When an Artefact of power is discovered in the
mortal realms it often can draw unwanted attention. In this case three Generals
have been dispatched to capture the Relic and prevent it from falling into the
wrong hands. Three forces, each from a difference Grand Alliance, have come
into conflict and only the smartest will prevail. This is a 3 way game, each
army is 2000 points in this Triumph and Treachery game.
As this is my first battle report for a very long
time I decided to organise a fully painted game with a friend, but then it
turned into a 3 way battle, which was even better for a first battle report.
With the restraint that we had to use painted models, it limited what I could
use so I just went with a force I took to the warlords event at Warhammer world
in 2016, which is exactly what my two friends did as well (because we never
paint unless we have a deadline apparently).
With a 3 way game, we looked over the generals
handbook missions and decided on the Triumph and Treachery battleplan: Artefact
of Ultimate power. This means we have an objective in the centre of the table
our General can pick up, and you win a major victory if your general holds it;
or a minor victory if you have the most models within 6 inches if it’s on the
floor. Deployment is unique, we have 6 deployment zones to pick from which
could cause someone to get stuck in the middle of the other two players.
Deployment rules for the mission are designed for
smaller games we felt so altered the mission slightly. Normally you only have 3
units on the table to start then can bring 1 in each turn within 6 inches of
the edge and that’s there move. We wanted to ramp it up so had all 3 battleline
units on the table plus the general to start. Then we split what we had left in
reserve into two, and each was allowed onto the table from turn 2 and 3 respectively.
Also as we needed to get to the centre, we altered the deployment for the
reserves, we just put them on the table edge then moved them so they could run
if they wished.
We have 3 armies taking part in this game, representing
Order, Chaos and destruction. We made our armies using the pitched battle
points system in the general’s handbook, and we had 2000 points each to create
our armies.
Shining host
Lord Celestant on Dracoth – 220
General: Reckless, Artefact: quicksilver potion,
Knight Vexillor – 200
Pendent of the Stormbringer
Lord Castellant – 100
Lord Relictor – 80
Knight Heraldor – 120
10 Liberators – 200
10 Liberators – 200
5 Judicators – 160
5 Protectors – 200
4 Fulminators – 480
Total: 1960
Skull hunters
Valkia the Bloody – 120
Bloodthrister of Insensate Rage – 280
Artefact: Chaos runeblade (+1 attack)
Scyla Anfinngrim – 100
Bloodstoker – 80
Bloodsecrator – 120
16 Chaos Warriors – 360
16 Blood letters – 200
10 Blood warriors – 200
8 Flesh hounds – 200
5 Skullreapers – 140
War shrine
Total: 2000
Squig Moonclan
Grot Warboss – 80
General: Bellowing tyrant, Artefact: Talisman of
Protection, Giant squig and moon prodder
Moonclan Grot Shaman – 60
Moonclan Grot Shaman – 60
60 Moonclan grots – 360 (yellow shields)
7 nets, spear and shield
20 Moonclan grots – 120 (silver shields)
2 nets, spear and shield
20 Moonclan grots – 120
20 cave squigs – 240
Squig herders – 20
Fanatic – 30
Fanatic – 30
Fanatic – 30
Fanatic – 30
Fanatic – 30
(3 fanatics go in the large mob, 1 on each other
unit of moonclan)
Colossal squig – 300
Mangler squig – 240
Spear chukka – 120
Spear chukka – 120
Total: 1990
Deployment for this game revolved around 6 points,
one in each corner and 2 in the middle of the long table edges. Rolling off,
whoever rolled highest had to pick where to deploy first… and I “won” that
honour. So not sure what to do I picked a corner deployment zone and crammed
all of my goblins in as I thought I didn’t want to set up in the middle and
then get an enemy on each flank. Chaos then deployed second and went on the
opposite side of the table of me. The stormcast decided I was less of a threat
(probably right) and set up next to me, away from the chaos forces.
Battle report
Turn 1
Moonclan Priority
With nothing to really do turn 1, I give my large
unit of grots inspiring presence and bellow at them for +1 to hit (because I
can) in the hero phase.
Movement phase and I just run the big unit towards
the centre of the table while the bows and small spear unit move to block any
advance from the stormcast if they decide to attack me.
Stormcast turn
With an inspiring speech and a wave of his hammer
the Lord-Celestant allows all stormcast to ignore battleshock within 24 inches.
He needs to die.
Both liberator squads run towards the relic while
the Judicators and lord-celestant move into the woods able to see the moonclan
The first shots of the game and both the
lord-celestant’s dracoth and Judicators target the moonclan. The dracoth kills
2 of the smaller spear unit (silver shields), and the judicators kill 2 bows.
Battle shock, and one extra bow grot runs for it.
Khorne turn
Valkia inspires the warriors.
The chaos horde all advance on the relic.
Turn 2
Stormcast Priority
Again the Lord-celestant ignores battleshock.

Spitting lighting, the Generals dracoth kills 2
yellow shields while the Fulminators shoot and kill 6 silver shields. Added
fire from the judicators kills of 4 more silver shields.
Charge phase and the fanatic from the silver shield
and bow unit both appear and I charge 1 into the Fulminators and the other into
his Lord-Celestant. It’s a little odd but I don’t want him charging the yellow
shields if he rolls high enough. He uses his Quicksilver potion straight away
so his general can kill the fanatic attacking him, and the fulminators kill off
their attacker before he even gets to swing his ball and chain.
Battleshock, the silver shields have lost 10 guys
this round, with bravery 6 at the moment thanks to a flag. So I roll a 6 and
the remaining guys run off the table.
Moonclan turn
I get a bit over confident here, the Warboss give
the yellow shields +1 to hit and stab ‘em good (6’s to wound cause double
The yellow shields move towards the Fulminators and
his General ready to swarm them. My warboss runs into the woods. From reserve
the grots drag up 2 bolt throwers to shoot his general (proper grot kunning)
and the mangler squig come in to support the warboss and a shaman joins behind
the yellow shields.
Aiming at the ‘ummie with the big hat, both bolt
throwers shoot at the Lord-Celestant and get 4 shots on him, he passes 2 saves
and only takes 4 wounds (damn it). The bows try to finish him off but can’t get
past his armour.
Combat and the yellow shields charge into the
Fulminators and Lord-Celestant. I make sure the netters get where they need to
be so everything is at -1 to hit me. I go first and fail to do anything to the
stormcast general, but the unit deals 12 double damage wounds to the
fulminators and 4 regular wounds… however they have a 3+ save re-rolling 1’s
and I only manage to sneak 6 wounds though, killing a single fulminator.
Attacks back from both units stormcast don’t do much, but the dracoths… oh the
dracoths… they get a lot of 6’s to wound and end up killing 20 grots!
Battle shock and 16 more grots run, but I still
have over 20 models left in the unit.
Khorne turn
Again Valkia inspires the warriors.
Chaos again still don’t have much to do but keep on
trudging forwards, but this turn they are joined by the Warshrine, bloodstoker,
bloodsecrator and the skullreapers.
The charge phase, and before anything happens I
deploy my 3 fanatics from the yellow shields and they all charge the
Lord-celestant. The combat phase is odd in 3 player games, the persons who’s
turn it is gets to pick which player gets to go after them. As no chaos unit is
in combat he selects the moonclan to go next. I pick the yellow shields to go
first and they do nothing, they just couldn’t get past the stormcast armour. He
strikes next with his Lord-celestant and manages to kill off 2 fanatics by
splitting his attacks. The fanatic only gets 1 attack and lands it, getting
though the lords armour and dealing 2 wounds, leaving him on 1. The fulminators
get tangled up in the nets and only manage to kill 3 more grots.
and the grots hold their ground; they think they have the advantage now.
Khorne Priority
Again the warriors are inspired, and the war shrine
gives them re-rolls to hit. The stoker whips the bloodsecrator into a furry.
The majority of his army runs to the objective
while the bloodthirster, scyla and the flesh hounds join the battle field.
Still not much for the khorne force to do.
Combat and the grots get to go first again, this
time I select the fanatic and he swings properly getting 3 hits and kills off
the Lord-Castelant. The Fulminators attack the yellow shields, and only kill
off 4 thanks to the nets. Grots attack back and slip 2 wounds past their armour
leaving one on 2 wounds.
Battleshock and the grots hold their ground.
Stormcast turn
Hero phase and the knight-heraldor lets the
Fulminators retreat and charge in the same turn. Using his lantern, the
Castellant aids the liberators closest to the chaos force.
In from reserve, the protectors, lord-Relictor and
knight-Velixor, join the battle. The Fulminators retreat from the yellow
shields as the chaos force is now far too powerful to be ignored. Possibly
starting an uneasy alliance between order and destruction? Forming a shield
wall the liberators move towards the chaos line ready to push forward later.
The battlefield goes silent after the Heraldor
blasts his trumpet, and the rocky outcrop next to the chaos warriors collapses
onto them, 1 warrior dies, the skull reapers take 2 wounds, the bloodstoker
takes 2 wounds and the warshine takes 1 from all the flying debris. The
Judicators targeted the last fanatic and kill him… so much for an alliance.
Moonclan turn
The yellow shields are inspired and I give the
mangler +1 to hit.
As I don’t trust the stormcast, the yellow shields
form a wall between my warboss and his Fulminators. The bows do the same, and
the mangler squig runs over to the other woods ready to flank the chaos force
if I need to. In from reserve the colossal and squig herd come in and the last
of the shamans. The spear chukkas run ready to get into position next turn.
In the combat phase the colossal squig takes a
chunk out of a spear chukka that gets too close, its hunger is never satiated.
Turn 4
Stormcast Priority
Now things start to get interesting. Shining his
light the Castellant supports one of the liberator squads, and the Heraldor
plays a tune for them as well, so they can run and charge.
Wanting to banish the taint of chaos from this realm,
the boosted liberators run towards the khorne lines (and move 11 inches). The
rest of the Stormcast line moves towards the chaos force ignoring the grots
Another thunderous blast echoes across the
battlefield, as the heraldor targets a small crop of trees. From the falling
branches and uprooted trees utter carnage is caused, with the warriors and
blood letters loosing men, then the bloodthirster, shrine, bloodstoker and
bloodsecrator all losing 2 wounds. Bow fire from the Judicators deals 2 more
wounds to the Skullreapers, killing 1 and injuring another.
Only one charge makes it, and the Liberators aided
by their heroes smash into the skullreapers but only manage to kill 1. Somehow
the liberators take no damage back, despite the flurry of attacks from the
skullreapers and then a piling in warshrine.
Khorne turn
Seeing Combat about to be met the Bloodsecrator lifts
his banner into the air, then slams it into the ground opening the portal of
skulls. The warshrine blesses the warriors giving them re-rolls to hit and
valkia inspires them. Risking the rage of a daemon, the bloodstoker whips the
bloodthirster so he can get into combat.
With bloodlust running though their veins, the
warriors go after the unit of liberators not in combat. The bloodletters and
bloodwarriors move up to the objective acting as a bodyguard as Valkia swoops
down and picks up the objective. She now has to die.
Combat and the warriors charge the liberators, and
the blood warriors failed whatever charge they wanted to make. Demanding the
skulls of champions the bloodthrister charges both the lord-Relictor and
Going first the Bloodthrister splits his attacks
between the two heroes but only manages to kill off the Relictor. Before the
warriors can attack the liberators counter-attack smashing one of the warriors
heads in, killing him. In the combat to the right the Skullreapers do nothing
to the liberators as they hide behind their shields. Striking back the
liberators do nothing. Chaos warriors striking the liberators get 34 hits! But
then khorne removes his blessing and they only end up killing 3 liberators. Showing
what it takes to be a true hero of the mortal realms, the Lord-Castellant steps
up and attacks the bloodthrister, and gets 2 wounds past its armour!
Battleshock and every one holds (I wish more than
just Grots cared about battleshock).
Mooonclan turn
It’s time to get that objective, my warboss gives
the Colossal +1 to hit, and inspires the Squig herd. Casting mystic shield a
shaman helps protect the warboss.
The colossal and mangler squig move straight
towards Valkia, she needs to die. The rest of the army moves up to her with the
yellow shields again acting as a wall from the Stormcast.
Doing what they do best, the spear chukkas can see
Valkia, so the first one fires and hits her with both shots and ends up pinning
her to a tree (she dies). So the second chukka fires at the blood warriors and
kills 1.
Charges and the Colossal charges into the blood
warriors and the Mangler charges the bloodletters. First the colossal attacks and kills 3
bloodwarriors and wounds one but takes 4 wounds while they die. The Castellant
fails to do anything to the bloodthirst this time. The bloodletters attack the
mangler and deal 5 wounds to it, but the mangler then kills 6 back for their
trouble. Warriors kill off 4 liberators, while the other liberator squad
manages to kill off the rest of the Skullreapers in a single turn! Now the
bloodthirster, he kills the Castellant soooooo hard it rips a small hole in
reality and causes a big explosion killing a protector, puts 3 wounds on the
Vellixor and Heraldor, 1 Judicator, and finishes off the wounded Fulminator,
and kills a liberator who were getting killed by the Warriors.
Battleshock and the liberators who got murdered
just run for it.
There is a chance the game can end here causing a
minor victory to Chaos, but it continues.
Turn 5
Moonclan Priority
Again the warboss gains mystic shield, he inspires
the yellow shields (I really can’t have them run, and bellows at the squigs for
+1 to hit.
My warboss runs to the objective but it short by 1
inch to pick it up, so the goblins and squigs swarm to objective.
Shooting from the chukkas fail to do anything to
the bloodthrister, he just laughs off their cowardly attacks.
Charge! Bouncing as fast as they can, the squigs
become an avalanche of teeth and fall upon the bloodletters. They strike first and thanks to
plus 2 to hit (warboss and herders) they got a lot of hits and do a crazy
amount of damage (about 10 damage) killing off the bloodletters. The liberators
and warshrine do nothing, so my mangler squig goes next killing 4 bloodwarriors
but takes 3 wounds back for his trouble. The bloodwarriors attack the colossal
and do no damage; he attacks back and eats the rest of the unit, but takes 2
wounds from chocking on their axes.
Khorne turn
Seeing no challenge in the grots, the forces of
khonre go after worthy skulls and move into the remaining stormcast.
Like a great meatier the bloodthrister attacks the
Judicators while the warriors try to take down the Fulminators. Scyla and the
flesh hounds charge into the liberators to aid the shrine.
With his great reach of 2 inches the bloodthirster
attacks the Fulminators but fails to get any damage though. Not noticing the
greater daemon the Fulminators kill off 4 chaos warriors. Flesh hounds drag a
liberator to the ground and the liberators deal 2 wounds to the warshrine.
Attacking the Fulminators the warriors manage to sneak in 3 wounds but it’s not
enough to kill one. Heraldor gets caught up in combat and attacks the warriors
but does nothing. With 13 attacks, Scyla manages to kill 2 liberators, and the
warshrine kills another. It appears the protectors have been dragged into the
combat and can attack the bloodthirster, dealing 4 wounds to him.
Battleshock and surprise, surprise every one stays.
Stormcast turn
The Heraldor has his work cut out for him this
turn, and trumpets the Fulminators so they can retreat and charge.
Seeing the greater threat next to them, the
Fulminators retreat from combat with the chaos warriors, and advance towards the
Judicator fire targets the bloodthirster, and somehow
deal 3 wounds to him. Blasting his trumpet again, the Heraldor targets the
woods next to the goblins and rolls a 6 inch distance. Both of my shamans take
wounds, I lose 3 grots and my warboss takes 2 wounds. However he also catches
the fulminators killing the injured one and killing a chaos warrior.
Charges and the last remaining Fulminator charges
into the Bloodthirster and manages to kill him on his own. The rest of the
combats end with the liberators taking some losses but nothing major, Sycla
takes a few wounds but not enough to kill him, and the chaos warriors straight
up murder the Heraldor (he needed to die).
Does the game end? On a 3+ it does…. Nope, last
Turn 6
Khorne Priority
The shrine blesses the warriors and the stoker
whips them.
In a very khornate move, the warshrine retreats
from combat so the flesh hounds can get more models into combat.
Combat and the warriors attack the Fulminator and
cause 3 wounds, the liberators fail to do any damage to the flesh hounds and
Scyla finally finishes them off with his dramatic number of attacks. The last
fulminator kills off 2 chaos warriors.
Nothing runs.
Moonclan turn
I cast curse of the Bad moon on the Fulminator,
killing him off, but also spreading wounds around, dealing 1 to the chaos
warriors and reducing the Vexillor to a single wound. The warboss gets a mystic
shield from the other shaman and tells the colossal squig to stab the stoker,
and give him +1 to hit.
Movement and the warboss picks up the relic and
runs for it away from the stormcast line, just encase he can somehow kill him.
The grots and squigs form a line in the centre to stop any possible chaos
attack (I forgot this was the last turn).
Chukka fire kills off 3 Judicators leaving 1 left.
The colossal charges the bloodstoker, the mangler
goes into the bloodsecrator and the yellow shield charge the chaos warriors in
the back (had to be done).
Somehow the mangler fails to do any damage to the
secrator, then the colossal takes 1 wound from the stoker. If moonclan grots
know anything it’s how to stab a guy in the back, they manage to drag down 3
warriors! The secrator kills the mangler squig before it could attack but takes
a mortal wound back in its death throws. Then to finish the squig attacks, the
colossal eats the stoker with ease. Chaos warriors returning attacks on the
grots kills 4 (so I class that as a victory).
Battleshock and 4 more grots run.
Stormcast turn
The vexillor hasn’t used his teleport ability yet…
shit. I forgot all about that and now my general in on his own in the middle of
nowhere. The protectors get teleported to just outside 3 inches of the warboss,
and try to do mortal wounds to him, they do 3 but his amulet of protection
shines bright and stops all 3.
Then they charge the warboss and slice him up,
making him drop the relic. The rest of the combats don’t really do anything
thanks to the Nets.
The Game ends
Minor Victory to the Stormcast (Damn them!)
Post-Game Thoughts
As a change from my previous battle reports I asked
my opponent’s if they had anything to say about how they played or the way the
game went. So here are a few words from them.
From the Victor
Pure opportunism, that’s how I won. I just planned
to throw the protectors into the horde for a laugh last turn but when you moved
him out on his own, I thought… I can win this. It was a great laugh and a fun
game. However with this mission we should have changed the deployment
zones, just use three that were all
equally far from the relic and from each other. That way we all could meet in
the middle and have a giant scrap instead of the two little fights we had in
the corner.
of Khorne
This game was exactly what Age of Sigmar should be,
Hilarious and fun.
Bitter Resentment
Well that was a great game but damn did I misplay
the last turn. Why I didn’t just surround my warboss with squigs and goblins I
will never know. I should have just deployed in one of the centre deployment
zones so it would have been closer to the relic and would have had a bit more
space to deploy. I would happily play another multiplayer game but with a 4th
would be fun and less points each side, maybe 1000 or 1500 points. Having so
many units did get a little unwieldy in the middle of the game.
It has been a while since I last played age of
sigmar, and we all forgot our respective alliance trait, as well as a few
special rules. Hopefully it didn’t make too much of a difference in the game
but still, it might have. Still it was a fun game and hopefully I can get a few
more battle reports done in the future.
Hope you enjoyed.
Great report, love seeing your Moonclans in action - all those squigs are really fantastic :D Delicious amount of carnage as well, AOS multiplayer seems like a strong mode for the game.
ReplyDeleteThanks man, its always great to get the squigs out and I'm glad you like them. Multi-player was rather fun, would you want to see more reports of multi-player games?
DeleteYes more would be great.
DeleteAww man. I was properly routing for you, expecially when you pinned the second general to a tree. But that last turn was an unexpected twist and made for a great story, somewhat apt for a goblin general to be so close and yet so far.
DeleteGreat to see you back posting again keep it up.
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