Its been a while so I decided to bring the Eldar out from hiding and use them again. While I have my “tournament” force painted up, I though it would be nice to use something a little different, and bring out a few units I haven't used in a while. My friend Ben was happy enough to play me with his Elysian D99 force, in a 2000 point game of purge the alien.
Combined arms Detachment (primary detachment)
Farseer –
100 (warlord: -1 on enemy reserve rolls)
executioner, death mission, eldrich storm
Guardians – 110
Guardians – 110
10 Dire
avengers – 130
serpent – 135
laser, holo field
Wraithguard – 160
serpent – 135
laser, holo field
Wraithguard – 160
Striking scorpions – 210
scorpion claw
hunter – 180
5 Shining
spears – 160
hit and run, star lance
3 War
walkers – 210
5 Dark
reapers – 200
This list
has some rather common aspects that I am sure you will find in a lot
of eldar lists, namely the wave serpents. I have 2 to get my troops
into position, as well as to put out a lot of fire power. I always
take units of guardians as I just think they are great for the
points, and with a scatter laser they can still add a bit of fire
power from the back. The wraithguard are just a solid choice which
can destroy most units and are resilient enough to survive walking,
or getting out of a transport alone for a turn. The oddities in my
list are the shining spears and scorpions. I love these two units,
but I rarely see them in peoples armies in battle reports. I can
understand why, dedicated combat units, especially ones with rather
specific roles such as anti-horde, which is covered by wave serpents
or anti-meq on the turn they charge leaving them vulnerable on the
second turn. But I still love them.
Combined Arms Detachment (primary detachment)
Squad – 200 (warlord: Elysian trait)
Refractor Field, power fist, 2x Snipers, Scanner, Medic
Squad – 99
Elysians, Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun
Squad – 99
Elysians, Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun
Squad – 99
Elysians, Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun
Squad – 130
Elysians, 6x Meltaguns
– 155
Pods, Heavy Bolters
Sentinel Squadron – 170
sentinels, 2 x Multi-meltas
Sky Talon – 85
Sentinel – 85pts
Venerator – 110
2x Hunter Killer
Gunship - 175
Cannons, Flares, Infra-red targeting.
Sentry gun battery - 135
3 x
Tempestus Scions Allied Detachment (99th Elysia "Helljumpers")
Command Squad – 130
Medi-Pack, Volley Gun, Plasma Pistol
Prime – 85
linked Autocannon, Storm bolter
Scions - 145
Scions, Vox-Caster, 2x Volley Guns
Prime - 95
Cannon, Storm Bolter
The D-99
veterans get to change their tyranid hunter special rule with their
warlord trait, meaning that all of his units gain preferred enemy
(eldar) but as a down side they roll 2 dice to run and use the
lowest, not exactly an massive issue for him.
We rolled
for deployment type, and ended up with vanguard strike, and the
mission was purge the alien. The Elysians won the roll to pick
deployment zone but I won the roll to deploy first. As I'm not 100%
sure what he will do, I place both of the wave serpents in the
middle, hidden from most fire if he steals the initiative. On the far
left I place the dark reapers behind the barricades. On the right I
place the war walkers at the back hopefully out of range of most
guns. At the very back I place the spears, and a unit of guardians in
my wood. Finally I join the farseer with a unit of wraithguard, and
place them between the wave serpents. As he has his scatter in long
range mode, I need to see if I am allowed to infiltrate the
scorpions, he fails the roll and I can. I keep the other unit of
guardians and crimson hunter in reserve.
counter this he places both of the Taurox transports on the left
behind the woods, with a veteran unit next to them. In the middle the
command unit deploys in a large ruin with the snipers at the top. The
other two veteran units deploy behind another ruin, and in the woods
towards the middle right. All of his other units start in reserve. I
then infiltrate the scorpions behind a ruin as its the only place
they can really go.
fight: Turn 1
Steal the
initiative: No
turn 1
first turn my force moves up to target the veterans closest to the
right. As they should be fine for a turn of fire, the scorpions move
straight towards the command squad. I attempt to move the dark
reapers over the barricade but they stumble forwards a whole inch.
I only
really have guide in range, and not wanting to perils, I throw 4 dice
at it, and only get a single success... which he stops.
battle focus the scorpions run forwards then shoot at the veterans
behind the ruins, but only 1 dies thanks to the cover save. The back
wave serpent shoots at the veterans in the woods, the scatter laser
does nothing but the serpent shields kill off 3 including the heavy
bolter team. They can only see two models, but the war walkers shoot
at the veterans behind the ruins and kill all 2 including a plasma
gun. Using the swarm star missiles, the dark reapers shoot at the
company command but only kill 1. To finish the turn both the spears
and remaining wave serpent boost into better positions. Both veteran
units fail their moral test, and one of them runs off the table.
turn 1
The drop
troop rule allows him to bring in 2 units in from reserve, he brings
in the sentry guns which deep strike behind the wave serpents,
scattering a little but it doesn't do much. The other unit he brings
in is the Valkyrie which deep strikes next to the wraithguard, and
locks on. He says its in hover mode and the executioners jump out
straight towards the guard. The running veterans turn around and get
back in the fight. Both of the Taurox transports plough though the
trees and pass their difficult terrain tests. Using the clearing made
by the tanks, the veterans next to them follows them into the woods.
And the Tauros moves to see the dark reapers.
As they
can only shoot at vehicles, the sentry guns target the dire avengers
wave serpent, the tank declares to jink, and thank god as he hits and
penetrates 3 times! All are saved thanks to jink, holo field and
night fight (2+ save). The executioners shoot at the wraithguard, 5
hit, and thanks to preferred enemy, 5 wound. 4 wraithguard die and I
fail a look out sir, as well as the farseers armour save, so he gets
instantly killed. The newly rallied veterans target the scorpions,
and manage to kill a single aspect warrior. Following the veterans
lead, the command squad fires at the scorpions as well, killing 1
more. To finish the infantry's shooting, the other vets also target
the scorpions, but fail to do anything. Both Taurox target the dark
reapers and devastate the unit despite their 3+ save, killing 4, and
the final one is killed off by the Tauros. The Valkyrie targets the
wave serpent and glances it once.
turn 2
In from
reserve come the guardians, who come in between the executioners and
the sentry guns. The single wraithgaurd moves up to get in range of
the valkyrie, and the others get out of their transport and follow
suit. Turning on the spot the wave serpent targets the flier as well.
Both the striking scorpions and shining spears go after the veteran
units. In the back field, the guardians move out of the woods and get
ready to attack the sentry guns.
units of wraithguard shoot at the valkyrie which jinks, and I only
manage 2 penetrating hits which shake it and blow off the
multi-laser. The wave serpent has to add its shots to wreck it with
its scatter laser. Running first, then shooting, the newly arrived
guardians shoot at the executioners, they go to ground but I kill all
of the elysians in a single volley. The other guardians shoot at the
sentry guns, but fail to do any damage, but the war walkers fair
better managing to kill off a single un with their scatter laser
shots. Firing their shuriken catapults, the shining spears manage to
kill a veteran and the heavy bolter team.
and the guardians charge into the sentry guns but only manage to deal
a single wound. The shining spears charges the veterans in front of
them and just run them over before they can even strike. Its a long
shot but I try to charge the scorpions into the command squad, but I
turn 2
In from
reserve, the Talon deep strikes in and drops off the sentinels next
to the war walkers. The tauroxs move though the woods as well
dropping off the scions and scion command.
The scion
command issues the scions to target the wraithguard and gain sniper,
the 4+ to wound really helps them as they just cut down the
wraithguard who rely on their 3+ save and T 6 which is ignored. The
sentry guns target the wraithguard wave serpent, which jinks, and
saved the single penetrating hit. The two drop sentinels target the
war walkers and get a single penetrating hit, which is saved by the
force field. Attempting to drop the lone wraithguard the scion
command shoots at it, but fails to kill it. However a plasma shot
from the vets in the woods does the job. The tauros shoots at the
dire avengers wave serpent, with its lascannon and hunter killer
missiles. I decide not to jink, but all the shots hit, and penetrate,
I reduce all the shots down to glances but the vehicle is still
wrecked. Jumping out of the wrecked vehicle, the dire avengers then
get hit by the Taurox and 3 die. The command squad attempts to kill
off a scorpion but stealth stops a rending sniper shot. Firing its
rocket pod at the dire avengers, they go to ground, and they all die
but 1.
continues and the guardians do nothing to the sentry guns.
turn 3
In from
reserve the crimson hunter comes in and goes after the sky talon.
With the threats behind them the war walkers turn around and prepare
to fire. With the threat dealt with, the guardians in the middle move
into the wave serpent, and it moves up to see the scions. The other
guardians leave the sentry guns so they can shoot, and re-charge. Not
letting their pray escape this time, the scorpions get closer to the
command squad. With their last foes defeated, the shining spears move
towards the tauroxs hoping to destroy some tanks.
Like a
bird of pray, the crimson hunter attacks the sky talon. The talon
jinks and stops most of the damage but the thing still gets
immobilised. Scatter laser fire from the war walkers wrecks both of
the sentinels with ease at point blank range. Firing both the scatter
laser and its shield, the wave serpent tries to knock out the scions,
but their armour proves true, and only 2 die. Shuriken fire from the
guardians kills off the damaged gun, leaving 1 left.
phase and the guardians re-charge the sentry gun, but they do no
damage. Striking from below, the scorpions charge into the command
squad, and kill off the whole unit. In a slightly daring charge, the
shining spears manage to charge into the closest Taurox, wrecking it
with their lances.
turn 3

scions commander give the scions preferred enemy and they shoot at
the shining spears, who jink. Their shots manage to bring down a
single biker. The veterans add their fire power to the unit and bring
down another 2 of the bikers. Scion command shoot at them as well,
but do 0 damage. The remaining taurox kills 1 more, and the taruros
does nothing. Lascannon from the sentry guns targets the wave
serpent, but it jinks out the way. Vulture fire wrecks the crimson
hunter, the 20 shots really do a number to it.
turn 4
As the
wave serpent can only snap fire this turn, It turns to face the
vulture, so it makes no real different. War walkers face the talon,
now that the sentinels are destroyed. As only the shining spear
exarch is left, it jumps over the forest, and gets behind the other
Taurox while the scorpions move towards the scions. The lone dire
avenger runs for cover, hoping to avoid the attention of the guard.
everything it can, the wave serpent gets a single glance on on the
vulture, a snap shot from the spear exarch hits the rear of the
Taurox and immobilises it. All of the shots from the war walkers guns
fail to do any damage to the talon, they just can't affect the
armour. Again the guardians shoot at the sentry gun, and a single
wound gets through.
phase and the guardians charge into the sentry gun and I finally
remove the last model, its only taken 4 turns! After gun fire failed,
the war walkers charge into the talon, and manage to wreck it in
combat. Shining spear exarch smashes into rear of the Taurox and
wrecks it with ease. Scorpions charge into the scions and the
overwatch kills off a single aspect warrior. But the scorpions manage
to kill 3 of the storm troopers and the eldar take no casualties. The
scions hold.
turn 4
the lone drop sentinel arrives from reserve behind the remaining wave
serpent. Repositioning on the board, the vulture moves to shoot at
the war walkers.
shot from the sentry gun targets the wave serpent, it jinks out the
way. The lascannon shot from the Taruros shakes the wave serpent, it
just couldn't jink that shot. From their position in the left woods,
the veterans target the lone dire avenger and kill him. 20 shots from
the vulture targets the war walkers wrecking 1, and immobilising
Trying to
take out the exarch before he can wreck anything else, the scion
command charges into shining spear exarch. Only 1 scion gets killed
before they pummel the exarch to death. Scorpions kill off the rest
of the scions and consolidate towards the remaining veterans.
turn 5
Again the
wave serpent chases after the vulture while the guardians move
towards the lone drop sentinel. Moving into the forest, the scorpions
get ready to pounce on the veterans.
laser fire from the guardians wrecks the drop sentinel. War walkers
both fire at the vulture but fail to hit their mark, the wave serpent
does the same but again does nothing.
and the scorpions charge into the veterans and just straight up
murder them, mandiblasters and chain swords just kill them with ease.
turn 5
vulture circles around once again towards the war walkers and the
tauros follows the wave serpent.
This time
the lascannon misses its mark on the wave serpent, and the vulture
wrecks the war walkers straight away. Hotshot fire from the scion
command kills off a single scorpion.
We roll
to see if the game carries on...
Eldar: 14
(12 units killed, first blood, slay the warlord) – Elysians: 10 (9
units killed, slay the warlord).
to the Eldar
It was
good to get the Eldar out again, I have missed the play style, the
speed and fire power really are what I love. Mixing it up with the
scorpions and shining spears was nice, and rather mobile. If they
would work against different armies... we will find out. I might
actually restart my evolving list stuff again with this list as a
basis, but i will need to reduce it down to 1500 points. So if I am to use this list again, what did I learn?
- Wraithguard: They may be toughness 6 with a 3+ save but a bit of cover never hurt anyone, having them out in the open was not a good idea, and it cost me my farseer turn 1! if I had his around longer he might have actually made killing the sentry guns and fliers happen a lot quicker.
- Dark reaper: keep them further back, don't just have them at the front and let them die. They have a large range and can walk and fire. That was a stupid move.
- Wave serpents: I split them up in this game and neither did much, maybe I should keep them together to maximise damage.
Anyway I
need to play with my Eldar more, I have missed their purpleness. Hope
you enjoyed the battle report.
Great game and glad to see two interesting armies in the field. D-99 tempts me a bunch and I'm considering modeling some IG that direction (after 18,352 other projects.) Nice to see them kicking butt however I think you out played him. He was too piecemeal in his reserves and couldn't overwhelm you like he needed to. Great game and glad to see you back.