Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Some blogs to follow

It’s odd, normally I have something to share or say on a Tuesday but this week I'm drawing a blank, nothing stands out this week for me to share. I am falling behind on painting as work is taking up most of my time (that happens unfortunately) and I am in a bit of a limbo about what list to take for council of war until Warhammer World gets back to me.

So with nothing to really share this week I thought I would give some of my favourite blogs a shout out and ask that you guys have a look at them if you have never come across them before.  

http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/ This is a new blog that I have recently followed and I am so very glad that I did, the tyranids models are beautiful to look at and he has even converted some tyranids fortifications that are to die for. Really you should check it out, its a time well spent.

http://punishers40k.blogspot.co.uk/ A bit of a difference here, punisher40k is an old favourite of mine, a lot of tournament reports and army lists. I have been helped a lot of Yeeyee in the past and the inspiration I have had form his lists really has improved my games in recent times. Well worth a read.

http://ftgtgaming.blogspot.co.uk/ This blog has a number of writers and you get a good verity of posts from them as well. Both tournament reports, ideas to get you painting your models (yer I nicked the idea from them, don’t sue please) and its a good laugh. Even S is a favourite poster of mine from this blog, jsut saying.

http://mordian7th.blogspot.co.uk/ And mordian 7th, what a blog. This guy chucks out more painted models in a week that I have in 2 months. I wish I was as dedicated/skilled/patient as this guy. It really does show and I am very jealous. How he had a fully painted iron hands army in what seemed like a week is beyond me (it was probably a month) but still its so much faster than what I can do.

Sorry about the lack of post this week but I hope those 4 blogs will be able to tide you over.

Hope you enjoy.

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