Craftworld Dem-Kirath take on the Tau in a game of Purge the alien, 2000 points. Its been a while since i played tau and this force even has a data slate, so i don't fancy my chances, but i have a lord of war for good measure, hopefully it will help take down the tau.
The Armies
Eldar 1999
I decided to try out
a more Wraith heavy list this game and so used the Iyanden supplement (nothing
really changed other than I got to use slightly better warlord traits). I
haven’t used the Lynx in quite some time so decided to get that out for a
change as well.
Spiritseer- 70
(warlord: lord of sorrowful dead) w/ wraithguard
[terrify, psychic
5 Wraithguard – 160
Wave Serpent – 135
Twin-linked scatter
laser, holo field
5 Wraithguard – 160
Wave Serpent – 135
Twin-linked scatter
laser, holo field
10 Guardians – 110
5 rangers – 60
6 Swooping Hawks – 96
7 Warp spiders – 143
Crimson hunter – 160
2 War walkers – 140
2x bright lance
Wraithknight – 240
Lynx – 420
Tau 2000
Commander (warlord:
no scatter on deep strike) w/ bodyguard
Plasma rifle, cyclic
ion blaster, iridium armour, puretide chip
2 Body Guards
Twin-linked plasma
rifle, fusion gun
Etherial / fire
Honour blade, homing
12 Fire warriors
12 Fire warriors
12 Fire warriors
Devil Fish
16 Kroot
Sniper rounds
16 Kroot
Sniper rounds
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
3 Crisis suits
2x fusion gun
Firebase Support
3 Broadsides
High yield missile
pod, 2x shield drones, advance targeting
3 Broadsides
High yield missile
pod, 2x shield drones, advance targeting
Ion accelerator, stim
injector, advanced targeting
This is a hard tau
list to crack, and at the club it’s been doing the rounds quite nicely,
destroying the Ultramarine list I struggle with and doing nicely against
Necrons and Nids. I am not in for an easy ride. My tanks are in trouble thanks
to the firebase having tank hunter.
The Mission
The mission for this
game is Purge the Alien, so kill points. I have the advantage as I have less to
give up, but I am outnumbered by superior fire power, a horrible trade off. We
roll for deployment and its hammer and anvil, which is good as I don’t get to
play this deployment often. The tau wins the roll for selecting deployment
zone, but I win the roll for first turn and elect to deploy first (forgetting
he can steal on a 5+ thanks to my lord of war).
My set up is quite
simple, I place the wraithknight as far forwards as I can right in the centre
so he can jump down the tau throat and force them to deal with him. To be sure
it’s safe is he steal the initiative I place the Lynx behind the large line of
sight blocking terrain. The guardians go on my right behind the sandbags, and
both wave serpents go on the right, with the spiritseer going on the furthest
right (hopefully to reduce the line of sight). I place the war walkers and warp
spiders on the left so I have enough fire power on each side of the table. I
place the hawks on the table at the far right and at the back to jump turn 1.
Obviously the crimson hunter goes into reserve. As he has 2 units of kroot I
decide to try to infiltrate the rangers, if I don’t he can get into some good
position with the kroot and they will be on me before I can do anything about
them, it’s a sacrifice but it’s all I can do.
His counter
deployment starts with his riptide hiding behind his line of sight blocking
terrain keeping it safe from the lynx, both the broadside units go in front of
it spaced out as much as possible. A unit of fire warriors and pathfinders goes
on each flank in terrain and the final unit starts in its devilfish on the left
flank. The ethereal joins the unit on the left. In reserve he keeps the
commander and bodyguard, and the crisis unit.
Infiltrators, we roll
off to see who deploys them first and I win thank god and place them centrally
reducing where he can put his kroot. They get deployed on each flank just
outside his deployment zone.
Night Fight: Turn 5
Steal the Initiative:
Yes (damn lord of war)
The Battle
Tau turn 1
The kroot on the
right move further into the woods so they all have a cover save and are in
range of something ot shoot. At the back the riptide walks out ready to shoot
and attempts to nova charge but takes a wound for his trouble. On the left the
devil fish moves forwards and the ethereal gives everyone feel no pain (6+)
within 12 inches.
On the left the kroot
target the rangers with their sniper rounds and manage to kill 2 of the eldar
scouts. The left pathfinders then light them up with marker lights and get 2
hits. The etherial’s fire warriors use the marker lights to ignore cover and
kill the remaining rangers for first blood. The snapshots from the kroot on the
right fail to do anything to the wraithkngiht and the devil fish fails to do
any damage to the war walkers. The riptide attempts to overcharge its shot at
the wraithknight but it scatters and kills 3 warp spiders instead (they
hold). On the right the pathfinders light the wraithkngiht up and get 3 hits,
allowing a unit of Broadsides to get +2 BS and shoot at it with their HY
missile pods. All shots hit and get 5 wounds, I manage to fail all 5 saves
reducing the knight down to a single wound. The other broadside unit then uses
the last marker light for +1 BS and gets 2 wounds on it, and the wraithknight’s
armour is again made of paper as I fail both saves, killing it, that was rather
Tau: 3 – Eldar : 0
Eldar turn 1

Firing their bright
lances, the war walkers get a single penetrating hit and immobilise the devil
fish. The warp spiders shoot at the kroot on the left and kill 3 of them before
running back. On the right both wave serpents target the kroot on the right,
and together rack up 12 kills leaving only 4 models left. The big shot for the
turn, the lynx targets the right side unit of broadsides, the template manages
to clip 3 models and both shots lock on, I roll and the unit gets removed from
the table.
Tau: 3 – Eldar: 1
Tau turn 2
Both units of battle
suits arrive from reserve, the crisis suits are placed in front of the lynx and
lock on. The commander doesn’t deviate and goes to the left of the lynx. The
riptide attempts to nova charge its gun but takes damage instead. On the left the
kroot go for the warp spiders and the fire warriors get out of the devilfish
and join in the fray. The ethereal allows units within 12 inches to both run
and snapfire.
Again the riptide
attempts to overcharge its gun and target a wave serpent but it over heats and
it fails its armour save. The crisis suits target the lynx with their fusion
guns. All the shots hit but thanks to the titan holo field it is only stripped
down to 2 hull points. The commander and bodyguard attempt to finish off the
tank but they unit only manages to strip it down to a single hull point.
Running first, the kroot move 6 towards the snipers but fail to hit with their
shooting. The fire warriors do the same but manage to kill a single spider. The
devil fish then kills another spider. On the left the pathfinders markerlight
the warp spiders and hit twice. The fire warriors who didn’t move get +2 BS and
kill off the last warp spiders. On the right the pathfinders mark the wave
serpent 3 times and give the broadsides +2 BS, even with this and tank hunter
the broadsides fail to do anything thanks to its jink save.
Assault phase and all
of the suits move back as much as possible.
Tau: 5 – Eldar: 1
Eldar turn 2
I roll for the
crimson hunter and it arrives and moves straight towards the commander. The
hawks come back in, at the back of the tau deployment zone and drops its
grenade pack on top of the ethereal, it locks on killing 3 fire warriors,
wounding the ethereal and killing 2 pathfinders. They all pass their pinning
tests. On the right one wave serpent drops off the wraithguard who moves
towards the crisis suits, and the guardians follow suit. On the left, the war
walkers move towards the commander and his bodyguard. The other wave serpent
carries on forwards. At the end of the movement phase the broadsides intercept
with the smart missiles, and kill a single hawk.
Shooting from the war
walkers brings down a bodyguard with their bright lances, the commander looks
out a few shots and the shield drones absorb the shots. The crimson hunter
attempts to do some damage as well but again the shield drones absorb all the
shots. Now on the floor, the wraithguard target the crisis suits and kill them
all with ease. With its passengers on the battlefield, the empty wave serpent
targets the small kroot unit and kills them off for an easy kill point. The
other wave serpent shoots both its scatter laser and serpent shield shoot at
the right pathfinders and kill all 5 of them in a single turn. The lynx can
just about target the riptide and locks on with both shots, I roll to see what
happens and one is a 1, the other only deals 2 wounds, leaving it alive.
Shooting at the fire warriors, the swooping hawks deal a further 3 kills, and
the fire warriors (including ethereal) fail their moral test and run 7 inches!
Assault phase, and
with the commander still alive I am forced to charge him with the war walkers
to keep the lynx alive. The combat is pathetic as no one deals any wounds.
Tau: 5 – Eldar: 4
Tau turn 3
Unfortunately for me
the ethereal and fire warriors rally. The pathfinders move up and the fire
warriors turn to face the hawks.
Using marker lights
the pathfinder’s target the swooping hawks but all miss. The 3 units of fire
warriors combine their shooting and Is needed to kill off the hawks in a single
turn. Again shooting at the empty wave serpent the broadsides shoot and this
time manage to shake it. Not happy with the lynx’s shot, the riptide shoots
back and gets a single glancing hit, causing it to explode! The blast then
scatters off the table leaving my force unscathed.
Assault phase and the
riptide moves back. The continuing combat carries on doing nothing, as both
sides really aren’t very good at combat.
Tau: 8 – Eldar: 4
Eldar turn 3
The wave serpents
move up and the wraithguard move back to hopefully help the war walkers next
turn. Moving off form the commander, the crimson hunter moves up the table to
face the broadsides.
Shaken, but not down,
the damaged wave serpent shoots at the broadsides hoping to take down the
shield drones, but only manages to kill 1. With 1 left the second serpent
shoots them as well but I didn’t take into account a broadside was closer and
it just absorbed all the shots. Unfortunately I had to have a go anyway, but to
my luck the crimson hunter hits and wounds will all of its shots, the shield
drones systems are overloaded and fails, allowing the rest of the broadsides to
be instant killed by the strength 8 ap 2 shots. The wraithguard run,
Assault phase and the
war walkers manage to kick a drone into oblivion, but a war walker gets glanced
for its troubles.
Tau: 8 – Eldar: 5
Tau turn 4
Invoking his power,
the ethereal lets models within 12 inches fire an extra shot. All of the fire
warriors converge on the crimson hunter, hoping that with enough fire power
they can force it out of the sky. The kroot carry on their path towards the
A few sniper shots
from the kroot are aimed at the wraithguard but they fail to do any damage.
Adding its fire power the devilfish does the same but again the wraithguard
prove too tough. Using its standard shot, the riptide targets the empty wave
serpent and manages to stun it, leaving it on 1 hull point. Using marker lights
the pathfidners attempt to mark the crimson hunter but they all fail to hit. It
takes all 3 units of fire warriors on the crimson hunter to bring it down, the
pilot manages to avoid 3 penetrating hits but the sheer weight of shots wrecks
Assault and the tau
manages to wreck the damaged war walker.
Tau: 9 – Eldar: 5
Eldar turn 4
Unhindered the
undamaged wave serpent moves up carrying on its course while the wraithguard
move behind the building ready to aid the war walkers in combat.
Shooting from the
damaged wave serpent targets the pathfinders, and it manages to get a few shots
in killing a single model. The other wave serpent targets the fire warriors on
the right and down 4 of the tau. The wraithguard run.
Assault and again nothing
Tau: 9 – Eldar: 5
Night Falls upon the
Battle Field
Tau turn 5
Needing to deal with the wave serpents, the riptide moves to the
right. The kroot move up towards my deployment zone. This turn the ethereal gives
units feel no pain 6+.
The pathfinders target the front wave serpent but fail to hit it with
any marker lights. With a rather slim chance of doing anything, the kroot attempt
to glance the damaged wave serpent but can’t even hit it. Not allowing it live,
the riptide shoots the damaged wave serpent and wrecks it.
Assault phase and the combat finally comes to an end, the commander
finally wrecks the last war walker.
Tau: 11 – Eldar: 5
Eldar turn 5
In a desperate attempt to gain a few last minute kill points, I move
the wave serpent 6 then disembark both the wraithguard and spiritseer, but they
both separate with the wraithguard going after the riptide and the seer to the
fire warriors. Back in my deployment
zone the wraithguard go after the commander.
Shooting from the wraithguard in my deployment zone targets the
commander, and all hit and wound, killing the squad outright. The other unit of
wraithguard shoots at the riptide and gets 2 instant death shots, which gets
past the invulnerable save killing it. I attempt to cast psychic shriek onto
the fire warriors in the ruins but the tau somehow deny the witch! As a last
ditch attempt to rack up some points the wave serpent fires both its scatter
laser and shield at the ethereal and fire warriors, but I only down a single
Tau: 11 – Eldar: 9
We roll to see if the game carries on (I need it to)…
Tau turn 6
Again the ethereal gives feel no pain and moves up. All the fire
warriors move up and the kroot go after the guardians.
Wanting to kill as much as possible the pathfinders mark the
wraithguard in his deployment zone and the fire warriors have +1 Bs and manage
to kill 3. The squad of fire warriors that the spiritseer attempted to kill
shoot back and kill him. A few sniper shots from the kroot kill 2 guardians but
they hold.
Tau: 13 – Eldar: 8
Eldar turn 6
I move the wave serpent up towards the ethereal to get the shuriken
catapults in as well and the guardians move over the barricade towards the
Shots from the wraithguard kills a single kroot, and I attempt to run
the guardians into range of the kroot but I roll a 1 with the re-roll so only
the shuriken cannon is in range and kills 1. The wave serpent targets the fire
warriors with ethereal again and does enough damage to kill the warriors but
the ethereal looks out all the shots. In the tau deployment the wraithguard
kills a single fire warrior.
Assault and the wraithguard charge into the fire warriors and kill 1
but they hold.
Tau: 13 – Eldar: 10
We roll to see if the game carries on but it ends.
Tau: 13 – Eldar: 11
Tau Victory
That game went a lot better than I expected, granted I still lost but I
was very worried about the broadsides and riptide. If I hadn’t taken the lynx I
probably would have lost a lot quicker, it was a large deterrent which does
panic people thanks to the strength D weapon. Could I have played the game
better? Probably, i feel I wasted the warp spiders a little; they could have
been more useful elsewhere instead of taking on kroot. My use of the hawks was very risky, and it
didn’t pay off. If they had killed the ethereal with their barrage that could
have been a massive game changer but it didn’t happen.
What do you guys think I could have done better?
Hope you enjoyed the report.
Great report, easy to follow. Darn that Lynx is as nasty as I expected, but having used the Tau dataslate myself I know how nasty the broadsides having tank hunter is (I use missile rather than shield drones to get the most out of tank hunters).
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to more reports.
Another great report! One thing to take into account when fielding a super heavy, deepstrike melta is the number one counter to it. With this in mind, I would have used my other models, especially those guardians, to build a buffer around the tank where he doesn't have room to deep strike down without landing on something, forcing a mishap. If you had been able to get more shots out of your lnyx, it have would changed the game drasticly.
While I agree that you might have benefited from wrapping the Lynx I think that you really lost from a couple of awful bad dice moments. Failing seven +3 armor saves in a row so that they Wraithknight doesn't even get a turn! Wow. Him stealing the initiative was big (albeit on a +5.) Finally, that Deny the Witch at the end. Any one of them going the other way means that the game ends totally different, imo.
ReplyDeleteYou really, REALLY gotta kill Pathfinders quickly.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as you see those suckers, in fact- get 'em!