Game 2
and I get drawn against another space marine list, this time its a
unbound force of Deathwing made up of a formation and additional
Chaplin from what I can tell. With his force only having 32 models in
it I outnumber him over 4 to 1, which is a rather large advantage to
me. For the report of Game 1 click here.
and Heretics: Combined arms detachment (primary detachment)
Command Squad – 90 (warlord: can't remember)
disciples, covenant of nurgle, lascannon, krack grenades
Infantry Platoon
squad – 100
20 men,
demagogue, chaos sigil, militia training, krack grenades, 2x flamer
squad – 85
20 men,
chaos sigil, militia training, krack grenades
squad – 60
10 men,
2x melta gun, militia training
Chimera –
heavy flamer, militia training
squad – 60
10 men,
2x melta gun, militia training
Chimera –
heavy bolter, militia training
40 Plague
zombies – 120
tank squadron – 280
2x battle
– 170
ordinance battery – 90
training, medusa siege gun
Daemons: Combined arms detachment
Herald of
Nurgle (the fool of nurgle) – 95
locus of
fecundity, level 1 psyker [smite, haemorrhage]
plaguebearers – 180
nurglings – 45
grinder – 180
daemon of
nurgle, phlegm
grinder – 180
daemon of
nurgle, phlegm
Unbound (formation + Chaplin)
(warlord: what ever his warlord trait is) w/ knights
w/ thunderhammer terminators
cannon, 1x thunder hammer/storm shield
cannon, 1x thunder hammer/storm shield
missile launcher, 2x thunder hammer/storm shield
missile launcher, 5x thunder hammer/storm shield
missile launcher, 5x thunder hammer/storm shield
Deathwing knights
For this
game the mission is Tactical escalation with hammer and anvil
deployment. I win the roll to deploy first, and select to do so. On
the far right I place the zombies surrounding the medusa to protect
it from any deep striking terminators. The medusa is placed behind a
building to stop it getting shot at. Not wanting them to sit back,
the plaguebearers get placed in the centre ready to push up. On the
left the none command infantry blob set up with the demolisher
supporting them. Behind the demolisher I place the command infantry
surrounding the ruin in the centre. In said ruin I place the renegade
command squad where the lascannon has a nice line of sight. At the
rear I place a soul grinder and on the left both chimera and battle
tanks are placed. I keep the nurglings and second soul grinder in
deathwing deploy very differently to what I expect. 3 units of
terminators are deployed on the table, one of the assault cannon
units deploys in a ruin on the left. The other assault cannon unit
deploys in between the two buildings while a cyclone unit is placed
in front of them to protect them. The rest of his force is kept in
reserve ready to appear later on when needed.
table has the special rule which allows 1 unit on each side to gain
tank hunter, which didn't aid me or my opponent this game.
Steal the
initiative: No
Fight: No
![]() |
Deployment |
turn 1
I move up
with everything, I need to grab as many of the objectives as quickly
as possible before the rest of his army comes in as they will be able
to pick me apart with ease.
phase and the infantry that can run do so, the tanks shoot at the few
terminators that they can see and manage to bring down a whole 1
Supremacy (3)
3 – Deathwing: 0
turn 1
terminators in the open stomp forwards taking an objective that he
doesn't have the card for.
cannon fire and krack missiles shoot at the demolisher but it only
takes a single glancing hit, leaving it relatively unharmed.
3 – Deathwing: 0
turn 2
I roll
for reserves and the nurglings come into the battle, but they scatter
off the table and mishap. I roll to see what happens and my opponent
gets to place them, so they appear at the back of my deployment zone
but handily enough next to an objective. No sign of the soul grinder.
My force again advances towards the terminators but mainly the
cannon fire and autocannon shells again only bring down a single
terminator, I just can't get past that 2+ save. The demolisher cannon
just bounced off the storm shield at the front of the unit.
Objective 3
4 – Deathwing: 0
turn 2
I expect
his force to come in now but they don't... I guess the party starts
turn 3. again the terminators move towards me but not enough to get
into charge range.
missiles again shoot at the demolisher but do no damage. In a twist
the assault cannons try to damage the chimera but he just can't get
the 6 he needs to do anything.
4 – Deathwing: 0
turn 3
the summoned soul grinder appears but it scatters onto his terminator
unit and gets put back into reserve ready to come back next turn.
Finally the plaguebearers get into charge range and the herald might
actually be able to use his psychic powers this turn. Infantry units
get into positions to cover each other with their autoguns and maybe
take down a terminator or two.
phase and reaching into the warp, the herald smites the terminators
down killing 2 of them, as the storm shield isn't the closest model
to him.
my luck dries up in the shooting phase as I only manage to bring down
a single terminator, the one standing on top of the left ruin
taunting me. That was thanks to the commands lascannon.
forwards by the Herald of Nurgle, the plaguebearers charge straight
into the 3 man unit of terminators. Before the marines can even
strike at them they drag down 2 of the terminators with their disease
riddled blades. They win the combat but as the terminator is fearless
the combat continues. Thankfully the terminators don't have objective
secured, but the bearers do allowing me to hold objective 5 in
Objective 5, Objective 5
6 – Deathwing: 0
turn 3
his reserves all come in, and im glad it was turn 3, as it won't have
to hold them up all too long. The knights lead by Belial come in
straight in front of the soul grinder, and as they don't scatter
they go where they want. The other two units of terminators come in
on my right and only scatter very little. With the reserves coming in
it signals to the terminators to push forwards. The ones in the ruin
push forwards towards the demolisher while the other unit gets ready
to punish the daemons for assaulting their brethren.
A cyclone
missile launcher into the flank of the demolisher shakes it
preventing it shooting its demolisher next turn and reducing it to a
single hull point. They try to finish it off with the rest of the
missiles but they fail to get past its armour. Assault cannon and
storm bolter fire hits the large unit of infantry on the left and
causes 5 kills, and the renegades fail their moral test, but
thankfully the chaos sigil keeps them in it. All of the terminators
are also allowed to run after shooting apparently so they do that
this turn.
phase is rather interesting. The terminators from the ruin charge
into the infantry on the left and kill 6 of them without taking
damage. They run for it leaving the terminators in the open. In the
centre the lone terminator is supported by another squad but only a
single daemon dies thanks to some very bad rolls on my opponents
side, but he doesn't lose anyone.
6 – Deathwing: 0
turn 4
the soul grinder appears and comes in behind his lines ready to aid
the daemons if need be. On the left both of the chimeras drop out
their units to attack the terminators that just killed the infantry.
The running infantry rally thanks to the sigil. With the knights in
front of the other grinder I decide to take a risk. As they can only
make a single strength 8 attack each, and Belial is only strength 8
the soul grinder might be able to hold them up for a turn or 2.
Seeing fresh meat teleport right in front of them the zombies go
after the terminators close to them as the medusa no longer needs
With the
terminators on the right so clustered together the medusa attempts to
drop a few but the shot scatters off target missing. On the left all
of the infantry and chimera shots manage to bring down 3 of the
terminators but 1 is left alive, which is just as dangerous to me.
Its metal
screaming, the soul grinder runs at the deathwing knights who strike
first. They fail to do any damage but the grinder fails to get past
their shields. Belial swings his thunder hammer and gets a single
penetrating hit on the walker but its daemonic form flickers and
takes no damage. On the right the zombies get a sudden burst of speed
and charge the terminators in front of them. 5 of the zombies are
reduced to a puss smear on the floor but a single terminator is
dragged down and killed in exchange, good deal.
Objective 3
7 – Deathwing: 0
turn 4
The lone
terminator goes straight for the demolisher and is in a good range to
assault it. Lead by their Chaplin the other unit of terminators go to
support Belial.
shooting this turn.
showing how dangerous how a single terminator can be, he charges into
the demolisher and wrecks it with ease finally gaining first blood.
On the right the chaplains unit attempts to charge the soul grinder
but rolls double 1 and fails the charge. The soul grinder takes a
single glancing hit from the knights but deals no damage back. The
plaguebearers try to kill off the terminators attacking them but fail
to do any damage and lose 2 of their number but are fine.
First blood
7 – Deathwing: 1
turn 5
Not much
movement this turn.
Again all
of the infantry on the left target the lone terminator but he is
finally gunned down before he can do any more damage. The medusa
targets the Chaplin but again the shot scatters off.
In the
rear the soul grinder in his deployment zone charges in to aid the
plaguebearers and kills off 2 of them, leaving 1 model left in each
unit. No daemons die and the combat continues. Another bit of the
soul grinder gets smashed off as its takes a glancing hit but finally
two of the knights get pummelled to death by its iron claw. Another 5
zombies get crushed.
Objective 4, take no prisoners
9 – Deathwing: 1
turn 5
Chaplin leads his terminators within an inch of the soul grinder and
charges in. Under the pressure of all those strength 8 attacks the
soul grinder explodes. 5 more zombies die but another terminator gets
killed as well. The daemon combat again has no one die, its a real
handbag fight.
Big game Hunter
9 – Deathwing: 2
We roll
to see if we go to turn 6... we don't.
End of
9 – Deathwing: 2
to Chaos!
I think
my list was just unfortunate for the deathwing to come across, with
so many pseudo-fearless units and actually fearless ones in such
large numbers it would be a grind for him to take them out with out
much shooting in his list. Against tank armies he could do well and I
think that is what he was hoping for.
Having so
many units as well gave me a massive advantage when it came to taking
objectives which helped in the early game but towards the end I got
cards which required me to kill units which is very hard to do with
all those 2+ saves.
In this
game we both had some bad rolls, but I think my opponent had the
worse of the two. This gave me the edge in the game and things like
the plaguebearers and soul grinder being able to hold their own
against the terminators was unexpected and really shouldn't have
So in the
event that's a win and a loss so far, things are looking up.
That's strange, if he is using the formation, they HAVE to come down turn one or two.
ReplyDeleteCool, I was waiting for this one! Seems like you were cruising pretty early - no real shooting and your ability to relatively easily tie him up made it hard for your opponent but I guess thats why half the battle is preparation and builiding a versatile list.
ReplyDeleteOne question - I was under the impression that medusas can only fire directly? I was just trying to find where I read that but I can't even find the profile for it anymore, its not in IA13 it seems -.- Do you remember where to find the Medusa?
Oh and grats on the win, well done!
How long did the game last? I know you've got a lot of figures but with his limited model count, little shooting ability and most of them off the board until turn 3 I suspect his turns were over pretty quick. Just wondering what a difference it'll make when I start playing Dark Angels compared to my 'nids.
ReplyDeletegood job on that one. Well done capitalising on 3 turns of freedom to get all those juicy points.
ReplyDeleteI've pretty sure his army was Battleforged, and was a combination of the Deathwing Redemption Force and Inner Circle formations. I could be wrong though.
ReplyDeleteEither way, good job making him pay. Elite armies like that, especially melee centric ones, really suffer when outnumbered as much as you did him.
Can't wait to see game 3.
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