This is my first game of 40k since the strong hold assault and escalation rules were released, but it was before the forgeworld released their PDF about what can be used as a Lord of War (So no lynx for me). Anyway it’s a 1500 point game of Big guns never tire between my Eldar with Dark eldar allies, and the Imperial Guard.
The Armies
I wasn’t sure what lit to use and I didn’t want to go anti-lord of war
encase he didn’t actually use one, rendering me at a major disadvantage. I came
up with this list hoping that it would be able to take down a super-heavy as
well as take on a regular force if I faced a regular force.
Eldar/Dark Eldar 1502 (He
let me off with 2 points)
Farseer – 120 w/ jetbikes (Warlord: Perfect volley)
Jetbike, singing spear [guide, prescience, perfect timing]
6 Jetbikes – 122
2x Shuriken cannon
6 Dire Avengers – 78
Wave Serpent – 145
Holo field, Twin-linked scatter laser, shuriken cannon
6 Dire Avengers – 78
Wave Serpent – 145
Holo field, Twin-linked scatter laser, shuriken cannon
8 Warp Spiders – 152
Wraithknight – 240
Heavy D-Cannon
Haemonculus – 55 w/ wyches
6 Wyches – 72
Haywire grenades
Raider – 60
Dark lance
6 Wyches – 72
Haywire grenades
Raider – 60
Dark lance
Ravager – 105
3x Dark lance
Imperial Guard 1500
Company Command – 85 (Warlord: dust of a thousand worlds)
Master of ordinance, vox
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command – 35
Infantry squad – 70
Vox, lascannon
Infantry squad – 70
Vox, lascannon
Special weapons squad – 50
3x sniper
Heavy weapons team – 85
2x autocannon, lascannon
Veteran squad – 90
Penal Legion – 85
Chimera – 55
Multilaser, heavy bolter
Penal Legion – 85
Chimera – 55
Multilaser, heavy bolter
Marbo – 65
5 Storm troopers – 105
2x meltagun
5 Storm troopers – 100
Plasma gun
Griffin – 75
Leman Russ Battle Tank – 165
Stormlord – 530
1x set of sponsons
Looking over his points he seems to be a little over as well, but no
matter, he forgot his list and had to remember it so obviously he forgot to
take something out. Never mind, it’s only a friendly game.
The Mission
We decided to just play a regular game to see how the super-heavy
played out. Rolling for it we got Big guns never tire (3 objectives), with dawn
of war deployment. The Imperial guard won the roll for deployment zone then I
won the roll for first turn. I placed an objective behind the large tree, he
placed his on the right by the bunkers and I placed the final one in between
the rocks in my deployment zone.
As his super heavy could potentially wipe out half my army on its own
I didn’t want to keep all of my anti tank weapons in one area, so I decided to
spread my force out, it was mobile enough to converge if it had to anyway. In
the centre I placed the wraithknight and ravager with the bikes behind them.
The on each flank I hid a wave serpent and raider. I placed the warp spiders on
the left, just so they were deployed; I thought I would need everything I could
muster turn 1.
He counter deployed by placing the stormlord on my left, facing the
warp spiders and ravager. On my right he placed the Russ, and the griffon hides
behind a chimera next to the stormlord. The other chimera goes the other side
of the stormlord, while the special weapon team hide in the forest. The
infantry command and 2 squads hold the right objective. His veteran squad,
heavy weapon squad, and company command are in the back of the stormlord. He
elects to deep strike both storm trooper squads.
Steal the initiative: No
Night fight: No
The Battle
Eldar turn 1
I need to damage that super heavy so much as possible to get it out
the game asap. The farseer cast prescience on the ravager then attempted to
guide the wraithknight, but rolled a 12, I had to use the ghost helm and my
last charge to ignore the perils. The ravager, raider and wraithknight move to
the stormlord, both wave serpents go forwards as do the warp spiders (no real
plan there). The ravager on the right moves to shoot at the chimera on the
right. The bikes move to the right.
Shooting starts with irritating the super-heavy. The ravager gets 3
hits but fails to even get a glance, the raider gets a penetrating hit on the
lord and gets an explodes result, doing 2 hull points of damage to it (7 hp
left) and the wraithgknight manages to get a single penetrating hit (6 hp
left). I run forwards with the spiders and shoot at the left chimera glancing
it, and I decide I need to get first blood this turn and shoot everything from
the left wave serpent into it as well, wrecking it. I fail to do any damage to
the right chimera with the raider or wave serpent (who didn’t use its shield).
The bikes boost to behind a bunker.
Assault and the spiders back up 3 inches and the bikes go forwards 8.
Imperial guard turn 1
The newly evicted penal legion move forwards as does the chimera.

Eldar turn 2
Casting prescience
and perfect timing on his bodyguard the farseer turns them into guardsman
killing machines then guides the raider next to him. The bikes move towards the
infantry squad next to the objective while the wave serpent moves next to them
to shoot down the platoon command. Unsure what to do I move the wraithknight
towards the stormlord a little but staying away from the penal legion. Both the
dire avengers and warp spiders rally.
![]() |
Boom! |
Assault phase and the
bikes move back 7 inches.
Imperial guard turn 2
Reserve time and both
storm trooper units and Marbo come in. The plasma troopers deep strike behind
the bikes but scatter a little but no real issue for them. The melta troopers
deep strike behind the wave serpent but scatters on top of a bunker. Marbo is
placed behind the bikes. Undeterred by the terrain, the leman russ ploughs to
the top of the hill. Dropping off the penal legion the chimera moves to face
the bikes. The penal legion already on foot move towards the warp spiders.
An unconventional
choice but it pays off, the leman russ only shoots its lacannon at the wraithknight
and takes a wound off it. The veteran lascannon team shoot at the wraithknight
and manage to hit after being pinned, and wounds the construct. Sniper shots
from the special weapons team bounce off the wraithknight, failing to find a
weak spot. Sly Marbo, the guardsman of legend, throws his demolition charge
into the bikes but the scatter is way off, he rolls enough to bring it back
onto himself and leaves the bikes unharmed. Marbo dies to his own attack dying
instantly to the explosion. Plasma shots from the storm troopers kills 2
bikers, the melta troopers also shoot at the bikers and kill a further 1. All
of my dire avengers on foot die to the explosion from the griffin’s shell.
Assault phase and the
penal legion charge into warp spiders, 1 gets cut down by over watch fire. The
spiders cut down 1 in combat but the penal legion are knife fighting experts
and find the weak spots in 2 of the spiders armour. The eldar lose the combat
and run for it but get cut down before they could escape.
Eldar turn 3
![]() |
Eldar trickery |
Under a hail of shuriken fire, 4 of the infantry platoon die but they
hold. Shooting from the dire avengers fails to kill any of the melta troopers,
well done to them. Unloading its entire payload, the wave serpent brings down 1
storm trooper from the plasma squad, not great. For fun, the wyches fire their
pistols at the penal legion and kill 1. A shot from the wraithknight’s D-Cannon
stuns the Russ, neutralising it for next turn. The raider on the right glances
the chimera again.
Assault, the wyches charge into the penal legion and cut down 2 before
they can react, but a single wych dies to the counter attack. Unsure what to do
the penal legion make a break for it but the dark eldar are too fast and cut
them down where they stood. Not allowing any of the human filth to live, the
bikers charge into the infantry squad and manage to kill 4, including the sergeant
who challenged the farseer to single combat. The guard run and get cut down.
Imperial guard turn 3
The remaining squad of penal legion go straight for the wraithknight
while their chimera transport goes after the bikes. The company commander shows
no fear and moves up the table.
A streak of light hits the wraithknight and blows a chuck out of its armour;
the veterans celebrate at wounding it! (it only has 1 left). Sniper shots
follow and a single rending hit gets though, but the knight passes its cover
save thanks to the intervening tree. Storm troopers fire upon the bikes and a
single biker dies. An explosive shell comes out of nowhere and hits the wyches,
the griffin’s mortar doing its job at killing 2 wyches while the other are
forced to go to ground. The melta storm troopers shoot at the wave serpent and manage
a single glancing hit.
The time for hero’s to be born and villains to be forgiven, the penal
legion charge into the wraithknight. Over watch fails and they make it into
combat, striking first the knight crushes 2 of the convicts into the dust, but somehow
they find a weakness, an exposed vent or something, and they get a single rend,
the wraithknight dies to penal legionnaire, he will no doubt be absolved of whatever
crime he committed.
Both the bikes and the wave serpent turn their attention to the plasma
storm troopers while the wyches raider moves off the drop its cargo next to the
penal legion. The dire avengers back away from the storm troopers but keep them
in range.

Assault and the wyches make a long charge into the penal legion, they
all manage to evade the incoming fire and cut down 6 of the humans, and lose
none in return. The guard hold though with insane heroism.
Imperial guard turn 4
Chugging alone, the chimera moves to face the chimera that has been peppering
it all game. The commander moves to within assault range of the wych/penal
Again the veterans hit their mark with their lascannon blowing off the
dark lance of the left raider. Keeping its aim true the griffin kills off the
stragglers of the wych squad not in combat. With its weapons back online the
Russ targets the raider with everything it has but the raider manages to jink
out the way.
Combat and the commander charges into the fray, leading by example! In
the swirl of melee 1 penal legion member dies, 2 wyches die and the commander gets
stabbed twice, leaving him a bloody mess but still determined to live. Both guard
units hold.
Eldar turn 5
Again the dire avengers back off towards the objective behind the tree,
the wave serpent goes after the chimera and the bikers claim the objective in
his deployment zone.
Shooting from the dire avengers kills off the lone storm trooper then
they run for the objective and just about get in range to hold it. Again
shooting everything it has, the wave serpent hits the chimera and blows it up,
much to the irritation of the raider crew.
Assault phase and the wyches clean house, killing both the commander
and penal legion, gaining 2 pain tokens. They consolidate and manage to roll
enough to get a single model in control range of the objective in the rocks.
Imperial guard turn 5
A lascannon shot from the veterans blows up the crippled raider, the
griffin shoots at the wyches on the objective but for the first time the shot
scatters off, and even the re-roll doesn’t help it stay on target. Taking a
long shot, the russ shoots at the dire avengers and the shot hits 4 of the
aspect warriors and clips the raider. The raider gets stunned and 4 aspect
warriors die, but the remaining hold and keep the objective.
We roll to see if the game continues...
Eldar: 15 (First blood, slay the warlord, line breaker, 3 objectives,
9 hull points taken off a lord of war) – Imperial guard: 2 (2 heavy support
units destroyed).
Well I never expected that, taking down a super-heavy in 2 turns and
still managing to have enough of my army left to kill off his. In a previous
article I wrote about escalation I said that once you take down the lord of war
their army will crumble, how wrong I was. Even after taking out a large chunk
of his force he still had the ability to fight on. I need to rethink how I am going
to deal with them in the future. Did I learn much?
StormLord: I feel this didn’t do much this game because
of my opponents choice of targets for it, more than my tactics against it. It
he has shot just the lascannons at the wraithknight, then taken out the raider,
ravager and other raider turn 1 I would have been up a creak I believe the
saying goes. Even 30 strength 6 ap 3 shots are going to struggle against a wraithknight,
so he shot himself in the foot their I think. But it was his first time using
it in a long time so you can’t blame him.
Bikes: I am really loving bikes now that I am
using them, for some reason I never liked them with the 4th edition
codex but I can’t get enough now. Maybe I should look into getting some more.
Farseer: I messed up his powers this game, I took
supporting powers then ran him off on his own, a little silly of me. I should have
taken telepathy powers and had him being much scarier. But ignore cover did
stop the guard going to ground at least.
Escalation: The balance of super heavies seems
ok at the moment, until I face a strength D thing that is. I might have to take
my lynx now that its legal, but I would feel bad using the pulsar, maybe proxy
it as the sonic lance (or whatever it’s called). We shall see.
I just realised i forgot to deploy my haemonculus! again forgetting things...
Hope you enjoyed my first battle using the escalation rules. Let me
know what you think.
(Note: Just counted up the guard army it’s 1805 points!!!, no wonder
he let me off with 2 points)
Wow, good showing. I was worried when I saw his choice of Stormlord but you stuck to your gun ( and took it down. of course his choice of targets was terrible since that should be killing 2-3 skimmers a turn, starting with the Ravagers.
ReplyDeleteA good battle report. Thanks! I believe you made a mistake with the victory points scored from the Lord of War though. I think you earn one VP for every three (3) hull points removed, not one per each.
ReplyDeleteEach objective was worth three, so he got 3x3(9) for objectives, 9/3(3) for the Lord of War, and 3 for all secondaries. He did it right. Just kicked the other guys butt.