My second
game with my renegade evolving list, and I face an Army of the
Imperium, made up of a Knight detachment and help from the Militarum
Tempestus detachment. Can my renegades take on the knights or will
then just get trampled underfoot?
I finally
get to use my Evolving list for the second time, so lets hope it does
better this game.
and Heretics V1: Combined arms Detachment
Command Squad – 120 (warlord: Fanatical convert)
covenant of khorne, melta bomb, krack grenades, melta gun, +2 guys
Chimera –
heavy flamer, militia training
Mutants – 80
covenant of khorne, hand weapon and pistol (cause fear)
Command –
20 men,
Demagogue, melta bomb, chaos sigil, krack grenades
– 70
20 men,
chaos sigil, krack grenades
– 50
10 men,
2x flamer, krack grenades
Chimera –
heavy flamer
– 50
10 men,
2x flamer, krack grenades
Chimera –
heavy flamer
Slaughterer – 130
dreadnought close combat weapon
Devil Dog
– 125
squadron – 60
Ordinance – 160
2x medusa
– 160
Defiler –
Forces of
the Imperium
Oathsworn Detachment
Errant (Warlord: Landstrider)
gun, Ironstorm missile pod
Tempestus: Combined arms detachment
command squad
fist, 2x hot shot volley gun, medi-kit, banner
cannon, Hot-shot volley guns, storm bolter
fist, 2x plasma gun
battle cannon, autocannon
fist, 2x melta gun
hellstrike missiles
on the Mealstrom table we get Cloak and Shadows with hammer and anvil
deployment, we will be getting 3 objective cards each and don't
reveal them to each other. We set up the terrain and place the
objectives around the table. Rolling for table edges I win and select
the edge with the defences next to the them.
for deployment the Imperium wins and selects to deploy first. He sets
up his Knight Gallant on the left and the Knight Errant and two
Tauroxs on the right. His melta squad is in the Valkyrie waiting in
reserve, ready to come in later.
deployment has my vehicles on my right flank backed up by the
sentinels, but the command chimera deploys at the back. The defiler
sets up on the left, and the Medusas deploy inside the defences. My
infantry deploy around to shield the more important units, the
mutants protect the command chimera while the infantry protect the
Medusas. I keep the Blood slaughterer in reserve to deep strike in
Steal the
Initiative: fail
fight: No
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Deployment |
turn 1
His whole
force moves towards the Renegade lines, the knights take point while
the Gatling Taurox takes cover behind rocks.
The first
shots come from the knight Gallant, targeting the infantry in front
of it, its large blast hits killing 11 in a single shot. Firing its
melta cannon, the Errant shoots at the demolisher but it scatters a
little and hits the demolisher Immobilises and clips the Devil dog,
stripping off its heavy flamer. Both of the Taurox primes target the
sentinels, they glance the front one twice wrecking it.
nothing (0-0)
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They advance |
turn 1
damaged infantry squad moves up towards objective 2 while the other
takes the defensive position. On the left the defiler moves straight
for the Gallant, ready to punch it in the face. On the right the
Chimeras move up and the devil dog goes into the woods taking the
objective. The sentinels move up towards the Taurox.
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The defiler takes on a knight |
medusas target the Errant, one shot scatters to no where, another
hits but gets stopped by the Ion shield. The Devil dog misses its
mark on the knight and the demolisher cannon gets absorbed by the ion
shield as well. What little autocannon fire I have fails to do
anything. Shooting its battle cannon at the Gallant, as well as its
autocannon, the defiler manages to do nothing.
Eager for
destruction the defiler makes a long charge straight into the
Gallant, using its daemon forge ability first. Flailing its power
scourge the defiler reduces the knight to ws 3, so its needs 4's to
hit instead of 3's. As luck would have it only a single hit makes it
mark losing 3 hull points but still in the fight. Attacking back, out
of the 5 attacks only 1 hits as well, and it fails to penetrate its
armour. He attempts to stomp the defiler but it moves out of its
cumbersome way.
hold the line, Supremacy (1) (0 – 2)
turn 2
Coming in
from reserve the Valkyrie comes down the right flank towards my
armoured column. The Errant smashes its way though the woods to get
close to the demolisher. Holding position the Tauroxs steady their
everything it has, the valkyrie shoots at the comment chimera but
misses with everything. With the devil dog so close, the errant aims
at it hitting with its melta cannon, but also clips a chimera as
well. Both of the tanks are shaken by the blast. It then fires its
heavy stubber at the demolisher so it can charge it. With the devil
dog a danger, both of the Taurox primes target it, the battle cannon
and autocannons do nothing, so it is down to the gatling cannon and
storm bolter in the side armour which manages to wreck it for first
trees as it goes the knight charges into the demolisher shredding it
with its D weapon, wrecking it. On the left flank the defiler reduces
the gallant to ws 1, so it needs 5's to hit, and it hits with 3
attacks... the defiler explodes.
Ascendency (2) (3 – 2)
turn 2
no blood slaughterer, so my infantry move up to objective 2 so I can
claim it. Moving to protect the command chimera, the mutants move in
front of it to take the brunt of any assault. The chimeras and
sentinels move up to attack the Tauroxs.
unshaken chimera flames the side armour of a taurox and strips off a
hull point, but the autocannon fails to do anything. Firing flamers
out of their hatches the transported units try to do something and
manage to glance the other taurox as well! The big guns fire next
targeting the Errant, one shot hits taking off a hull point, the
other scatters and clips my chimera on the left, shaking it!
Objective 2 (3 – 3)
turn 3
needing objective 3 one of the Tauroxs moves off towards it, while
both knights move forwards, the gallant towards the infantry while
the errant move towards the medusas. The valkyrie goes into hover
mode and moves towards the left chimera and the guys jump out into
the woods.
its lascannon, the valkyrie again misses a chimera, the errant
targets the infantry behind the defence line but the shot scatters
onto the medusa crew killing 1, it then stubs the medusa crew and
fails to do anything. The Gallant fires its missiles at the mutants
killing 6 of them, it then targets the infantry in front of it but
misses. From their position in the woods the scions take out the
chimera on the right exploding it with melta fire, killing 9 of the
passengers in the inferno and the one guy left runs for it. The
taurox fires its gatling cannon at the sentinels and with a large
number of 6's wrecks the remaining walkers.
and the Gallant charges into the infantry, killing them all, but
mainly with its stomps. The Errant charges the Errant and just
murders them all.
Behind enemy lines, objective 3 (5 – 3)
turn 3
from reserve the Blood slaughterer appears, materialising next to the
Taurox at the back after a little scatter. With the errant so close,
the mutants again try to act as a blocker. With little to do, the
infantry on the left push up behind the gallant, trying to get behind
it. The chimera next to the scions, it moves closer getting ready to
flame them out the woods.
down the woods, the troops fire their flamer out of back of the
chimera killing 2, then the heavy flamer takes out 6 more, leaving 2
left. The infantry throw a krack grenade at the rear of the gallant
but don't do anything. Autocannon fire from the command chimera fails
to do anything as well.
Nothing (5 – 3)
turn 4
With its
path clear the Taurox on the fight moves down the table though the
tank graveyard. On the left the other moves away from the blood
slaughterer, not wanting to be destroyed. Ignoring the daemon engine,
the Gallant looks at the infantry swarming around it, while the
errant looks at the mutants.
the mutants at first, the errant shoots the command chimera and
shakes it, then kills a mutant with its stubber. Taurox fire strips
another hull point off the command chimera. One of the remaining
scions in the woods brings his melta gun to bear on the chimera,
immobilising it. With the other taurox in the rear of the chimera it
wrecks it with ease, forcing the passengers out, who get gunned down
(well 6 of them do) by the scions hanging out the side doors.
gallant takes one step to charge the infantry and kill 7 of them over
the combat, but they hold thanks to their sigil.
Objective 4, over whelming fire-power (7 – 3)
turn 4
with blood lust, the blood slaughterer moves as fast as possible
towards the Taurox as it has to move towards the closest model. The
few remaining infantry who jumped out the chimera move to hopefully
kill off the two remaining scions on the table. My running infantry
down the scions, some how the infantry manage to take them down with
their autoguns. With the errant close, the melta gun can fire out of
the command chimera but the shot does nothing.
phase and the blood slaughterer fails its charge, and the gallant
kills 7 more infantry who run but manage to escape.
Score: No
prisoners, over whelming fire power (7 – 5)
turn 5
As an
objective card he draws 'grudge to settle' so I nominate the Blood
slaughterer for him to kill, hopefully diverting a knight away and
maybe if he's unlucky I could take it out? The Gallant goes after the
daemon while the errant moves away from the knight. The cannon taurox
takes an objective while the other gets behind the command chimera.
gallant manages to miss the blood slaughterer with its melta gun
(thank god). Not wanting to let any heretics survive, the taurox on
the objective targets the newly rallies renegades and kills them all.
Aiming at the rear of the command chimera the taurox wrecks the
command chimera forcing the command out. The knight then targets them
and kills 2 of the bodyguard and the warlord, then stubbers the
mutants killing 2.
phase and the Gallant charges into the blood slaughterer, the blood
slaughterer deals 2 hull points of damage but gets wrecked by the
knight, and using his thunder gauntlet, hurls the blood slaughterer
at the 4 guys who killed the scions... they all die to the flaming
wreckage. The errant charges into the mutants, and stomps them all.
Score: No
prisoners, grudge to settle, objective 2, slay the warlord (11 – 5)
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The aftermath of the Knights throw |
turn 5
From the
wreckage of their chimera the remnants of the command squad shoots
their melta gun at the taurox next to them but only glance it.
objective 5 (11 – 6)
We roll
to see if the game carries on (not that it matters) and it does.
turn 6
My 2
models get gunned down.
objective 2, honour of the house, objective 1, line breaker (15 –
to the Imperium
That was
a harsh game, I though my list would be able to take out 2 knights,
or at least take down 1. However it seems my list can't, and needs a
lot more work. Thinking about it I made a big mistake setting up the
way I did, I should have had the infantry on the right so they could
move up, grenade the tauroxs and then swamp the scions, instead of
setting up opposite a knight and get stomped to death. That was quite
a big mistake thinking about it, while I doubt chimeras could have
taken down the gallant, it would have been able to possibly done
From this
game, I would say I might need to upgrade the Medusas to have
breacher shells, for ap 1 and armour bane, which helps vs anything
with an armour but massively reduces their effectiveness vs infantry
who needs to die. The flamers just don't really do much so I will
likely just drop them all for the extra points, but I'm not sure what
else to buy. I hate to say it but I might need to bring back the
Chaos daemons for the soul grinder muscle power.
The first
game with this list was vs blood angels where I just couldn't shift
death company or dreadnoughts, so upgrading the medusas could help
take out the dreads, but would have reduced my ability to take out
the death company. The defiler did nothing vs the blood angels and
very little vs the knights, so maybe I should drop that? It was
always a point sink and could go towards better things. If i'm not
taking the defiler I don't need to heretic upgrade (even though the
idea is awesome).
The reason I love the renegades is because they can be so
characterful, so if I do drop the heretek I am loosing the character
who I envision leading the whole force. Unless I try something else
to represent one of his lieutenants, the fact the army has built up
around the Ferrograde Campaign that we played a while back (and will
be continuing again soon) it really makes me want to stick to the
theme. I will just have to think about it for now.
would you have done differently in the game? And what do you think I
should drop?
Zombies and cheap artillery are the best units in the army. The zombies have fearless and hilariously cheap (4+ Feel NO Pain doesn't hurt either), so you have the chance to tie up dangerous units. For this battle, laser destroyers would have been phenomenal. Str 9, ap 2, ordinance, twin-linked, with a solid range - two units of at least 3 would be ideal. One unit could pick off the tauroxes to slow down his advance, while the other works on stripping hull points off of the knights. When the knights get close, target a single one with both the units, making it so one side is unprotected by the ion shield. Medusa's with siege rounds would do the rest.
ReplyDeleteFocus fire on those knights one at a time trying to get an angle that he can't stop with his shield, you can use deep strikers to make him choose. I think the soul grinder would help on top of a more focused anti tank type gunline. I believe you have access to a lot of good artillery you can protect with cheap units. It's either all of that or take a chaos knight, but that's boring.
ReplyDeleteAlso I believe barrage weapons when fired target side armor automatically, so those knights with forward facing shields can be hit more easily. According to 7e RAW.
DeleteSide armor value is what it says, so its still front facing up at a lower value. I play knights so this comes up a lot.
DeleteSo what you're saying is a front facing ion shield covers you from barrage weapons? I guess i'm just readin your comment wrong and am confused, I'm sorry.
DeleteI feel like maybe it should be from wherever the center of the circle is, then it penetrates at a side value. Is that what you're saying?
Delete7th changed the wording, mostly by adding in the word 'value' after side armor, making it clear that it doesn't alter the facing but just the number the weapon had to beat. On a knight, that means the Ion Shield can still protect against it in the front, assuming the weapon is in the front, even though the weapon would roll against AV12 instead of AV13.
DeleteI always just assumed in the fluff that the knight brings the shield upward (cylinder shaped?) as the shell comes in, but before it hits its top or around it.
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ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that you lacked bastion breacher shells until your summary at the end. That could have helped you a ton versus the knights. I know that you like having the added anti-infantry power but medusas shine against armor far more than infantry and your list already has some decent weapons for dealing with swarms. One lucky bastion breacher shell can really hurt a knight.
ReplyDeleteIn my next game im going to try the breacher shells out, I need to see what they are capable of.
DeleteTough loss. I'd like to see a rematch.
ReplyDeleteGreat report.
ReplyDeleteIt's always tough going up against 2 knights, however the suggestions given by the comments above look good.
I don't know if you have access to mauler fiends but a pair if them can often help take out a knight. Or even one with your defiler
ReplyDeleteI play knights so this comes up a lot.
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