With my Dark eldar force swelling with recent reinforcements I decided to use them in a larger game 2500 points to be exact, vs the Imperium of Man. As a change we use the maelstrom of war missions, and play Deadlock with vanguard strike deployment.
The Armies
Dark Eldar: 2 Combined arms
Archon – 95 (warlord: strategic genious)
Shadow field, venom blade
Succubus – 75
Venom blade, haywire grenades
Haemonculus – 65
Venom blade, liquifier
Haemonculus – 65
Venom blade, liquifier
Haemonculus – 55
Venom blade
Haemonculus – 55
Venom blade
8 Incubi – 176
Raider – 60
Dark lance
8 Incubi – 176
Raider - 60
Dark lance
5 Warriors – 45
Venom – 65
2x splinter cannon
5 Warriors – 45
Venom – 65
2x splinter cannon
8 Wyches – 106
Haywire grenades, Hekatrix
Raider – 65
Disintegrator cannon grisly trophies
8 Wyches – 106
Haywire grenades, Hekatrix
Raider – 65
Dark lance, grisly trophies
BeastMasters – 132
2x masters, 9x khymera
10 Scourges – 254
2x heatlance, solorite
Ravager – 105
3x dark lance
Ravager – 105
3x dark lance
Ravager – 105
3x disintegrator cannon
Talos – 110
Chain flails
Talos – 110
Chain flails
Total: 2500
Combat Drugs: +1 strength
Imperium of Man
Astra Militarum: combined arms
Yarrick – 175 (warlord)
Veterans – 80
Veterans – 80
Veterans – 80
Veterans – 80
Veterans – 90
Demolition charge
Chimera – 65
Multi-laser, heavy bolter
Veterans – 90
Demolition charge
Chimera – 65
Multi-laser, heavy bolter
Imperial Fists: Combined arms
Captain – 120
Storm shield, power axe
Command squad – 130
Champion, apothecary
Razorback – 75
Twin-linked lascannon
5 Terminators – 220
Assault cannon
Dreadnaught – 100
Drop pod – 45
Locator beacon
Tactical squad – 150
10 men, melta gun
Drop pod – 35
Tactical squad – 150
10 men, melta gun
Drop pod – 45
Locator beacon
Land speeder – 60
2x heavy bolter
Land speeder – 60
2x heavy bolter
Centurion devastators – 220
1x twin-linked lascannon, omniscope
Devastator squad – 140
2x lascannon, 2x missile launcher
Devastator squad – 140
2x lascannon, 2x missile launcher
The Mission
Rolling for mission we get Deadlock (a maelstrom of war mission) and
we roll vanguard strike deployment. Before rolling for deployment zones we set
up the objectives and they get placed with 1 bottom right behind the sand bags.
Another behind the large tree, one in the middle, and the other 3 in the ruins
(middle, bottom and top).
The Imperial force wins the roll off for both deployment zone (picking
the ruins) and then also wins the roll to set up first. He sets up in a line,
with the veterans forming the bulk of it. Both of the demo charge veterans
start in their chimeras, and the command squad (with captain) start in their
razorback. The two devastator squads deploy on either side of the table, one in
the left ruins at the back, and the other on the ground by the top objective
(next to the walls). The centurions deploy on the far left. The rest start in
drop pods ready to kill me.
Dark eldar deployment has the main focus in the middle, with the
wyches and incubi raiders all combining close together. The wych raiders are at
the front though, giving cover to the more important raiders. I place a talos
on each flank and the beast masters go on the left. Both venoms go on the right
but one of them doesn’t have their warriors inside, they are holding the objective
behind the sandbags. I place one of the lance ravagers on the left and the
other two behind the raiders. In reserve I place the razorwing jetfighter and
the scourges.
Night Fight: turn 1
Steal the initiative: YES!!!!
The Battle
Cards drawn
Imperium: Hold the line, Asendency, secure objective 2, domination,
witch hunter
Dark Eldar: hungry for glory, overwhelming fire power, secure
objective 5, secure objective 2, secure objective 2, secure objective 4.
Dark Eldar turn 1
The force moves forwards, with the beasts taking point going straight
for objective 2 with the raiders following. At the back the ravagers spread out
trying to get lines of sight.
First shot of the game and it’s from a ravager targeting the chimera
on the right, and manages to destroy its heavy bolter. The other ravagers can’t
really see anything of value so shoot at veterans and kill 5 between them. Both
of the Talos models and the beasts run forwards, and the beasts manage to claim
objective 2. The raiders all go flat out getting very close to the Imperium
straight away. Both venoms shoot at the
veterans in the woods on the right, and kill 3, and they hold.
Score: secure objective 2, secure objective 2, secure objective 4
Dark Eldar: 3 – Imperium: 0
Imperium turn 1
In come the drop pods, First the dreadnaught’s pod screams in and hits
the ground behind the raiders unloading its cargo within melta range. The other
pod containing tactical marines goes after objective 4 (sand bags) and locks on
threatening the warriors, the marine disembarked and they are combat squadded.
The half with melta gun go after the ravager next to them while the bolters go
after the warriors. Jumping out of their chimera, the veterans on the left with
demo charge move straight towards the beasts and the centurions move up to get
a better line of sight. The command squad also jumps out of their transport.

It’s a rather long charge (and suicidal one) but yarrick attempts to
charge the wyches, but takes a wound from the pistols and fails the charge.
Score: secure objective 4, Asencency (1), hold the line
Dark Eldar: 3 – Imperium: 3
Dark Eldar turn 2
No reserves come in for me this turn. At the top of the table the
wyches still in a raider jump out and go straight for the veterans in the
woods, while the others rather rudely removed from their transport go after the
dreadnaught behind them. The incubi push forwards and the others in the raider
move up and they jump out ready to threaten the devastators. The ravagers move
out as most are jinking this turn. Both venoms turn to face the tactical
holding objective 4.
Shooting from both venoms manage to kill a grand total of 1 marine
this turn. Throwing a haywire grenade, the wyches glance the dreadnaught with
ease. The heamonculus with the incubi flames the devastators and manages to
kill 1 (rolled ap 2 for the flame). The rest of the force fails to do any
Assault phase and the incubi charge into both the devastators and the
veterans next to them (so I’m safe in combat). I lose 1 to over watch but
manage to kill 1 marine and 3 veterans. 1 more incubi does die for my trouble
and the veterans run while the combat continues. Wyches charge into the dreadnaught
and wreck it with ease, it didn’t stand a chance. Finally the other wyches
charge into the veterans at the top of the table and kill off the whole unit
gaining a pain token.
Score: hungry for glory, score objective 1
Dark Eldar: 5 – Imperium: 3
Imperium turn 2
Teleporting into battle, the terminators land in the middle behind the
bottom ravagers. The other drop pod comes in on the right behind the other
ravager ready to cause some havoc. The chimera at the top moves a little so the
demo charge can be thrown out the top hatch while the running veteran heavy
weapon rolls double 1 and rallies. Much of the imperial force moves to see the
incubi in the middle while the command squad and yarrik move to aid the
The new tactical marines target a ravager with melta gun and it jinks,
he gets unlucky with his roll and only glances the tank but it saves the damage
anyway. On the right half a tactical squad shoots bolters at the full venom and
wrecks it, forcing the warriors out. A demo charge is flung at the wyches in
the woods and It locks on, but the wyches take cover and only 4 die leaving a
few left. Amazed the wyches are still alive the chimera shoots as them as well
taking down 1, and the speeder joins in killing an extra 2. The veteran unit
behind them then fires and kills off the remnants of the unit. The other
tactical melta gun shoots at a ravager, who jinks and saves the penetrating
hit. A lucky drop pod glances a ravager by shooting into its rear armour. Not
wanting to feel its anger, the terminators attempt to destroy the disintegrator
ravager before it can do anything but it jinks out the way and takes no damage
from their shooting. Another lucky shot from a drop pod kills an incubi and
veterans drag down 2 more. Heavy weapons fire from the devastators reduces the
unit by a further 2 leaving them in a mess. The centurions shoot at the wyches
raider and manage to destroy the dark lance leaving it neutered.
Assault and Yarrick and the command squad charge into the incubi,
before any marines can strike the incubi manage to wound Yarrick, and kill 1
devastator. Unfortunately 4 incubi die in the process and the 2 remaining run
for it and escape.
Score: Big game hunter, score objective 4
Discard: Domination
Dark Eldar: 5 – Imperium: 5
Dark Eldar turn 3
Both the flier and the scourges come in this turn. The flier goes
straight for the veterans next to the centurions on the left while the scourges
deep strike in on the left as well to aid that flank. The incubi move left
towards the vets who killed the beast hoping to get revenge. The wyches in the
middle move towards the chimera in the middle while the remaining talos goes
after the other. In the back field the venom and warriors converge on the
tactical marines and the lance ravager turns to face them as well. The other 2
ravagers are tired of running and turn to face the terminators hoping to do
some damage despite needing to snap shoot.
A hail of splinter fire targets the half tactical squad containing the
melta gun and manage to kill the entire 5 man unit with just the ravager, venom
and warriors. Slight over kill but the razorwing jetfighter fires all 4
missiles at the veteran squad next to the centurions, clipping them as well,
most land on target and 7 guard die and not much else. Not exactly in the best
place, the scourges shoot at the centurions and kill 1.
This assault phase and things go better for the dark eldar. The Talos
charges into the chimera and rips it apart wrecking it. The wyches charge the
other chimera and wreck that with haywire grenades as well. The interesting one
though is the incubi and archon charging into the veterans, they charge and
kill 6, taking no damage in return. The guard don’t know what to do and as they
attempt to flee they get cut down.
Score: score objective 1, Overwhelming fire power
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium: 5
Imperium turn 3
With the ravagers so close, the terminators and tactical marines in
the middle go after both of them. Yarrick moves towards the wyches and on the
right the veterans swam the talos.
In the back field the tactical combat squads combine fire with a drop
pod and they kill off the warrior squad with ease. Another drop pod shoots at
the remaining venom and takes a hull point off it. A lascannon from a veteran
squad shoots at the remaining raider and even though it jinks, it get immobilised.
Firing frag missiles and lascannons, the devastators shoot at the scourges who are
still grouped after deep striking. Both blasts lock on but after the dust
settles only 3 of the dark elder die. The centurions shoot at the wyches but
only the heamonculus takes a wound, the sergeant split fires at a ravager but
it jinks out the way. Finally the razorback targets the immobilised raider and
explodes it. End of the shooting phase and the scourges run back 6 inches (even
on 3D6).
Assault phase and yarrick attempts to charge the wyches again, but
once more fails the charge. Seeing the fleeing incubi as a possible threat the
command squad charge them before they can regroup, they fail their moral test
and get cut down while trying to run. At the bottom of the table the
terminators multi-charge both ravagers backed up by the tactical marines next
to them. In combat the tanks didn’t stand a chance versus the krack grenades
and power fists, both are wrecked.
Score: score objective 3, score objective 5, no prisoners
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium: 8
Dark Eldar turn 4
The ravager and raider on the right both go after the land speeder. No
longer under fire the scourges rally ready to take the fight back to the
imperium. Not the lord of this army, but an imposing figher none the less, the
archon goes after the space marine captain, eager to add another skull to his
wrecks. Moving on its course the razorwing jetfighter goes after the razorback.
Acid spraying out of the haemonculis liquidiser goes over the command
squad, managing to wound the captain attempting to protect his subordinates. Returning
fire the venom shoots at a tactical squad and kills 1 of the marines.
Finally Yarrick gets to meet the wyches in combat, but not on his
terms. In the blink of an eye the succubus dispatches the old commissar before
he knows what happened. The Archon and friends charges into the command squad,
the champions issues a challenge to which the heamonculus accepts. Before the
command squad can move to help their captain, the archon strikes and wounds the
Commanding marine reducing him to a single wound. Unfortunately the incubi fail
to even wound. In the challenge the champion and heamonuclus strike at the same
time, and at the end of it, only the decrepit dark elder remains with the
champion convulsing on the floor poisoned from a single small cut. The strikes
back from the marines kills the incubi, and the Captain pounds on the shadow
field with his power axe and shorts it out, wounding the archon, end of that
combat and its a draw. The final combat and the talos charges into the veterans
next to it and kills 2, the guard can’t harm it and run for it but get cut down
by the pain engine.
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium: 8
Imperium turn 4
The determined old man gets back up, despite the perfect cuts
delivered to him by the Succubus, not wanting to make the job of the wyches
easy he moves back and joins the veterans next to him. Needing to secure
objective 5, the centurions take it upon themselves to take it. The land
speeder takes objective 2, while the terminators power tough the wreckage of
the ravagers.
Turning on the spot, the speeder on objective 2 guns down 4 of the
scourges and the centurions finish the rest off. The right hand side
devastators shoot at the talos and deal a single wound to it. With the wyches
in the open the terminators shoot at them firing bolters and assault cannon,
and unfortunately they all die, even the succubus. The final ravager gets
removed from play by a lascannon from the other devastator squad, after it
manages to jink 2 krack missiles.
Assault phase and the combat continues with the apothecary issuing a challenge
to which the heamonculus accepts again, wanting to slowly kill the healer in
his most painful way. Unfortunately the single wound which the venom blade
inflicts gets past the marines armour, but the healing stimulants keep him
alive, much to the disgust of the master of pain. In retaliation the apothecary
doesn’t try anything so fancy and cuts the dark elder limb form limb killing
him. Striking desperately at those around him, the archon kills 2 marines leaving
only the captain and apothecary left. Power axe held aloft, the captain strikes
and deals 2 wounds to the Archon, but he is fuelled on too much pain and
doesn’t even notice the connection (i make 2 Feel no pain rolls). Alone the
archon passes his moral test, determined to show these apes who is the greater
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium: 11
Dark Eldar turn 5
The only unit close to getting yarrick is the Talos, so it moves
straight for his squad. The flier leaves the table as it doesn’t really have
any targets.
Again a salvo of shots from the venom brings down a single tactical
marine. A shot from the remaining raider hits the land speeder on the right and
wrecks it.
Assault phase and the Talos charges into the veterans with Yarrick,
the over watch fails to connect. Slashing into the guard, the talos kills 2
with ease but they get a lucky frag grenade past its armour killing it. The
Archon again strikes first and this time dispatches the apothecary, leaving the
fight 1 on 1. The captain strikes but fails to do any damage.
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium: 11
Imperium turn 5
The imperial forces spread out over the battle field.
Tired of getting shot at by the venom, the tactical marines combine
their fire and finally wreck it with bolter fire. The other raider gets
exploded by the land speeder.
In combat the archon finally dispatches the Captain by getting a
single wound past his armour.
Dark Eldar: 7 – Imperium 13
We roll to see if the game carries on, and it does.
Dark Eldar turn 6
I forget to bring back on the jetfighter, leaving me with only the
Archon left. He goes straight for the veteran squad with yarrick in.
Assault phase and the Archon charges the veteran squad and makes it
into combat, he issues a challenge and Yarrick accepts, stepping forwards. The
venom blade slick with poison strikes yarrick in several places, again making
the old man collapse again. Seeing their commander fall the veterans jump on
the archon and club him to death with their rifle buts.
The Dark Eldar are Tabled.
Dark Eldar: 7 (7 objective cards) – Imperium: 16 (13 cards, line
breaker, first blood, slay the warlord)
That game went well at the start but very rapidly went down hill. It
was fun using my dark elder in such a large game, and using a few units that i
don’t normally get to use (scourges and Talos) but obviously i need a lot more
practice with them as i used them terribly.
Ignoring the drop pods might have been a mistake, i probably should
have not tried to steal the initiative and let the pods come down, probably not
do much damage and then i could have killed them with ease then dealing with
the rest of the force later on. Having a combat force might not have been the
greatest list, but it was really fun, and i will defiantly try it again.
I know some of you are veteran dark elder players, and i would
appreciate some feed back on my list and (lack of) tactics.
Hope you guys enjoyed.
A bit late posting on this, been a busy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI don't play DE so I can't really comment on that side but as a long time guard and SM player, I thought I'd throw a few comments in.
The drop pods are a pain, even more so with ObjSec, but the real threat does come from the squads inside. Having your opponent go first and forcing him to drop in front of you by model placement limits there effectiveness and concentrated first round fire can do a lot of damage, especially to only two pods. Also I would have ignored the guard for the first few turns and hit the marines hard. At range, the marines are far more dangerous, as the Dev's showed. Even the demo vets are limited, with only an 8" range to the charges (and a possible 8" scatter!). Once in CC the guard would have crumpled with little effort, especially against wyches.
The few times I have played DE as guard I have lost due to venoms and raiders moving fast in to my lines and disembarking, getting in to combat and just rolling up my forces from either end.