In this game my Renegades and Heretics take on the forces of the Imperium, more specifically the Blood angels. I have yet to fight the new codex so I am rather looking forward to this game as I have played the old codex countless times. We play a 1500 point game of mealstrom of war, and end up with the mission Deadlock.
and Heretics: Combined Arms Detachment
Command Squad – 190 (Warlord: )
Power axe, Banner of Hate, command vox, 7 Disciples, carapace armour,
plasma gun, covenant of Tzeentch
Chimera –
training, multi-laser
Mutants – 45
Mutants – 45
Horns and
3 Chaos
spawn - 55
3 Chaos
spawn – 55
Disciples – 130
plasma gun, carapace, covenant of tzeentch
Disciples – 130
plasma gun, carapace, covenant of tzeentch
Chimera –
training, multi-laser
Squadron – 140
armour, autocannons
2 Battle
tanks – 280
Defiler –
4 Support
weapons – 105
training, covenant of tzeentch, lascannons
Angels: Strike force detchment
(Warlord:Artisan of war)
blade, artificer armour, digital weapons, combi-grav
armour, valour's edge
10 Scouts
rifles, camo cloaks
Tactical marines
gun, veteran sergeant
Tactical marines
gun, veteran sergeant
The Damned
Assault terminators
thunder hammer and storm shield, 5x lightning claws
2 land
This list
is compact but hell does it hit hard. 10 terminators, with added
Chaplin and priest makes this unit kill everything it touches with
out breaking a sweat. Two dreadnoughts as well, make for plenty of
ways to smash my tanks to bits. I'm going to struggle here.
Again I
asked to play mealstrom in order to get more experience with them. We
roll up Deadlock so we start with a fair few objectives and get less
as the game goes on. We just use the deployment type that is
suggested, vanguard strike.
We place
the objectives around the table, one in the stronghold, woods on my
right, woods in my deployment zone, sandbags on the left, far
deployment zone and top of the ruin in the bottom right.
We roll
for deployment and the blood angels win. They deploy first, with the
terminators taking the right flank with the Chaplin and priest. The
tactical marines go on the left and the Captain joins one of the
squad. Both dreadnoughts go in the middle supporting each other,
hidden from view behind the imperial stronghold. In a support roll,
the land speeders hang at the back. He infiltrates his scouts.
counter this I place both the defiler and battle tanks on the left
along with the sentinels. A unit of disciples deploys in the woods on
the right while the other starts in its chimera. The command also
deploys in a chimera next to them. I place a unit of spawn on either
side of the table, and the horned mutants support the unit on the
right. The support weapons hide in the ruin at the back of my
deployment zone ready to shoot at anything that moves forward.
scouts manage to work their way onto the top of the stronghold next
to the objective.
Fight: No
Steal the
initiative: No
Angels turn 1
forwards, the Terminators take the right flank while both of the
dreadnoughts move up the middle, but still hide in the shadow of the
stronghold. The speeders cover the tactical marines as they move up.
their heavy bolters, the speeders kill a chaos spawn on the left and
wound another. Attempting to do more damage, the tactical marines add
their bolter fire but fail to do any damage. Firing all of their
snipers at the mutants, the scouts kill 2 of them. The heavy hitters
then run forwards.
secure objective 6
Angels: 1 – Renegades: 0
turn 1
I unleash
the spawn, they move straight towards the closest enemy. The defiler
moves towards the dreadnoughts while I take objective 1 with my
battle cannons open fire at the tactical marines with Captain, but
one shot scatters wide, so only 3 marines die. Trying a rather
ambitious shot, the defiler targets a speeder and clips 4 tactical
marines. The shot scatters back 1 inch and shakes the speeder and
kills 2 marines. Snap firing its autocannon the defiler wrecks the
speeder. Plasma and lascannon fire hits the terminators and 2 die
from the combined fire of the disciples. The heavy weapons team adds
their fire power but its mainly absorbed by storm shields but still 1
dies! Chimera fire brings down a single scout. I attempt to do some
damage to the death company dreadnought with the sentinels autocannon
but I do no damage.
phase and the mutants attempt to charge the scouts, but fail.
Objective 5, objective 1, Hold the line
angels: 1 – Renegades: 3
angels turn 2
they press forwards and the dreadnoughts are a bit too close to my
defiler. The lone speeder back off though not wanting to suffer the
same fate as its partner.

and the terminators charge the spawn on the right and just murder
them. Furioso charge, with re-rolls to hit and wound just killed them
off before I could strike. Both dreadnoughts charge the defiler, the
furioso does 2 penetrating hit but the daemon save prevents it.
However Cassor wrecks the daemonic walker with ease.
First blood
Angels: 2 – Renegades: 3
turn 2
In from
reserve come the outflanking mutants, who attack the tactical marines
on the left flank. The mutants on the table get close to charge the
terminators while the chimeras and disciples get ready to target the
terminators. Trying to get away from the dreadnoughts the battle
tanks move to the left.
all lasguns within rapid fire range, the mutants on the left bring
down an amazing 0 marines. The battle cannons fire at the marines in
the back field and kill off 2, leaving 1 man alive. This turn the
sentinels go after a more likely target, the land speeder and only
get a single penetrating hit, which it jinks. All of the plasma and
lascannon shots land on the terminators and kill off the last 2
hammer/shield terminators. The chimera shots attempt to kill some
more but just bounce of the 2+ save.
On the
left the lone spawn charges into the tactical marines with captain,
but the captain uses his relic blade to cut the spawn to bits,
killing it. The mutants charge the terminators and their hammer of
wrath faisl to do any damage, so once again the terminators shred a
unit with ease.
angels: 2 – Renegades: 3
angels turn 3
dreadnoughts go their separate ways, with Cassor going towards the
chimeras while the furioso goes after the battle tanks. Moving
towards the disciples in the woods, the terminators get ready to
charge. Trying to move undetected the lone marine moves into the
middle while the others go after the mutants.
fire from the scouts targets the heavy weapons team and kills a
single base.
and the blood angels show their worth. The furioso charges into the
battle tanks and manages to take 2 hull points and stuns one of the
tanks. Cassor charges the closes chimera and explodes it killing 4 of
the disciples inside. Stampeding though the woods the terminators
charge into the disciples, some how I kill 2 of the terminators with
overwatch fire but it wasn't enough. Again lightning claws and the
aid of the priests frag grenades kills off the disciples before they
can strike. On the left the tactical marines and captain charge into
the mutants, a single marine dies to over watch, I do no wounds and
the captain kills 3, the mutants run and get cut down.
Angels: 2 – Renegades: 3
turn 3
I move
the chimera up and the russ which can move to objective 4. Sentinels
back away from the marines.
fire from the sentinels shoot at the furioso but does no damage. The
chimera targets Cassor and takes a single hull point off him, the
disciples add their fire power but do no damage. One lone battle
cannon targets the scouts and despite their camo cloaks 3 die!
In the
assault phase the furioso gets to attack again, and rolls up 2
explodes results, so both tanks are destroyed despite only 1 being in
base contact. That stops me taking an objective.
angels: 2 – renegades: 3
Angels turn 4
Now that
Cassor has forced the other unit of disciples out of their transport,
the terminators go after them while Cassor goes after the heavy
weapons teams. Furioso dreadnought and tactical marines now go after
the sentinels.
Again the
snipers target the heavy weapons and deal a single wound to them.
Again the furioso fires its melta and this time explodes a sentinel.
phase and Cassor charges into the heavy weapons and instant-deaths
all of the remaining bases. Again the terminators charge into a
disciples squad and shreds them all. Blood claws ready, the furioso
charges into the sentinels and explodes the rest of the walkers. In a
moment of heroism, the lone tactical marine charges into the chimera,
but a renegade with plasma gun gets out if the fire point and guns
the guy down, with both shots hitting and evaporating the marine.
Angels: 2 – Renegades: 3
turn 4

phase and the command run and grab the objective. Chimera fire
attempts to damage Cassor but fails to do anything.
Objective 4
Angels: 2 – Renegades: 4
Angels turn 5
marines take objective 2 while the terminators and Cassor move
towards the command squad.
manages to charge into the command squad killing them while the
terminators charge into the chimera, wrecking it.
Slay the warlord, objective 2, issue a challenge
Angels: 5 – Renegades: 4
The Game
ends here with me having no models left.
to the Blood Angels
Well that
went badly towards the end, when it came down to the crunch my army
really didn't have anything to hold its own in combat and just fell
apart. This is an issue that needs to be addressed in the future. My
force had plenty of anti-tank weapons, but I spread them too thin,
trying to take out terminators with them instead of the dreadnoughts.
This was a mistake, but I had little room on the left flank to get
everything that I should have put there so I had to make do with the
battle tanks.
of which, the battle tanks didn't do much, being ap 3 is awkward this
edition. They bounce of 2+ saves and can't explode a vehicle unless
its open topped. Very awkward. As of right now I don't really have
any other options for my force so I will have to stick with them,
maybe proxying them as a different variant would be better, any
mealstrom mission I didn't like. A game which limits your options as
the game progresses really does seem counter intuitive. Its like you
have to win the game in the first 3 turns while you have options to
win. It didn't work that way as he stole victory right at the end,
but still limiting options, I don't like it.
list, I don't feel it does much, I need to experiment around with it
more, maybe add in some allies to help the list as a whole. I'm just
not happy with it right now. If anyone with Imperial guard experience
could give me a few pointers on basic army selection that would be
Anyway I
have gone on enough for this post. Hope you enjoyed.
I think Manoeuvring was your key issue here. By engaging his whole force across the line you gave terminators charge moves and consolidations you could have avoided.
ReplyDeleteFor me I would have played the Benny Hill theme while kiting the terminators and whittling them down with rage. Meanwhile If you had bubble wrapped the defiler with some mutants or the spawn they could have been sacrificed to block the charge, then the defiler could have got the charge and gone one to one with them.
Terminators are slow and by getting a chimera to back up any forward units you could have pulled them away from them as they got closer.
Good game to read and good to see you back up and posting.
Punishers with HB sponsons! So much dakka even terminators will fold under the pressure. Plus an extra point of AV on the rear to help with getting melee'd...
ReplyDeleteNice to see renegades getting some action. In your battle there's one glaring rules mistake that could have made a big difference-the dreadnought can't attack your vehicles in an assault during your turn, since tanks just become disengaged after one round of assault. Would have given you an objective and keep your tanks alive longer.