Taking a little brake from the eldar, I bring out the
dark eldar (not much of a difference I know) to join forces with chaos
(unfluffy... but such is life) against an army of blood angels. So its 2500
points a side in a game of Big guns never tier, with dawn of war deployment.
The Armies
Fluff aside we put Dark eldar and Chaos space marines
together to face off against blood angels. To make things fair both sides have
two force organisation charts (as the dark eldar and chaos have one each) but
only 1 warlord for the whole army. Obviously my army has just been promised
reams of slaves in exchange for their aid.
Chaos Space Marines 1254
Chaos Lord – 205 (warlord: Master of Deception) w/
Khorne berzerkers
Terminator armour, Mark of Khorne, Axe of blind fury,
Combat familiar, Sigil of corruption, veterans of the long war, Gift of
mutation (+1 BS)
Sorcerer – 170 (tzeentch firestorm, breath of chaos,
smite) w/ thousand sons
Level 3, spell familiar, mark of tzeentch, sigil of
corruption, veterans of the long war, force sword
8 Khorne Berzerkers – 192 (In Land raider)
Power sword, veterans of the long war, gift of
mutation (shrouded)
9 Thousand sons – 242
Tzeentchs fire storm
Rhino – 45
Extra armour
Land Raider – 245
Extra armour, Dirge Caster
5 Havocs – 155
4 x lazcannon
Dark Eldar 1251
Archon – 145 w/ Incubi
Shadow field, husk blade, soul trap, combat drugs
Haemonculus – 55 w/ Incubi
Venom blade
8 Incubi – 206
Klaivex, onslaught
Raider – 70
Night shield, dark lance
10 Warriors – 110
Splinter cannon, sybarite
Raider – 70
Night shield, dark lance
10 Warriors – 110
Splinter cannon, sybarite
Raider – 70
Night shield, dark lance
Ravager – 115
Night shield, 3 x disintegrators
Ravager – 115
Night shield, 3 x disintegrators
Razorwing Jetfighter – 165
Splinter cannon, 2x disintegrator, flicker field
So that’s our force, the evil side I guess. We wrote
the lists independently so there was no real chance of having any real theme or
<> (this was because we where going to do a mini tournament) giving the
blood angels a little advantage. See how I'm getting the excuses in early? Our
force was quite small with a lot of transports, so we could lose first blood
quite quickly if we don’t get first turn. But potentially quite fast.
Blood angels 2505
Mephiston – 250 (warlord: Out flankers get acute
Reclusiarch – 130 w/ Death company
Tactical squad – 190 (combat squad)
10 marines, Plasma gun, lascannon
Tactical squad – 190 (combat squad)
10 marines, plasma gun, lascannon
Assault squad – 215 (combat squad)
10 marines, power sword, melta gun
6 Death company – 150
Power sword, power axe
Land raider – 250
Brother Corbulo – 105
Devastator squad – 145
Lascannon, 3 x missile launcher
Devestator squad – 150
Missile launcher, 3 x plasma cannon
Honour guard – 135
Chapter champion
Razor back – 55
Heavy bolter
5 Sternguard – 125
Sanguinary guard – 230
Chapter banner
Land speeder – 60
2 x heavy bolters
Land speeder – 60
Multi melta
This army was
interesting, having the big boy Mephiston as his warlord would mean he might be
difficult to shift if he hides from lascannons. However my lord could probably
kill him in a turn or two. With so many heavy weapons I was worried that he
would destroy all of our transports by turn two. His list is quite defensive so
we will probably have to go to him. Well that was always going to happen.
The Mission
We set up the terrain according to the rule book, and
the terrain was a little one sided, with one side with 8 pieces compared to 4
on the other, not exactly balanced so could be quite influential on the game.
Mission: Big Guns never tier
Deployment: Dawn of War
Night Fight: Not turn 1
Rolling for deployment, Chaos/Dark eldar win and we
select to deploy first on the side with more terrain. Using the master of
deception warlord trait, we elected to infiltrate the havocs (so we can deploy
them after his tanks) and one squad of warriors. We deployed the tanks in the
center of the table so its harder for his to refuse flank us. He was always
going to do it.
The blood angels deployed with devastators with a
good line of sight, the assault marines and land speeders going down our right
flank. Tactical marines and a devastator squad hold the left flank. The rest of
the army set up in the middle, with corbulo joining with Mephison (we assumed
we could do that) to give him a little extra boost.
We set up our infiltrators, the havocs are placed on
our far left to hold an objective and have a good view over the battle field.
The warriors are deployed in the ruin in the center of the table to get some
pot shots off.
He attempts to steal the initiative and fails, but
using corbulos re-roll.... he still fails.
The Battle
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 1
Before anything happens we roll to see what the two
objective we have are, and we get nothing of note, and the blood angels get the
same. The Land raider and rhino move forward to get closer to the enemy, the
ravagers move to get better lines of sight of the enemy. So I don’t get them
blown out the sky, the archons raider hides behind the land raider. The raider
with warriors in moves up and is shielded by the empty raider next to it.
To help it survive the torrent of fire power the land raider uses its smoke to screen it. The raiders all shoot their dark lances at
the enemy land raider but fail to get any penetrating hits. The havocs follow
suit a little to closely and just scratch the paint work. Refusing to do
nothing this shooting phase my ravager on the left shoots at a combat squad and
kills all 5 marines, gaining first blood. The warriors shoot at the other half
of the tactical squad dealing 3 wounds, but they pass feel no pain granted by
corbulo. Not a great turn.
Blood angels turn 1
Mephiston uses wing of Sanguinias to jump forward
towards the land raider, flanked by tactical marines. The tanks move forward
and the assault marines and land speeders jump up the right flank. Half the
combat squad of assault marines go up the left.
Shooting at the ravager the devastators with missile launchers wrecks it with a mix of penetrating and glancing hits. The speeders
shoot at the empty raider and take off 2 hull points, leaving it alive, just.
The land raider shoots at the full raider but doesn’t do anything thanks to
jink. The plasma devs target a raider but all the shots scatter and manage to
kill 3 warriors instead. The razorback and sternguard both target the damaged
raider and rip off the last hull point, wrecking it.
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 2
Reserve rolls succeed and in screams in razorwing on
the left flank towards the devastators. The raider moves a little to let the
warriors shoot at the assault marines on the flank. At the command of the
sorcerer, the thousand sons march out the rhino towards the marines while the
sorcerer stays in the tank. The thousand sons take an objective and it turn out
to be a (6). The raider full of incubi moves over the ruin to get into a better
position next turn to get out an assault.
Summoning his arcane powers the sorcerer targets the
tactical marines with tzeentchs fire storm but it gets denied by the marines
refusing to get brought down by the witch. The thousand sons however shoot at
the tactical marines and only manage to kill the special weapon, the rest FNP.
Unleashing the full payload of two disintegrators and two missiles the
razorwing shoots the devastators and kill all 5 marines. The land rider shoots
both lascannons at the blood angels land raider and manage to make it explode,
killing a single sanguinary guard in the explosion. With the death company now
exposed, the warriors manage to poison two of them. The lone ravager manages to
kill two sanguinary guard with its disintegrators. And to finish the turn the
razorback takes a glancing hit from the raider.
Blood angels turn 2
Mephiston again casts wings and moves towards the
land raider, easily in assault range flanked by the sanguinary guard. The Death
company move forward, followed by the tactical marines. On the right flank the
assault marines and stern guard move forward. The assault marines on the left
go towards the land raider.
The first combat phase of the game starts with
mephiston charging the land raider and he casts sword of Sanguineas, dealing 2
penetrating hits to it but not destroying it. Assault marines charge the rhino
and strip off a hull point. The death company and sanguinary guard try to
charge the thousand sons but thanks to a mix of low rolls and the objective neither
one makes it into combat.
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 3
The razorwing zooms over the battle field |
In a hail of splinters the warriors shoot at the
sternguard and kill 1, while 4 are saved by FNP... so if they were normal
marines they would have died. The thousand sons shoot at the honour guard
killing 3, the ravager trys to finish them off but all its wounds are ignored
by FNP. The havocs shoot at the razorback and it explodes. Turning its arsenal
on the Death company, the razorwing (only using 1 missile) kills a single death
company marine while doing two wounds to the Chaplin. Seeing an opportunity the
warriors shoot at the death company and manage to get a single wound on the Chaplin, killing him.
The daemon prince emerges |
Blood angels turn 3
As he only has shooting units left he moves every one
round to get a better fiering position.
The heavy bolter speeder shoots at the raider and
wrecks it (no jinks for me) while the multi-melta speeder takes off a weapon
from the ravager. Bolters are fired at the incubi taking one down, while the
tactical marines shoot the lascannon at the land raider, finally destroying it.
On the right, the assault marines charge the warriors
killing two of the dark eldar but I hold. Corbulo charges the incubi and issues
a challenge, I accept forgetting that he gets a 2+ FNP and I do nothing to him
while he cuts me down with a rending wound. I hold, but I need to learn to
refuse challenges that I don't need to accept, while the who squad wouldn’t have
killed him it might have helped.
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 4
Adjusting its facing, the razorwing goes towards the marines
back field, the ravager turns to face the speeder attacking it. The chaos lord
joins with the berzerkers again and move towards tactical marines. The dark
eldar lord moves towards the honour guard while the prince moves towards the
The razorwings manages to kill 3 tactical marines as
the ravages takes a single hull point off the speeder. The inferno bolts of the
thousand sons kill all the stern guard where they stand.
Combat and the chaos lord charge the remaining
tactical marines killing the remaining two. The dark eldar lord charges the
honour guard but gets a load of ones, only killing 1 marines. The assault
marines finish off the warriors while corbulo is a pain in my ass while no one
Blood angels turn 4
The speeders dance around to get better shots while
the assault marines move towards the centre.
Unloading both heavy bolters, the land speeder wrecks
the ravager, stripping off its last hull points. A single thousand son is
downed by pistol fire from the assault marines and the devastators hit the
razorwing twice, penetrating it with both shots. Luckily I manage to make both
flicker field saves stopping him from destroying the flyer.
Comkbat and the dark eldar lord does his job and
finishes off the honour guard while the assault marines charge the thousand
sons, both loseing a single model, ending in a draw.
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 5
Night fighting!!!
Incubi surround Corbulo |
The shooting phase is disappointing as everything
either misses or fails to wound. But in the combat phase the chaos lord kills
the marine, now in the enemy deployment zone. The dark eldar lord aids the
thousand sons by charging into the back of the assault marines destroying them
all. At the end of combat the incubi manage to get a single wounds past corbulo’s
FNP and he runs, escapes but only runs 2 inches, I roll 6 and in a bit of a
dick move, get my models to surround him so he cant effect the game any more
next turn. The last thing I need is him contesting an objective.
Blood angels turn 5
The predator moves back from the oncoming prince and
the devastators manage to do a single wound to the havocs. Corbulo charges the
incubi and I lose a single model but hold. Not a very exiting turn.
We roll for next turn, and it continues.
Chaos/Dark Eldar turn 6
The prince continues his path to the predator while
my dark eldar lord moves to the land speeder in our deployment zone. As my dark eldar warriors dont have much to
shoot they make a brake for the objective in open ground, hoping that if they
make it they can secure victory.
Combat and the prince is just out of range of the
predator while the dark eldar lord destroys the land speeder easily.
Blood angles turn 6
The dark eldar warriors are destroyed by the
devastators, even after going to ground (you never know).
Game ends.
Chaos/Dark Eldar - 10 ( 2 objective, Warlord, First blood, Line breaker, 1 Heavy support)
Blood Angels - 6 (1 objective, 3 heavy support)
Chaos/Dark Eldar victory!!!
Chaos/Dark Eldar - 10 ( 2 objective, Warlord, First blood, Line breaker, 1 Heavy support)
Blood Angels - 6 (1 objective, 3 heavy support)
Chaos/Dark Eldar victory!!!
An interesting game (i say interesting far too much, maybe next battle report i will avoid saying it at all) and it went quite well. I think the fact that we had a land raider and 2 combat monsters really helped sway the course of the battle. The shooting didn't hurt either really. The dark eldar army does play a little differently from the eldar, but i like it, possibly even prefair it. For a small points army i had quite a nasty kick considering. I believe if i took my army list i would have been able to kick in the chaos player with ease 1v1. But that's by the by. Did i learn anything?
And that's it for today, i hope you enjoyed the report.
An interesting game (i say interesting far too much, maybe next battle report i will avoid saying it at all) and it went quite well. I think the fact that we had a land raider and 2 combat monsters really helped sway the course of the battle. The shooting didn't hurt either really. The dark eldar army does play a little differently from the eldar, but i like it, possibly even prefair it. For a small points army i had quite a nasty kick considering. I believe if i took my army list i would have been able to kick in the chaos player with ease 1v1. But that's by the by. Did i learn anything?
- Deployment: It wasn't great but in order to prevent getting refused flanked, this was required i feel. Could you guys say what i should have done?
- Target Priority: That went well i think, we had a game plan of how to deal with everything and stuck to our guns taking out the biggest threats. This went well.
- Fast army: The fact everything was on a transport really helped out getting to where we wanted so we could get in the fights we wanted.
- Army composition: This army was fast, shooty and had a bit of a kick. It does make me want to swap my army around to be focusing on dark eldar with eldar aid. Should i do it? not sure.
And that's it for today, i hope you enjoyed the report.
I think you should.
ReplyDeleteDE prime, with CW allies would be nasty. I've always felt that no one beats DE in low point games. The lists DE can put together with as little as 500-1000 pts, are just unfair.
Nice report, by the way.