Once again the Deathguard attempt to spread their contagions, the Eldar of Dem-Kirath must stop them. It’s a 2000 point game of Big guns never tire, on a rather interesting board, a trench system and bunkers. Eldar vs Chaos space marines.
I just wan't to appologise now for the quality of some of the pictures, i didn't realise till i uploaded them how bad some of them are. I will try harder in future.
The Armies
Eldar 1996
Farseer – 120 (warlord: stealth for a shooting phase) w/ bikes
Bike, singing spear [prescience, guide, mind war]
6 jetbikes – 122
2x shuriken cannon
10 Guardians – 110
Bright lance
Wave Serpent – 145
Twin-linked Scatter laser, Shuriken cannon, holo field
10 Guardians – 110
Bright lance
Wave Serpent – 145
Twin-linked Scatter laser, Shuriken cannon, holo field
6 rangers – 72
10 Howling Banshees – 170
Exarch, executioner
2 Vypers – 140
Star cannon, shuriken cannon
8 Warp spiders – 152
Crimson Hunter – 190
Exarch, marksman’s eye
Wraithknight – 240
Fire Prism – 140
Holo field
2 War walkers – 140
Scatter laser, bright lance
Chaos Space Marines
Typhus (warlord: fear) w/ plague marines in land raider
[nurgles rot, weapon virus]
7 plague Marines
Power fist, 2x melta gun
Extra armour
7 plague Marines
Power fist, 2x melta gun
Extra armour
7 plague Marines (in land raider
Power fist, plasma pistol, 2x plasma gun
5 Spawn
Mark of Nurgle
Blight Drone
Blight Drone
Dozer blade, daemonic possession, warpflame gargoyles
Dozer blade, daemonic possession, warpflame gargoyles
Land raider
Extra armour, warp flame gargoyals
Quite the tough nut to crack, it’s hard to shift, had 4 large blasts
and quite mobile if uses correctly, I could be in some serious trouble here.
We rolled up big guns never tire (5 objectives) with vanguard strike
deployment. If he gets the trench line for deployment I have no chance of
shifting him. Anyway we roll for deployment zone and he win the roll, but
elects the pick a deployment zone opposite the trenches, so I have the
trenches. We place down the objectives, 1 goes onto the crashed helicopter, on
goes straight into the centre of the table. 2 go in the trenches and a single
one is placed at the back of my deployment zone next to a trench.
Rolling for first turn chaos wins again, he elects to set up and go
first. A simple deployment for him, all troops in a transport, the land raider
goes in the centre, a rhino to its right, a vindicator to its left, then the
spawn, rhino and vindicator in that order to its left. Both drones start in
reserve as they are fliers.
My deployment wasn’t the best; I placed a single unit of guardians
manning the front trench, as it looked so fun it had to be done. I placed the
banshees in a trench towards the left of the table, hopefully they will survive
enough to charge something. The fire prism and bikes go right at the end of my
zone out of range of his lascannons (at first) and the wraithknight takes point
at the front. I place the war walkers far right hopefully to get some rear
armour shots on some tanks. The wave serpents separate ahead of and to the side
of the bikes but behind the wraithknight. The one on the left still has
guardians in; vypers go behind a wave serpent on the right. I infiltrate the
rangers far right hoping to get his objective, I reserve the warp spiders,
ready to deep strike in later.
Night Fight: turn 1
Steal the initiative: No
The Battle
Chaos turn 1
Engines roaring all of the tanks move straight for the eldar lines,
ready to breach the trenches. Nice and simple, just the way the death guard
like it.
Both of the lascannons from the land raider target the wraithknight
and hit, but only a single one wounds. Both vindicators target the wraithknight
as well and both lock on, reducing him to half wounds (3 if you didn’t know).
The rhinos go flat out.
Eldar turn 1
Starting the turn the farseer attempts to cast guide on the vypers but
rolls a 12, and has to use a warp charge to avoid a perils of the warp. He then
attempts to guide the prism but fails. On the far right the rangers move into
the woods while the war walkers’ move forwards as well. The wraithknight move
straight for the land raider, while the empty wave serpent moves to the right.
Running forwards to get a better shot the war walkers get ready to
strike, they then shoot at the rhino next to the land raider. The bright lances
explode the rhino but no plague marines are hurt in the process. A cheeky shot
from the guardian’s bright lance penetrates the land raiders armour and destroys
a lascannon. Attempting to finish the metal behemoth the wraithknight shoots at
the land raider but fails to get past its thick armour. Because of night fight
the fire prim is just out of range of the land raider so instead shoots at a
spawn and wounds it. The vypers shoot at the plague marines on the floor and
manages to kill a single marine. The right wave serpent fails to kill any more
plague marines but the left one targets the chaos spawn and deals 3 wounds
killing 1. The bikes fail to do any wounds to the spawn.
Assault phase and the bikes move back and the wraithknight fails to
charge the land raider.
Chaos turn 2
From reserve both blight drones come in, one goes straight for the
banshees in the trench while the other goes to the bikes. The remaining spawn
go into trenches ready to charge the guardians. The remaining rhino gets to the
trenches and the plague marines get out storming the trenches. Getting out of
the wreckage the other plague marines move forwards. Moving on top of the
objective in the middle of the table and the plague marines and typhus get out.
Vomiting puss onto the banshees the plague drone kills all but 1 of
the aspect warriors. The other drone uses phlegm on the bikes, its large blast
killing 4 of the bikes. A vindicator targets a wave serpent but the shot
scatter and hit the guardians in the trench, and 2 die in the explosion. The
other vindicator locks on to the wave serpent but it jink out the way of the
explosion. Both of the plague marines shoot at the wraithknight with plasma and
melta shots but somehow only manage to do a single wound. The land raider
wounds it with a lascannon reducing it to a single wound.
Assault phase and the spawn charge the wraithknight instead of the
guardians, the plague marines attempt to join in but roll a double 1 and fail
the charge. In the combat the wraithknight kills a single spawn and win the
combat unharmed. The spawn are fearless though so the combat will only end when
one unit dies.
Eldar turn 2
Again the farseer fails to cast guide on the prism. In form reserve the
crimson hunter moves towards the plague drone facing the bikes. The bikes move towards typhus, attempting to
mind war him in the shooting phase. The rangers carry on their journey to the
back field objective and the vehicles move a little to get their jink save.
![]() |
perfect shot from the war walkers |
Assault phase the lone banshee attempts to charge the plague marines
on her own but gets shot down with over watch. The combat between the
wraithknight and spawn ends with no wounds on either side.
Chaos turn 3
Typhus casts weapon virus on the guardians making all of their weapons
hot. Typhus and bodyguard move towards the vypers while the damaged unit of
plague marines get into the land raider where it’s safe. The drone next to
bikes moves to the vypers while the other goes to the crimson hunter. The
plague marines in the trench go after the bikes.

Assault phase and the plague marines attempt to charge the bikes, a
lone marine dies to over watch but still make it to combat. The champion issues
a challenge and the farseer foolishly accepts, he deals 2 wounds but bounces
off his armour, to which he replies with a power fist to the face, killing the
farseer. The biker kills a single plague marine before getting dragged to his
doom. Hoping to get out of sight the plague marines consolidate a whole 1 inch, stuck in the open.
Eldar turn 3
Rolling for reserves and again the warp spiders fail to appear,
obviously they know something i don't. While the other drone evaded it, the
crimson hunter goes for the other drone, hoping to this time take it out. With
the plague marines so close the fire prism moves back, the other vehicles move
a little to get up a jink save. The rangers bolt for the objective again.

Chaos turn 4
Casting his fowl powers, Typhus casts weapon virus on the guardians
and they fail to deny it. The spawn move straight to the empty wave serpent,
while a vindicator turns about to face the rangers. The other vindicator faces
the fire prism hoping to blow it out the sky. One drone goes into hover mode
and ends up behind the fire prism, ready to destroy it. The other drone goes
after the war walkers.
Roaring with its demolisher cannon, the vindicator hits the rangers
who go to ground, only 2 of them die in the explosion. The snap shots from the
jinked drone target the war walkers but miss with all its shots. Another roar
is heard over the battle field as the second vindicator shoots, targeting the
wave serpent, but the tank jinks out the way saving itself. Hovering behind the
fire prism, the drone shoots into the rear armour of the wave serpent with its
flamer and autocannon but the flames fail to wound and the autocannon shots are
jinked. Desperate to take out the tank the plague marines next to it fire their
melta guns but both shots are saved with jink. The lascannon left on the land
raider targets a wave serpent but again jink saves the day. End of the shooting
phase, and the rangers run for it.
Assault phase and the spawn charge both the vyper squad and the wave
serpent next to it. They roll high on their attacks and manage to glance a
vyper and immobilise the wave serpent, its dead next turn then. Typhus and his
lone friend charge into the guardians and avoid over watch and murder the
guardians without any loss.
Eldar turn 4
Finally the warp spiders come in from reserve, as its turn 4. They had
no choice. I place them in between the two vindicators so I have an option at
which rear to shoot, but they scatter off 12 almost off the table and land half
way in a trench. That's easily dangerous terrain and I make the roll but they
are all fine. I move the lone vyper to face typhus and his friend. With no real
chance of targeting a drone I move the crimson hunter up to see a vindicator
and hopefully save the rangers if they rally. The guardian killed wave serpent
move onto of a bunker to target the hovering drone. I attempt to rally the
rangers and they pass and move slightly back to the objective.
I run the warp spiders into range of the vindicator not seen by the
hunter, and 16 shots into its rear make it explode! The crimson hunter does
exactly the same to the other vindicator (not a bad turn so far). Both the war
walkers and fire prism target the land raider in an attempt to get a 3rd
victory point for heavy support but they do nothing to it. The immobilised wave
serpent refuses to give up without a flight and shoots everything into the
spawn assaulting it, a scatter laser, serpent shield and shuriken shots later
only 1 spawn survives, with only 1 wound.
Assault phase and the wave serpent gets wrecked by the lone spawn.
The drone on the right goes straight for the rangers while the other
goes after the warp spiders. The moment is now, and the plague marines inside
the land raider get out and take the middle objective, the marines in the
trench do the same and claim the objective in my deployment zone. With the
vyper so close typhus leaves his buddy in the trench and goes after the vyper

Assault phase and the lone spawn attempts to charge the war walkers
but a scatter laser hits in over watch, twin-linking the bright lance allowing
that to hit as well. The scatter fails to wound but the lance kills the spawn.
Typhus charge sand explodes the vyper with ease while the plague marines charge
the fire prism but fail to do any damage to it.
Eldar turn 5
With its target once again in its sight the crimson hunter moves to
intercept the blight drone that attacked the rangers. Avoiding attack the fire
prism moves away from the plague marines allowing the wave serpent room to come
in and drop off the guardians, who in an attack formation, move towards the
plague marines.
![]() |
Take and hold the objective |
Rolling for the end of the game... It carries on.
Chaos turn 6
![]() |
Guardians run for it |
Again shooting its lone lascannon at the war walkers, this time it
immobilises one, which then gets wrecked by shots from the plague marines. The
drone shoots at the guardians and the large blast kills 3, they run straight
off the objective.
Eldar turn 6
The game is speeding up now we are so depleted and I need all my
troops. But the guardians carry on running almost off the table. As its big
guns never tire the fire prism moves onto the back objective which has been so
sorely contested, the crimson hunter swoops around to target the land raider
and the lone war walker move towards the middle objective. Unsure what to do I
move the warp spiders back to guarantee line breaker.
Again the fire prism fails to do any damage to the land raider, I am
about to shoot the hunter at the land raider when I notice it can see the lone
plague marine so target him instead, but once more the trench proves to be a
bigger problem to me than it ever did for the chaos. The war walker in just in
range of contesting the middle objective if he can run 6 inches, so he shoots
at the marines holding it first (does no damage) and runs, but only gets a 4
with fleet.
So does the game end here?
Chaos turn 7
Last turn and the land raider holds the trench objective, the drone
goes back to finish the spiders and the plague marines attempt to finish the
war walker before it’s a problem.
The drone uses its large blast on the warp spiders and 6 die, I was
tempted to go to ground but decide against it. They hold. Combining fire the
land raider and marines get a glance each and wreck the war walker. All hope
seam lost for the eldar.
Eldar turn 7
The crimson hunter can just about get into a position to target the land
raider and the warp spiders get a good warp jump moving straight for the middle
objective, maybe they can disrupt it instead. Showing bravery beyond measure,
the guardians run off the table. And with no unit to transport the wave serpent
jumps over the bunker and gets into a position to shoot the lone plague marine.
Unloading everything the wave serpent manages to kill off the lone
plague marine, now just to move off the land raider. Running the warp spiders,
just about get into disruption range of the middle objective. Now the important
one, can the crimson hunter get the land raider off the objective as well? All
its shots hit, 2 penetrating hits with the lances, and a 5 is rolled. +1 for ap
2 and the land raider explodes!!!!
End of game
Eldar: 7 (1 objective, 3 heavy support slots, First blood) – Chaos: 4
(Line breaker, slay the warlord, 2 heavy support slots)
That was close.
How close was that game? If my last turn hasn’t gone perfectly I would
have lost. In the last turn I look away 6 points from the chaos player (2
objectives) and gained an extra point (the land raider). So if it has ended
turn 6 it would have been 10 – 6 chaos. Wow what a swing. I got lucky there, no
doubt about it.
I had never faced blight drones until this game, and while I had read
their rules I was surprised how good they were in the game. They might only
have 2 hull points but they are so damn resilient and for 150 points they are a
Did this game highlight any learning points?
Banshees: I don’t know what I am doing with this
unit, granted getting flamed was a bad idea but sometimes you can’t change
that. Instead of having them going alone I might have them more centrally
positioned next game, so they are more of a counter attack unit. We will see
how that does.
Bikes: The unit of 6 seams a lot less effective
at the moment compared to the 2 units of 3. Maybe I need a full unit of bikes
to make them a daunting unit. What experience have you guys had with bikes?
Rangers: maybe I should just out flank them each
game to try and snag a little line breaker or back objective. Running across
the table is harder to do but Is less random, as I could roll the wrong table
edge without flank. Hard choice, it’s probably better to out flank with hammer
and anvil deployment.
Well that was a very close game. Very enjoyable and the table was a
nice change of pace, forcing you to think about what you are doing.
Really enjoyed reading up on your battlereport. Great to see two armies that aren't just some more net-lists.
ReplyDeleteFully agree with Lead Legion. Great batreps, keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThink it was a really good move of yours to play the Wraithknight that agressively. Many people keep their trophy units out of harms way too long. In the end it got killed but it forced the Guard to basically spend a turn dealing with it.
Not sure on the Banshees though, especially vs. Death Guard.
I really enjoyed this Batrep. Both lists were good without being Spamtastic. Looking forward to the next one
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this batrep, and seen eldar trying to stand toe to toe with chaos DG ( w/no wraithlords ) is a great sight to see. Never the less I love when Blood Angels and Eldar try that, is always fun.