Another game with the renegades and heretics, and this time I’m facing
against Ultramarines in a 1500 point game of purge the alien. I test out a
different type of list for this game, focusing more around a heretek, so I go
for a much more mechanised and mechanical force, instead of a well equipped
force of reavers.
The Armies
Renegades and Heretics: Combined arms detachment
Renegade command squad – 160 (Warlord: prophet of doom)
Heretek, power axe, refractor field, melta bomb, 7 diciples, carapace
Rogue psyker – 35
Unnatural vigour
Renegade Platoon
Command squad – 70
Demagogue, command vox, militia training, plasma gun
Chimera – 70
Militia training, autocannon, heavy bolter
Infantry squad – 60
Militia training, 2x melta gun
Chimera – 70
Militia training, autocannon, heavy bolter
Infantry squad – 70
Militia training, 2x plasma gun
Chimera – 70
Militia training, autocannon, heavy flamer
15 mutants – 45
Horns and claws
15 mutants – 45
Horns and claws
3 Ogryn Brutes – 205
Carapace armour
2 Leman Russ Battle tanks – 300
Militia training
Heavy weapons squad – 105
4x lascannons
Defiler – 195
Total: 1500
Ultramarines: combined arms detachment
Librarian (warlord)
Level 2, fire shield, molten beam
Tactical squad
10 man, lascannon, flamer
Tactical squad
10 man, multi-melta, melta gun
5 sternguard
Twin-linked heavy bolter
5 assault terminators
Thunder hammer/storm shield
10 assault marines
Power fist
Storm talon
Assault cannon, cyclone missile launcher
Devastator squad
10 man, 4x missile launchers
Total: 1500
The mission
Deployment for the game was hammer and anvil, and the mission was
purge the alien (even though we have no aliens). Rolling the dice for
deployment zone I win and select the zone with the barricades and buildings to
hide behind. We then roll for set up and the marines win, selecting to deploy
Setting up, the devastators start in the woods with good firing lines.
The whirlwind hides behind the tower while the rhinos and razorback hold the
centre. The assault marines hide behind the transports for some cover. As the
storm talon has no choice it starts in reserve, and the terminators start in
reserve via deep strike.
![]() |
marine centre |
In order to counter this I place the two infantry inside chimera up
front on my left with the ogryn and a single unit of mutants. On the building
behind them I deploy the heavy weapons team so they can see the rhinos from the
start. In the middle I deploy the infantry command inside their chimera, as
well as the renegade command behind the building in the centre of my
deployment. On the right flank I deploy the battle tanks and the defiler, as I
don’t think the missile launcher are good enough to do any real damage before I
can deal with them. I keep my second unit of mutants in reserve to come on
![]() |
deployment |
Night fight: No
Steal the initiative: No
The Battle
Ultramarines turn 1
All of the transports push forwards 12 inches straight for my lines,
followed closely by the assault marines.
Trying to avoid as much damage as possible all three of the transports
use their smoke launchers for a cover save. Firing indirectly the whirlwind
attempts to hit the heavy weapons team but it scatters off and misses. Krack
missies fly as the devastators target the defiler, only a single penetrating
hit is made which gets a shaken result, which is ignored.
Renegades and heretics turn 1
The ogryn and mutants move towards the transports while the chimera
reposition to target the oncoming marines. On my right the battle tanks crawl
forwards while the defiler moves as fast as possible towards the transports.
I attempt to use unnatural vigour on the ogryn, but the imperials deny
the power.
All of the chimeras attempt to strip the hull points off the rhino
housing the lascannon marines but only succeed in stripping a single hull point,
as the smoke prevents a couple of hits. The lascannons fire as well, and again
only strip a single hull point, thanks to the damn smoke. The battle cannon
from the defiler attempts to hit the damaged rhino, but it scatters off a
little, and still clips the rhino, wrecking it, and hits the razorback taking
off a hull point. With the infantry on the ground the battle tanks both bombard
them but they only kill 3 as one shot scatters wide.
End of the turn and the defiler regains its lost hull point.
Ultramarines turn 2
Flying in from reserve the sky talon comes in to take out the defiler.
I use my warlord trait to try and postpone the terminators, who fail to come
in. He uses his chapter tactics to use the Tactical doctrine this turn. Jumping over the tanks, the assault marines
get ready to charge into the ogryn. The melta tactical marines get out of their
rhino towards the chimera in front of them, and the razorback moves a little
and drops off the sternguard and librarian.
Psychic phase and the librarian casts fire shield on the melta
tactical marines, which I fail to deny.

Assault phase and the assault marines charge into the ogryn. They
manage to deal 4 wounds which surprised me. Fighting back the ogryns only
manage to do 2 wounds and then take a further 1 from the power fist. Thank god
they are fearless.
Renegades turn 2
Seeing the ogryn in trouble, the defiler and the mutants rush to their
aid. The chimeras turn to face the melta marines as they are a massive threat
to me now.

Assault phase, and both the defiler and mutants charge into the
assault marines. Hammer of wrath from the mutants kills off a marine, but by
the end of the combat 4 more died on each side. The marines hold their ground.
Ultramarines turn 3
This time the terminators arrive and attempt to land behind the battle
tanks, but they scatter and arrive on the ruins, but 1 is unfortunate enough to
appear half into a wall, killing him. As the storm talon has no choice it must
move forwards. The razorback pushes forwards over the hill, while the melta tacticals
move next to the damaged chimera.
Delving into the warp, the librarian uses molten beam on the closest
chimera and immobilises it. He then casts fire shield on the melta tactical
Once again the whirlwind misses after targeting the heavy weapons
team. As the assault cannon has a 360 view, it targets the rear of a chimera,
and even though it’s snap firing, it gets all hits and wrecks the tank. With a
lucky roll, a snap shot from the devastators glances a battle tank. Storm bolter
fire from the remaining rhino kills a heavy weapon team, but they hold.
Assault phase and the melta tacticals charge into the chimera in front
of it, and wreck it. In the big combat, the assault marines kill 5 mutants and
the defiler kills off 3 tactical marines. The mutants run for it leaving the
ogryn and defiler to combat.
Renegades turn 3
In from reserve come my mutants behind the terminators, las pistols at
the ready. With the terminators behind them the tanks push forwards trying to
get away.
Psychic phase and I attempt to perils the rogue psyker by casting
vigour on the infantry rudely released from their chimera, but I roll 4 4-5’s
and not a single 6. Its cast.
Pistol fire form the mutants somehow kills 2 terminators!! Leaving
only 2 left. Chimera fire targets the flier but all the shots miss. So plasma
shots from the back of a chimera target it, one gun explodes but the other hits
and wrecks the flier making it plummet into the ground. Lascannon fire from the
heavy weapons team wrecks the razorback. Battle cannons target the lascannon
tacticals and they go to ground, so only 3 die. The infantry on foot shoot at
the melta tacticals but only manage to bring 1 down.
Assault phase and the ogryn kills 1 assault marine, while the power
fist immobilises the defiler.
Ultramarines turn 4
He declares he will be using
the assault doctrine this turn. Coming down from the building, the assault
terminators chase after the leman russ battle tanks. The remaining rhino moves
over difficult terrain but immobilises itself trying to traverse the terrain.
Once more the librarian casts fire shield on the melta tactical
marines but this time perils, and takes a wound as payment.
Using their special ammunition which wounds on a 2+, the sternguard
target the heavy weapons teams but they mainly miss and then fail to wound!
That was lucky. This time the whirlwind targets the infantry instead of the
heavy weapons, and it scatters, and manages to clip a heavy weapon team,
dealing a wound to it. Melta tactical marines target the infantry in front of
them with their bolt pistols and cut down 3 of them. Krack missiles fly and hit
a russ in the side armour, and manage to blow off its heavy bolter.
Assault phase and the melta tacticals charge into their pray, and just
kill them all with their knives. Terminators charge the battle tanks, and they
both explode under the pressure of the thunder hammers. Finally in the middle
of the table the defiler kills off the assault marines, but it’s a hollow
victory as it can’t move anywhere, the ogryn pushes forwards though.
Renegades turn 4
Alone and angry, the ogryn moves towards the lascannon tactical squad
while the infantry regroup around the melta tactical marines.
The ogryn throws a frag grenade at the tactical marines infront of
them, and locks on killing 1. They run and the ogryn are stuck in the middle of
nowhere. Lascannon fire at the melta tactical squad does nothing as it just
bounces off their fire shield. Lasgun fire also fails to do anything at the
Assault phase and the ogryn attempts to charge the marines, but needs double
6 and fails.
Marines turn 5
With little left to deal with the terminators walk back towards the
action. The lascannon tacticals rally and stay away from the ogryn.
Psychic phase and yet again fire shield is cast on the tactical
Shooing phase and the terminators run 6 inches back towards the
mutants. A snap shot from the tactical marines lascannon targets the defiler
and hits, it shakes the walker which get ignores. Whirlwind fire targets the
renegade command, and locks on hitting the heretek, I decide to risk it and
take the hits on the hereteks 3+ armour and he takes 2 wounds but no one is
lost. Frag missiles from the devastators also pummel the command but the
carapace armour holds and only a single disciple dies. This time the sternguard
aren’t messing about and kill off the heavy weapons teams.
Assault phase and the melta tactics charge into the infantry and kill
5 pf them and the infantry escape, running for it.
Renegades turn 5
The final infantry jump out of the chimera to engage the melta
tactical marines. Enraged, the single ogryn chases after the marines that ran
from them. With the terminators coming to them, it would be rude for the
mutants to do anything other than move to meet them.
Psychic phase and the witch give the ogryn fleet but fails to perils.

Assault phase and the mutants charge into the terminators, and with
their 45 attacks they fail to do any wounds, the terminators have no such issues,
kill 4 and the rest run for it. Alone the ogryn attempts to charge the marines
in front of it but even with fleet, fails to make the charge.
We roll to see if the game goes on for another turn…
Ultramarines turn 6
Moving out of cover, the sternguard and librarian chasing after the
rogue psyker. Melta tacticals go towards the chimera.
Melta shots from the tactical marines attempt to destroy the chimera
but the shots miss. Overkill, but the sternguard shoot at the rogue psyker and
manage to murder the psyker. The whirlwing targets the infantry, and locks on
surprisingly and manage to kill off 6. After a turn of fire, the daemonic
walker finally gets destroyed. Unfortunately the ogryn doesn’t get to make
combat the marines he’s chasing gun him down.
Assault and the terminators charge the fleeing mutants who rally but
again lose 4 and run, again. Tactical marines charge the chimera and with
rather bad rolls only manage to stun it and reduce it to 1 hull point.
Renegades turn 6
The command move to attack the tactical marines, as the terminators
are too hard for them to attempt to kill. The mutants run again, but the other
infantry rally!
Ever one who can shoot does at the melta tactical marines and drop
down 2, and they run.
And the game continues.
Ultramarines turn 7
The running marines rally and come back towards the chimera.
Again the marines attempt to wreck the chimera but fail, the devastators
kill off 3 of the command and the rhino kills a single infantryman.
Assault and the tacs charge into the chimera and finally wreck it.
Renegades turn 7
All I can do is kill off all tactical marines bar the sergeant. So the
heretek charges into the unit and the heretek challenges him, he survives the
combat and cuts him in half!
Ultramarines: 11 (10 units killed, line breaker) – Renegades: 6 (first
blood, 5 units killed)
Ultramarine victory
That game went downhill quickly, I thought I was doing ok for the
first 2 turns but the assault marines really held up against the ogryn and
defiler. That stall was an issue I wasn’t banking on. So far I am a little
unimpressed with the ogryn, for the price I would expect them to do a little
more. They are high strength and toughness, but for 60 points each, I don’t
know, they have to do a lot in a game. It’s likely that I am just using them
wrong, maybe in more of a counter role they would shine, waiting in my back
field and taking on threats as they appear. Or just send them up a flank and
take on weaker units.
This list in general has given me a few other ideas for the future,
having the defiler without the need of an ally detachment was nice, and he
gives a bit more of a punch to the list, an extra battle cannon and some power
fists are always welcome. Also the heretek is quite good, the +1 toughness and
3+ armour save really helps, making him the most endurable out of all of my
possible HQ units.
During the game, I made a few mistakes, I should have attacked in
force, and made sure I killed a unit before moving on to the next. On my left
flank I should have got all of the infantry out together and swamped the melta
tactical marines and killed them in a single massive volley instead of going at
them bit by bit. IT would have left me vulnerable to the whirlwind for a turn
but I think it would have been worth it. I’m not sure what else I could have
done about the terminators, maybe had the mutants on the table from the
beginning to protect the tanks the terminators wouldn’t have been able to
destroy them.
Either way I need to learn a lot more about using the renegades and
heretics, but I do want to try a different kind of list next time, again an elite list but of a different kind. Hopefully I will have another
battle report soon for you all to see what I mean.
Hope you enjoyed.
Nice battle report! Cool to see renegades and heretics take to the field!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest it reads like you were quite lucky with your dice rolls at the start and then really unlucky later on.
I think you definitely had your opponent on the back foot to begin with.
Space marines are a very 'forgiving' army to play as, those 3+ saves really helped him to hold on.
I've been trying to convince a friend that the Heritek is the way to go with R&H. He really wants to run horde but doesn't have the models so he keeps just putting on upgrades and not fielding his decimator.
ReplyDeleteHave you considered any covenants? The Tzeentch one looks good, especially if you don't want to buy militia training.