Friday 26 February 2016

Eldar vs Tau 2k: Ambush the Hunter

The Farsight Enclave have been found on a maiden world, something which can not be tolerated. Attacking what appears to be a small Tau outpost, the Eldar bring their full force to bare and get ambushed by the Farsight and his crisis suits. The game is a 2000 point Mealstrom game of Cleanse and Control with vanguard strike deployment.

Friday 19 February 2016

Renegades vs Mechanicum 2000: Outskirt Raid

The Outskirts of Ferrograde aren't heavily defended and are an ideal place to raid. The forces of the Mechanicum are attacking one such area and the defenders of Ferrograde, the Renegades of the Hereteks, must defend their territory against the onslaught. This is a game of Contact lost, can the power of man and daemon take on the power of the machines?

Friday 12 February 2016

Renegades vs Knights 1500: Stomp to Victory

My second game with my renegade evolving list, and I face an Army of the Imperium, made up of a Knight detachment and help from the Militarum Tempestus detachment. Can my renegades take on the knights or will then just get trampled underfoot?

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Imperial Armour Review part 3: Force of the Imperium and Background

Despite the Imperium taking a large part of the background of this book, it was very much under represented inside the rules section, with only 2 characters being represented. Still I will go over them and then the Background of the book.

Friday 5 February 2016

Rotwater Blight Game 5: Orcs vs Dwarfs

Old adversaries meet once more to settle grudges and avenge ancient wrongs. The Final game of Throne of skulls and the mission is War of Storms against a force of Dwarfs. We have to kill the general and hope the winds of fate blow in our favour.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Imperial Armour Review Part 2: Eldar Corsairs

Part 2 of the Review and we move onto the Eldar Corsair army list. As a brief overview, the army is a very fast army (more so than dark or craftworld eldar) and has a mixture of options available from the other two kin books. If you ever though “my Dark eldar are too slow and too resilient” then Corsairs are the force for you.