap generally coming out on a saturday. However due to recent events I have lass time on my hands to do such things. As much as it pains me I will be reducing my posting to once a week.

I will attempt to post every friday still, but it wont be a battle report or review every week as they do take quite a lot of time to write.

Back when I started this blog I worked in a shop and only had to work 4am – 1pm leaving me with a lot of time to type in the afternoon as well as paint and get what I needed to do done. However a while ago I got a new job with regular hours (9-5) and having taken up roller derby which takes a lot of time out of my week. As well as all of this I have come to realise that I have been spending more time on the blog than the actual hobby. While I may play once a week (say 3 hours) and maybe paint twice a week (4 hours at most if im lucky) I am going out of my way and typing for 4 nights (12 hours) so that I can get out twice a week. This feels wrong to me, I should be spending more time on the hobby and just reporting about it on the blog, not blogging for the sake of it. So I have to cut back the blog.

I would like to thank every one who has visited my site, you have been the reason I have carried on posting so much all this time, but unfortunately life gets in the way. But its not the end, you will just be hearing from me less, which i'm sure your all happy about.

See you all soon.


  1. I know the feeling, trying for two posts a week but mostly just painting and modeling updates so no where nere the effort of a battle rep.
    Good luck with the new job and enjoy your hobby time.

  2. I know the feeling about lacking hobby time, these days I'm lucky to get any time to paint with work , kids and general life.

    And quality is better than quantity, well apart from when the imperial guard are involved!

  3. I feel ya'. I keep wanting to do more with my own blog but life gets in the way. You can't really justify spending more time sharing a hobby with friends than you actually spend on said hobby. Still, I hope to see a battle report from time to time. Your's are very good.

  4. Thanks guys. Maybe I can get something painted now haha.

  5. Battle reps are soul draining. I had to give up doing them when 7th came out...they take like 3-4 hours to do all the photo editing, text...a major investment. I'd rather paint :).

    I see why so many people do video reviews. I think it just takes less time!
