In an
experiment I try out a new list, involving Daemonkin as well as
renegades and I'm once more playing against Tau. The mission is
Tactical Escalation with hammer and anvil deployment.
of Chaos
And Heretics: Combined arms detachment
Command – 155
Covenant of Khorne, power axe Melta gun, Carapace armour, Command
vox, 7 guys
Chimera –
training, autocannon, heavy flamer
platoon Command – 115
20 guys,
Demagogue, power axe, covenant of khorne, chaos sigil, krack grenades
squad – 115
20 guys,
Champion, power axe, covenant of khorne, chaos sigil, krack grenades
squad – 115
20 guys,
Champion, power axe, covenant of khorne, chaos sigil, krack grenades
mutants – 30
horns and
Slaughterer – 130
Daemonkin: Combined arms detachment
Herald of
Khorne – 75
loci of
Cultists – 58
8 Blood
letters – 80 (proxied by Plaguebearers)
Defiler –
grinder – 165
grinder – 165
3 Crisis
gun + plasma rifle, 2x plasma rifle, 2x plasma rifle
(warlord: Shred for one turn)
armour, Can't remember what weapons
2 Battle
2x cyclic
ion blaster, counterfire defence system
2 Battle
2x cyclic
ion blaster, counterfire defence system
2 Battle
2x cyclic
ion blaster, counterfire defence system
Railrifle, High yield missile pod, all with missiles
burst cannon, missile pods Counter fire defence system
4 Marker
4 Marker
4 Marker
4 Marker
for mission we get Tactical Escalation, so each turn we draw more
cards. We place objectives then roll and get hammer and anvil
deployment. Rolling for deployment zone the Tau wins and selects one,
then wins the roll for deployment and has me deploy first.
deployment has the tree large units spread out across my deployment
and the Herald joins the infantry command for some added hitting
power. The mutants on the right hand side as well. I place the
cultists on an objective and the command chimera in the centre.
Holding the centre as well the defiler deploys just behind the
infantry. Both soul grinders, the Blood slaughterer and blood letters
wait to enter via deep strike.
He keeps
everything in reserve apart form the 4 drone units which deploy in
cover at the back of his deployment zone.
I take
the first turn (I should have just handed it over to him).
fight: No
Steal the
initiative: No
turn 1
I move up
as quickly as possible, the defiler takes the objective that the
infantry abandoned.
Every one
runs forward apart from the defiler who battle cannons a unit of
drones and kill 3 of them, leaving 1 alive. The chimera tries to take
down some more but the drones pass their cover save.
Nothing (0 – 0)
Tau turn
drones hold their position
Hold the line (0 – 1)
turn 2
Coming in
from reserve the blood letters appear next to his deployment zone
near two objectives backed up by a soul grinder, and the Blood
slaughterer scatters but arrives in the open next to some drones.
Again every one moves up apart from the defiler who holds his
from the soul grinder scatters off a drone unit and the harvester
cannon does nothing. Also the defiler misses, not a great turn for
scatters. The infantry run up.
Objective 3 (1 – 1)
Tau turn
The real
tau finally show themselves, the commander deep strikes in in the
middle of the table, while the riptide comes in by the blood letters.
The heavy thud of the broadsides announces their arrival at the back
of his deployment zone. One unit of crisis suits arrive behind the
cultists holding an objective while the other 2 appear by the large
renegade units. Not wanting the bloodslaughterer to kill too much the
drones move as close to it as possible forcing it to attack them, and
another unit of drones blocks the soul grinders approach.
In my
deployment zone the crisis suits kill all of my cultists with ease
gaining first blood, while the suits in the centre target both units
and deal heavy casualties, one unit losing 10 models, the other loses
6. On his own the commander kills 7 mutants with ease. Broadsides
target the blood letters and kill all but 1, who still holds the
objective. Drones hit the soul grinder with marker lights and fire a
seeker missile at it, taking a hull point off it. To finish the
riptide kills 7 more renegades.
phase and the suits jump around.
Nothing (1 – 1)
turn 3
The soul
grinder doesn't make an appearance, so the infantry close in on the
battle suits, apart from the untouched renegades in the ruin who hold
their position to fight off the tau.
cannon fire from the defiler tries to take out the battle suits who
killed off the cultists but they both make their cover saves.
and the soul grinder charges into the drone wall In front of it
destroying them with ease. The blood slaughterer is forced to do the
same making very short work of them. The unit of renegades lead by
Herald of Khorne charges into the closest battle suit unit and the
herald dispatches them on his own. As the mutants are in 12 inches of
the rip tide they have to charge it, and they get gunned down before
they make it.
Objective 4 (2 – 1)
Tau turn
One of
the units of battle suits jumps behind the soul grinder, while most
others just move away from the renegades. The commander keeps on
flying towards the middle of the table.
into its rear armour, the battle suits wreck the soul grinder. He
attempts to take out the bloodslaughterer with the broadsides but
only deals a single glancing hit. Firing everything it has the
commander kills off a smaller unit of renegades. The riptide kills
off 5 more renegades while the suits that escaped the defiler wrecks
the chimera.
and again the tau Jump Around (jump around)
Supremacy (1), Ascendency (3) (2 – 5)
turn 4
ripping though the warp, the soul grinder comes in much the same
place as the first. The few remaining people move up apart from the
renegades in the ruin. My command move into the wreckage for a cover
from the ruin, the renegades target the flying commander and manage
to deal 2 wounds to him, but he stays in the air. Again the defiler
tries to take out the battle suits close to it, but only kills 1. The
new soul grinder misses with its phlegm. The drones attempt to kill
off the drones closest to the blood slaughterer so it can charge the
rip tide but I only kill half of them and they hold their ground.
and the blood slaughterer kills another unit of drones.
Objective 4 (3 – 5)
Tau turn
the moment is right, farsight and his bodyguard come in behind the
defiler and scatters back a few inches. His commander flies over my
command unit and the lone battle suit moves to target them as well.
Doing their trick again the suits jump behind the slaughterer this
turn. Again the drones play speed bump.
With ease
the commander kills the command squad off but my warlord stands tall
over the bodies. Shooting from the lone suit deals 1 wound to him but
he's fine. The other suit unit again wrecks the slaughterer by
shooting it in the rear (I should have learnt). The riptide targets
the unit lead by the herald and kills off the unit and wounds the
herald, but he still lives bloody but angry. He really wants to slay
the warlord, the broadsides shoot at the warlord but fails to do
anything. Farsight and friends shoot into the rear of the defiler and
take 2 hull points off it, but it lives, and at the end of the turn
he runs for it.
and the tau do what the tau do, jumping about.
objective 5, big game hunter, objective 1 (3 – 8)
turn 5
I finally
use the blood points and give all daemonkin units Rage. The warlord
rallies and stands ready to take on his attackers. Turning around the
defiler faces its adversary.
defiler bombards farsight and friends and kill off 2 of the
and the soul grinder and lone blood letter charge into the drones
blocking their path, and some how only kill 2 and the bloodletter
dies. The herald charges the closest suit unit and gets shot down. I
charge the defiler into farsight and forgot he has armour bane... and
he cuts down the defiler with ease.
Behind enemy lines, take no prisoners (5 – 8)
Tau turn
moves towards my warlord while the riptide moves into the middle. The
commander drops out of the sky towards the renegades in the ruin.
from farsight kills the warlord, and the commander and riptide kill 9
of the renegades in the ruin. Broadsides target the soul grinder and
glance it.
and the tau jump about.
Recon, king slayer (1), slay the warlord (5 – 11)
We go to
see if the game carries on...
turn 6
grinder gets as close as possible to the broadsides but wont make it
into assault.
from the renegades deals another wound to the flying commander but he
As the
grinder wasn't going to make it, he charges the suits next to them
instead and makes it, killing them both.
Nothing (5 – 11)
Tau turn

In a
desperate attempt to broadsides try to take out the grinder but fails
to do anything. The commander shoots at the renegades and kill a few
including the champion.
and farsight fails his charge.
Assassinate (5 – 12)
The game
ends here. With a victory to the Tau.
Well that
didn't go how I expected it to, I though I would have done a lot more
damage, but sneaky play by my opponent and straight up misusing some
of my daemon engines give him the game. One of my bigger mistakes was
leaving the blood slaughterer unsupported so it had to charge what
ever he put in front of it, if he had started further back with the
support of the infantry they could have stood more of a chance to
either block a path or shoot down the drones before they became such
a problem.
the defiler into Farsight was a mistake as well, but I didn't really
have much option. Maybe I should have moved up the defiler from the
start, to aid the renegades? Really i'm not sure, I will have to play
around with this more to learn how to use him. Either way I
squandered the ability from the daemonkin book only using it once.
This was
just a test using the Daemonkin, I think I will just use renegades in
the future, with Daemon allies, the nurgle really do stick around
longer, and I missed using the Leman russ battle tanks, they aren't
great but they do have their uses. For now I might take a step back
from playing with the renegades and just paint them for now, and
crack the Eldar out for a bit. Sometimes you just need to try
something different for a while to get a better perspective. As right
now I have no idea what to do with the renegades.
thanks for sharing, i love your reports!
ReplyDeleteHey buddy, sorry to read of your loss. Tau are one of the better armies right now, I think to bring them down you have to break out all the nasty combos and tricks with an army like Renegades. Zombie spam, Rapier lascannon spam, Wyverns, anything S8+ to double out suits will help.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I hear, Khorne Demonkin work best on their own, because then there are more units to get buffed and create blood tithe. Also, if I'd bring them as allies I'd pick up the Gorepack formation, which is one of the, if not THE strongest in the book.
I'm sure next game will go better!
IA13 can be a powerful book but as with all things chaos you do have to min-max a bit to make it work at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI have found the infantry only work in huge big blobs. A blob of 50 mutants made fearless by the Psychic Demagogue (take summoning and try to summon flesh-hounds) and with FNP (Nurgle Covenant) is cool and the Nurgle Covenant also ulocks a second huge cheap blob of zombies. This costs about 375 points altogether IIRC and gives 101 fearless bodies to jam up the table and provide board control and tarpits. There are all sorts of fantasy models you can use for mutants, I used goblins from goblin town and gave them pistols from a bits supplier. Mantic Zombies are cheap.
Back this up with field artillery with max crew (earthshakers which I bought from Ramshackle Games, Kromlech do a reasonable heavy mortar, or you could buy some Wyverns) which you can bubblewrap with the zombies if your opponent has deep strikers or drop pods, season with a dirt cheap unit of rapiers in cover (I proxy with Space Crusade Tarantulas, this unit is also great for CSM) and you have a very strong core to add Daemons or fast CSM (Spawn, Juggerlords, Oblits, Maulerfiends +minimum cultists in reserve) to, or take a second CAD and add more tanks, heavy support and infantry squads.
oh and the IA13 fliers are worth having too if you have the beer tokens to buy one or two...
DeleteThat sounds really cool knight! Makes me want to play Renegades again! What flier are you referring to? I thought we could only bring the Valkyrie and unfortunately no Vendetta or Vulture :(
DeleteHell Blade and Fire Raptor are excellent, Blight Drone and Hell Talon are OK, they work well too if you have other flyers for saturation.
DeleteThanks for the advice dude, for now I will have to just use my zombies again and maybe use my media for earthshaker. I will see what I can borrow or proxy for the rest for now.
Deletejust remember quantity has a quality all of its own! Its not hard to make big units fearless either since Chaos Lords are fearless as are a couple of the demagogues.
DeleteGreat battle report. I was really rooting for you (well, as much as I can for heretics.) Tau give me all sorts of fits because I can't get to grips with them with my knights and they out shoot my IG. Frustrating bunch of xenos.
ReplyDeletePreaching to the choir. Damn fish men but I'm just going to play them more until I can figure out a way to beat them.
Deleteif you have the beer tokens to buy one or two.
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